Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Cacti on the Genesis Planet

Giant cacti on Genesis

A cactus was a type of succulent plant found in the dry regions of several planets, including Earth.

In recalling his late 19th century history of the Ancient West, Pavel Chekov noted that "all western cossacks had were poisonous snakes and cactus plants." (TOS: "Spectre of the Gun")

Vina believed that all of Mojave was once covered with cactus and blowing sand. (TOS: "The Cage")

Huge cactus-like plants grew on the Genesis planet. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

Yalasat, a wine popular amongst Zobral's clan, was made from a cactus native to the northern foothills of the Cygniai Expanse on their planet. (ENT: "Desert Crossing")

A variety of cactus known as Cypirion cactus was aboard the USS Enterprise-D arboretum. (TNG: "Genesis")

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