Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Callinon VII was the uninhabited seventh planet in the Callinon system. This system was located inside Dominion space in the Gamma Quadrant. On the planet's surface, there was an unmanned subspace relay station. The Karemma were instructed by the Dominion to direct all inquiries to this station.

During their search for the Founders in 2371, Jadzia Dax and Miles O'Brien transported to the station from the USS Defiant. They became trapped when a shield was raised around the outpost, and the Defiant was forced to leave them behind when Jem'Hadar forces appeared in the system. (DS9: "The Search, Part I")

According to and the script, Callinon VII was a gas giant. [1](X) [2]

Callinon VII's subspace relay station was referred to, by Doug Drexler, as an environment in which "the graphics make the look of the set." Drexler further remarked, "It's so dark in there, that you don't see any set. But the graphics are lit up like Christmas trees all around and they create the whole feel of the station." (Star Trek - Where No One Has Gone Before, paperback ed., p. 193)

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