Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The term Cardie was a racial slur used to denote Cardassians.

In 2346, Halb Daier asked "Luma Rahl" to draw him a map of the Cardy side of Terok Nor from memory. (DS9: "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night")

In 2370, during Miles O'Brien's trial, Makbar quoted the chief as having stated his opposition to a treaty numerous times, because "The bloody Cardies can't be trusted!" (DS9: "Tribunal", "Empok Nor") As a matter of fact, O'Brien had used this word on numerous occasions. (DS9: "Emissary", "Captive Pursuit", "The Homecoming", "The Siege")

In 2373, Elim Garak invited O'Brien to help him rout the awakened Cardassians on Empok Nor, saying, "Why don't you come with me, Chief? Kill a few Cardies. It'd be like old times.", referencing the events on Setlik III. (DS9: "Empok Nor")

In 2374, Cadet Tim Watters used the term "Cardie" to describe a Cardassian battle cruiser that the USS Valiant battled and destroyed. (DS9: "Valiant")

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