Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

Reflections 2.0 is the major foil set of the Star Trek Customizable Card Game. Sixty-one new cards have been created and sixty cards from the Second Edition pilot set, Energize, Call to Arms, and Necessary Evil have been chosen to receive the foil treatment. All but two of the "re-print" cards are exact copies of their original except minor copyright information. Two of the cards (Jake Sisko, Temporal Anchor and Locutus, Voice of the Borg) have received rework on the game play information. The new cards are listed first and the foil re-prints are listed second.

New Cards[]


  • Aftermath
    • Game Play: The player randomly selects three personnel. If the total cost of those personnel is 4 or less, they are killed. Otherwise, randomly select one of those personnel to be stopped. Card number 6P1.
    • "Lieutenant, I need bandages, disinfectant ... something with alcohol in it."
  • Dignitaries and Witnesses
    • Game Play: Unless the player has an Admiral or a General or personnel with a combined total of 3 Leadership, all of the player's personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 6P2.
    • "Today, the guns are silent. A great tragedy has ended."
  • Eye to Eye
    • Game Play: The player's opponent names a number. Randomly select two personnel. Each of those personnel that has an attributes matching that number is stopped. This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 6P3.
    • "You don't trust me."
    • "I guess I am... a little... afraid of you."
    • "Then you fear yourself."
  • Final Adventure
    • Game Play: The player's opponent places the top two cards of his or her dilemma pile face up beneath this mission. The player's opponent names a number. For each of the player's headquarters mission, randomly select a personnel who has a cost equal to that number to be killed and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Card number 6P4.
    • "The least I could do... for the Captain of the Enterprise."
  • Full Security Alert
    • Game Play: The player randomly selects a personnel with Security to be stopped. If that personnel costs 2 or less, randomly select two other personnel with Security to be stopped. Card number 6P5.
    • "More security, transporter room four. More security. More security!"
  • Hard Time
    • Game Play: The player places this dilemma in the main play area. They then randomly select a personnel and place him or her on this dilemma. At the start of the player's turn, remove this dilemma from the game and return the personnel on it to his or her owner's hand. This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 6P6.
    • "... you haven't been in prison. What you experienced was an artificial reality, and interactive program that created memories of things that never actually happened."
  • Helpless
    • Game Play: The Player randomly selects a personnel. Unless he or she has at least one skill listed on this mission's requirements, stop that personnel, then randomly select another personnel to be stopped. This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 6P7.
    • "It is the truth. I stand before you, defrocked. I'm condemned to be a member of this lowest of species. A normal, imperfect, lumpen Human being."
  • Mr. Tricorder
    • Game Play: The player's opponent chooses a personnel. Unless the player chooses to place the personnel aboard the player's ship at this mission, randomly select two personnel to be stopped. This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 6P8.
    • Data, we don't have time for this!"
  • Shipboard Fire
    • Game Play: Unless there are no damage markers on this ship, all your personnel are stopped. This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 6P9.
    • An unchecked hazard aboard a starship can quickly lead to even more alarming problems. Just as with ancient sailing vessels, fire poses a particular risk."
  • The Three Vipers
    • Game Play: Unless the player has personnel with Engineer and 2 Navigator or Astrometrics, Officer, and Science, all of the player's personnel are stopped and this dilemma is placed on the player's ship. Damage – At the start of each of the player's turns, the player discards a card from hand. Card number 6P10.
    • "When the river wakes, stirred once more to Janir's side, three vipers will return to their nest in the sky."
  • Unknown Microorganism
    • Game Play: Unless the player has personnel with Biology, Medical, and Science or 2 Security and a non-Hand Weapon equipment, they randomly select a personnel to be killed, all of the players' other personnel are stopped, and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 6P11.
    • "I was walking along, minding my own business, making a simple geological sweep and something stuck me in the leg."
  • Urgency
    • Game Play: The player places this dilemma on the mission. Each personnel may use no more than one skill during each dilemma he or she faces. Each personnel may use no more than one skill to meet a mission's requirements. At the end of this turn, this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Card number 6P12.
  • Worn-Out Welcome
    • Game Play: The player randomly selects a personnel to be stopped. Unless the player has personnel with Anthropology and 2 Diplomacy or Transporters and 3 Treachery, the player places that personnel on one of their headquarters missions. Card number 6P13.


  • Adapted to Service Us
    • Game Play: To play this event, the player must command three Borg Affiliation personnel. This event plays in the main area. When the player wins combat or an engagement involving their personnel, the player may discard the top card of their deck to take command of an opponent's event that has no cards on it. Card number 6P14.
    • "Recognize it? ... It's your nanovirus. With a few modifications. We've reprogrammed it to target your mutated drones."
  • Biogenic Weapon
  • Bustling with Activity
    • Game Play: This event plays in the main area. Each time the player plays a personnel at the Mouth of the Wormhole mission, each player may discard a card from hand to download (search through their draw deck) a personnel of the same affiliation as the played personnel. Card number 6P16.
    • With the discovery of the wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant, Deep Space 9 became a center of commerce and base of exploration virtually overnight.
  • Changed History
    • Game Play: This event plays in the main area. When the player wins an engagement involving their Borg Affiliation ship, they may reveal the top card of the loser's deck. If it is a personnel the player does not command, you may place him or her on that ship. (The player now commands that personnel). This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 6P17.
    • "They must have done it in the past. They went back and assimilated Earth."
  • Disadvantage Into Advantage
    • Game Play: To play this event, the player must command three Next Generation personnel. This event plays in the main area. The cost for the first unique personnel played each turn is reduced by 2. Card number 6P18.
    • "My technique was to look for some thing, no matter... no matter how small, that was common to both groups."
      • Riva through Lt. Cmdr. Data
  • Distant Exploration
    • Game Play: This event plays on the player's headquarters mission. When the player completes a mission that has a different quadrant icon thatn this mission, score 5 points. Card number 6P14.
    • "The lifeforms who created the wormhole have agreed to allow safe passage for all ships traveling to the Gamma Quadrant."
  • Friction
    • Game Play: To play this event, the player must command three Dominion Affiliation personnel. This event plays in the main area. When a player plays a non-Jem'Hadar personnel, that personnel is stopped. This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 6P20.
    • "All right, that's enough. ... Now the two of you, sit down. I promise, you'll both have more fight than you hand handle before this is over."
  • Foresight
    • Game Play: If the player wishes, they may stop their Borg Affiliation personnel to examine the top card of their deck, and then place it on the top or bottom of their deck. Card number 6P21.
    • "The knowledge and experience of the Human – Picard – is part of us now. It has prepared us for all possible courses of action."
  • Guidance of the Council
  • High Command "Motivation"
    • Game Play: This card plays in the main area. At the start of each of the player's turns, the player may kill one of their Cardassian Affiliation personnel to spend a number of additional counters that turn equal to that personnel's cost. If that personnel is unique, the player may spend 1 more additional counter that turn. Card number 6P23.
    • "It would seem that the unfortunate soul had been given a massive dose of a psychotropic drug."
  • Interstellar Treaty
    • Game Play: To play this event, the player must command two personnel, each with at least one Diplomacy. They can then place a personnel who has Diplomacy from hadn who costs 3 or less on their headquarters mission. This event is then discarded. Card number 6P24.
    • As important as the military victory over the Dominion was the diplomatic victory of uniting the Alpha Quadrant against them.
  • Invocation of Kosst Amojan
    • Game Play: The player must discard a unique Bajoran Affiliation personnel from hand to chose one: take two personnel from their discard pile into hand; or download a personnel. This event is then discarded. Card number 6P25.
    • "The Pah-wraiths demand a sacrifice. Someone worthy of them. ... Who better than you?"
  • Maquis Raid
    • Game Play: To play this event, the player must command two Maquis ships. This event plays in the main area. When an opponent's personnel gains a skill as an effect of that opponent paying a cost, the player may place a card from hand on this event. When the player's Maquis personnel are facing a dilemma, the player may take a card on this event into hand to make the personnel facing the dilemma gain a skill of the player's choice until the end of that dilemma. Card number 6P26.
  • Ohhhh! Nothing Happened!
    • Game Play: This event plays in the main area. When the player plays another Temporal card, the player may discard this event to name a dilemma. Choose an opponent to take a copy of that dilemma from his or her dilemma pile and remove it from the game. That opponent shuffles and replaces his or her dilemma pile face down. Card number 6P27.
    • "You mean I caused the anomaly... and the anomaly in some way disrupted the beginning of life on Earth."
      • Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • Quintessence
    • Game Play: This event plays in the main area. At the start of each of the player's turns, they may download a Borg Affiliation personnel or ship. When the player does this, the player must discard a number of cards from the top of their deck equal to the cost of the downloaded card. Card number 6P28.
    • "... disembodiment. It's the epitome of perfection."
      • Borg Queen
  • Stalling for Time
    • Game Play: To play this event, the player must command three Federation Maquis personnel. The player then names a personnel. Each opponent returns each personnel he or she commands who has that card title to his or her owner's hand. This event is then discarded. This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 6P29.
    • "... it seems to me I could be more valuable if I had more time."
  • Stealth Mission
    • Game Play: This event plays in the main area. When the player's opponent overcomes a dilemma, you may place a card from hand on this event. At the start of each of the player's turns, they take all cards on this event into hand to make your ship with a Cloaking Device gain 1 Range until the end of this turn for each card taken off this event this way. Card number 6P30.
    • "Lay in a course to the wormhole. I want to cloak as soon as we reach the Gamma Quadrant."
      • Captain Benjamin Sisko
  • The New Resistance
    • Game Play: To play this event, the player's opponent must command a ship at a non-headquarters mission. This event plays in the main area. When the player plays a Dissident personnel, the player may reveal the top card of their deck. If it is a Dissident, the player may play him or her with a cost reduced by 3. Card number 6P31.
    • "Relax. We're just sitting here enjoying each other's company."
      • Major Kira Nerys
  • Tribunal Sentencing
    • Game Play: To play this event, the player must command three Cardassian Affiliation personnel. This event plays in the main area. While the player has an opponent's personnel in their brig, that opponent has 1 fewer counters to spend during each of his or her Play and Draw Cards segments. Card number 6P32.
    • "The investigation is over. Your case is going to a special tribunal this afternoon. You will be informed of the sentence just before it meets."


  • Change of Heart
    • Game Play: To play this interrupt, the player must command three Romulan Affiliation personnel. When a random selection is made by a dilemma, the player may ignore its results and select again.
    • Commander Donatra appealed to Suran for support when she came to realize not only to the end not justify the means, but that Shinzon's goals had little to do with hers.
  • Dark Secrets
    • Game Play: When the player's Bajoran Affiliation personnel is facing a dilemma, the player may remove two cards in their discard pile from the game to make each of their Bajoran Affiliation personnel attributes increase by 1 until the end of that dilemma (or increase by 3 if the player chooses an opponent to choose the two cards to be removed from the game instead). Card number 6P34.
    • "The Pah-wraiths aren't evil, but they are powerful. And they're willing to share their power with you. ... do you want it?"
  • I Need A Little Counseling
    • Game Play: When the player's opponent is attempting a mission, he or she gains a skill from the player's Next Generation personnel present until the end of that mission attempt. Card number 6P35.
    • "Do you really need counseling or did you come down here to play?"
  • No Harm Done
    • Game Play: When a personnel facing a dilemma uses his or her skills, he or she loses all skills until the end of this turn. Card number 6P36.
    • "... Thanks to your ministrations, I'm almost completely healed. The damage I did to them will last a lifetime."
      • Elim Garak
  • Shri-tal
    • Game Play: When the player's Cardassian Affiliation personnel is killed by a dilemma, the player may draw cards equal to that personnel's cost. Card number 3P37.
    • "The dying give their secrets to their family, to use against their enemies."
  • Strength for Our Struggle
    • Game Play: When the player's Maquis personnel are facing a dilemma, he or she gains one of every skill he or she already has until the end of that dilemma. Card number 6P38.
    • "Ro parked us between their warp nacelles. I thought she was crazy, but it worked. She knew exactly what she was doing."
  • Transwarp Conduit
    • Game Play: If the player wishes, they can move their ship at the Destroy Transwarp Hub or Unicomplex missions to any other mission. (No Range is required or used.) Card number 6P39.
    • "Of all the Borg's tactical advantages, this could be the most significant."



  • Odo, Curzon Odo
    • Game Play: This personnel's Cunning increases by 1 for each personnel who has Diplomacy in the player's discard pile (limit +4). This personnel's Strength increases by 1 for each personnel who has Security in the player's discard pile (limit +4). This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 6P40.
    • "... it's as if Odo and Curzon have been... joined. It's proving to be an interesting experience for both of us."
  • Yarka, Harbinger of the Prophets
    • Game Play: While each of the player's non-headquarters missions is a Bajoran Affiliation mission, each of the player's Bajorans present increase their attributes by 1. Card number 6P41.
    • "You must listen to me. ... I've studies the prophecies all my life. We are on the verge of a great disaster."
      • Yarka


  • Annexation Drone
    • Game Play: When this card is played, if each of the player's non-headquarters mission is an Alpha Quadrant mission, score 5 Points. When the player loses command of this personnel, remove this card from the game.
    • Task: Review targets for expansion in peripheral unimatrices. Classify."
  • Requisitions Drone
    • Game Play: When this card is played, the player may examine the top four cards of their deck and take one into hand. The player then places the remaining cards on the bottom of their deck in any order. This card is First Edition Compatible. Card number 3P43.
    • Task: Assess resources needed for scientific evaluations. Obtain.


  • Enabran Tain, "Retired" Spymaster
    • Game Play: When this card is played, if each of the player's non-headquarters mission requires Intelligence, the player may draw up to seven cards, and then discard two cards from hand. Card number 6P44.
    • "I take this action not in defiance of the Cardassian state, but in defense of it."
      • Enabran Tain
  • Goran
    • Game Play: When this card is played, the player may discard an equipment or event card from hand to make this personnel's cost reduced by 2. Card number 6P45.


  • Gelnon, Aloof Tactician
    • Game Play: When this card is played, if each of the player's non-headquarters missions are an Alpha Quadrant Mission, they may download a Jem'Hadar and place it aboard their Dominion Affiliation ship. Card number 6P46.
    • "I was initially quite skeptical about you and the other new Jem'Hadar bred in this quadrant. But this is a most impressive debut."
      • Gelnon
  • Ixtana'Rax
    • Game Play: When this personnel uses one of his skills to solve a mission, he is killed. This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 6P47.
    • "It must be gratifying for an 'Elder,' to end his career with a victory"
      • Gelnon
  • Lamat'Ukan, Resourceful Third
    • Game Play: When an engagement the player began ends, they may unstop each of their personnel and ships involved and restore all Range those ships have used this turn. The player cannot begin any other engagements this turn. Card number 6P48.
    • "I've realigned the targeting sensors. There were errors in the tracking subroutines."
      • Lamat'Ukan


  • Jean-Luc Picard, Vintner
    • Game Play: When this card is played, if each of the player's non-headquarters mission requires Biology, the player may download up to three Next Generation personnel. Card number 6P49.
    • "You're all treating me like an invalid, but I assure you I've got a few years left."
      • Jean-Luc Picard
  • Kira Nerys, Starfleet Emissary
    • Game Play: The player may play this personnel at Bajor or Cardassia Prime. While this personnel is facing a dilemma, the player may discard an event from hand to make a non-Bajoran present increase all attributes by 2 until the end of that dilemma. This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 6P50.
    • "You want me to go behind enemy lines and teach a bunch of Cardassians how to be resistance fighters?"
      • Commander Kira Nerys
  • Santos, Squad Leader
    • Game Play: While this personnel is attempting a mission, the player may destroy their event to add that event's cost to this personnel's attributes until the end of that mission attempt. Card number 6P51.
    • "We have to make a preemptive strike. Send a message to Cardassia that we won't sit still and let them kill us with toxins."
      • Santos
  • Shankar, Maquis Soldier
    • Game Play: When this card is played, if the player commands at lease three missions that are within the Demilitarized Zone Region, they may make each opponent place his or her hand on the top of his or her deck in the order of his or her choice. Card number 6P52
    • "Starfleet does not condone the Maquis' actions..."
      • Commander Benjamin Sisko
  • William T. Riker, Wistful Admiral
    • Game Play: While this personnel is attempting a space mission, his attributes increase by 1 and he gains the skills of Diplomacy and Law. Card number 6P53.
    • "I just never ould admit it was over. I keep thinking one day we'd get together again. And then... she was gone. You think you've got all the time in the world, until..."
      • Admiral William T. Riker


  • Alexander Rozhenko, K'mtar
    • Game Play: When this card is played, if each of the player's non-headquarters missions requires Diplomacy, the player may download up to two events, then play each of them, reducing their cost by 3. Card number 6P54.
    • "I never became a warrior! I became a diplomat. A 'peacemaker.' "
      • K'mtar
  • Worf, son of Mogh
    • Game Play: When this card is played, each opponent draws a card. This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 6P55.
    • "I return your family honor. I give you back what was wrongfully taken from you. Let you name be spoken once again. You are Worf... son of Mogh."
      • Chancellor Gowron


  • Jean-Luc Picard, Galen
    • Game Play: While an artifact is in the player's discard pile, each of their personnel who is either a Smuggler or a Thief increases their attributes by 1. This card is First Edition Compatible. Card number 6P56.
    • "Wheels within wheels. I'm starting to forget which side I'm on."
      • Jean-Luc Picard
  • Vina, Orion Slave Girl
    • Game Play: This personnel gains any one skill of the player's choice. She keeps that skill until changed by the player. Card number 6P57.
    • "Or I can wear whatever you wish or be anything you wish."
      • Vina


  • Deanna Troi, Major Rakal
    • Game Play: While this personnel is present with a Romulan Affiliation personnel who is a Dissident, her attributes increase by 1 and she gains the skills of Intelligence, Leadership, and Security. Card number 6P58.
    • "How typical of the military to resort to brute force when discretion is required."
      • Major Rakal
  • Mendak, Duplicitous Admiral
    • Game Play: While each of the player's non-headquarters mission is not a Romulan Affiliation mission, the player may attempt each of them using your Romulan Affiliation personnel. Card number 6P59.
    • "... my patience has limits. The game is over. I expect you to leave peacefully. Now."
      • Admiral Mendak



  • Dominion Battleship
    • Game Play: This ship has its attributes increased by 1 for each of these species you have aboard: Changeling, Jem'Hadar, and Vorta. This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 6P60.
    • "... that ship out there is a direct threat to every Federation outpost and colony within fifty light-years."


  • USS Defiant, Repurposed Warship
    • Game Play: When this card is played, if each of the player's non-headquarters mission is a Gamma Quadrant mission, the player may spend 5 additional counters this turn. Card number 6P61.
    • "Despite the continuing threat posed by the Dominion, I've convinced Starfleet that we must continue our exploration of the Gamma Quadrant."
      • Captain Benjamin Sisko

Re-Print Cards[]


  • Biochemical Hyperacceleration
    • Game Play: Your opponent places the top two cards of his or her dilemma pile face up beneath this mission. The player randomly selects three personnel. Those personnel cannot use their skills while facing this dilemma. Unless the player has additional personnel who have Biology, Geology, and Medical or 2 Security and a combined Strength greater than 38, the three randomly selected personnel are returned to their owner's hand. Card number 4R7. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "I was looking right at him and he – then he just wasn't there."
  • Broken Captive
    • Game Play: The player's opponent chooses one of his or her captives. Unless the player has personnel who also have the same skills as the captive, all of the player's personnel are stopped. This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 4R9. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "Praetor, this is the man known as Sloan."
  • Counterinsurgency Program
    • Game Play: The player's opponent discards any number of event or equipment cards from hand and names a skill (except Acquisition, Intelligence, Law, or Telepathy) for each discarded card. Unless the player has personnel who also have those skills, all the player's personnel are stopped. Card number 4R11. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "Seems we've tripped some kind of automated security program the Cardassian's left."
      • Chief Miles O'Brien
  • Face to Face
    • Game Play: The player's opponent names a skill. The player then randomly selects two personnel. Each of those selected personnel who has that skill is killed (discarded). This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 2R9. This card was from the "Energize" expansion pack.
    • "The duplicate atoms couldn't occupy the same point in space-time for very long before..."
    • Mutual annihilation."
      • Captain Kathryn Janeway and Captain Kathryn Janeway in VOY: "Deadlock"
  • Gomtuu Shock Wave
    • Game Play: Unless the player has personnel who have 2 Diplomacy and a combined Integrity greater than 32 or Telepathy and a combined Integrity greater than 35, all the player's personnel are stopped and this dilemma is placed on their ship. While on a ship, that ship decreases all its attributes by 2. This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 3R12. This card was from the "Call to Arms" expansion pack.
    • "Whatever Tin Man hit us with, it fried circuits I thought were unfryable."
  • Head to Head
    • Game Play: The player's opponent names a skill. The player then randomly selects two personnel. Each of those personnel that has that skill is killed (discarded). This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 2R11. This card was from the "Energize" expansion pack.
    • "Kill him! He's the one!"
    • "Not me, you idiot! Him!"
  • In Training
    • Game Play: The player's opponent places the top two cards of his or her dilemma pile face up beneath this mission. The player then randomly selects a personnel who has a cost of 1 or 2. All other personnel who cost 1 or 2 are stopped. Card number 4R16. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "Tighten the back of your tongue. ... Keep trying. You've almost got it."
  • Kelvan Show of Force
    • Game Play: The player's opponent chooses two personnel (except an Android or a Hologram). The player then randomly selects one of those personnel to be killed. Card number 1R32. This card was from the premiere "Second Edition" pack.
    • "This is the essence of what they were. ... Once crushed... this person is dead."
  • Maglock
    • Game Play: Unless the player has personnel who have the skills of 3 Officers or 3 Programming, all of the player's personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Card number 1R35. This card was from the premiere "Second Edition" pack.
    • "For this to work, all three maglocks will have to be released."
      • Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • Overwhelmed
    • Game Play: The player places this dilemma on the mission. When a personnel facing a dilemma at this mission uses his or her skills, he or she is stopped. At the end of this turn, return this dilemma to its owner's dilemma pile. Card number 3R19. This card was from the "Call to Arms" expansion pack.
    • "Just a minute, Doctor. Why don't we go back to the beginning and take me through this step by step, nice and easy."
      • Captain Benjamin Sisko
  • Talosian Trial
    • Game Play: The player's opponent places the top card of his or her dilemma pile face up beneath this mission. Then the player's opponent takes on of his or her planet dilemmas that is overcome beneath one of the player's missions and places it face down on top of his or her stack of chosen dilemmas. Card number 4R25. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "They've reached into my mind and taken the memory of somewhere I've been. ... It's starting just as it happened two weeks ago."
  • The Dreamer and the Dream
    • Game Play: The player places this dilemma on the mission. At the end of this turn, this dilemma is overcome. If at that time this mission has not been completed, its owner discard his or her hand. Card number 4R27. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "You can deny me all you want but you cannot deny Ben Sisko. He exists!"
  • Tsiolkovsky Infection
    • Game Play: For each event the player's opponent commands in his or her play area, this dilemma's cost is reduced by 1. Unless the player has personnel with 2 Anthropology, 2 Programming, and a combined Cunning greater than 38 or 2 Biology, Exobiology, and 2 Medical, the player randomly selects three personnel to be killed. Card number 4R28. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "Like intoxication but worse. Judgment almost completely impaired..."
      • Dr. Beverly Crusher
  • Whisper in the Dark
    • Game Play: For each event the player's opponent commands in his or her play area, this dilemma's cost is reduced by 1. Unless the player has personnel with 2 Geology, 2 Physics, and a combined Cunning greater than 38 or 2 Honor, 2 Officer, and Transporters, the player randomly selects three personnel to be killed. Card number 4R30. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "The Dremans are not a subject for philosophical debate, they are a people. ... We are going to allow her to die, are we not?"
      • Lt. Cmdr. Data


  • The Sword of Kahless
    • Game Play: To play this card, the player must have completed a mission requiring Acquisition, Anthropology, or Archaeology. This card is identified as a Hand Weapon. Each of the player's Klingons and personnel who have Honor present decrease their Integrity by 2 and increase their Cunning by 1 and Strength by 2. Card number 4R34. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "An icon more sacred than the Torch of G'boj. ... More revered than Sabak's armor, and more coveted than the Emperor's crown!"


  • At What Cost?
    • Game Play: If the player choose, they can lose 5 points to spend 7 additional counters this turn. This event is then discarded. Card number 4R40. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "If I hadn't tried... the cost would have been my soul."
      • Admiral James T. Kirk
  • Complications
    • Game Play: This card plays in the main area. When the opponent to the player's right begins a mission attempt, the player may destroy (discard) this event to draw three extra dilemmas and spend three extra in total cost on dilemmas. Card number 2R36. This card was from the "Energize" expansion pack.
    • "You didn't expect to find me here. You thought this was Ceti Alpha VI."
  • Confessions in the Pale Moonlight
    • Game Play: This card plays in the main area. While the player's Federation affiliation, Deep Space 9 resident personnel who has Treachery is attempting a mission, the player may destroy this event to make the personnel gain a skill of the player's choosing until the end of this turn. Card number 2R37. This card was from the "Energize" expansion pack.
    • "I laid the first stone right there. I'd committed myself. I'd pay any price, go to any lengths, because my cause was righteous. My intentions were good. In the beginning, that seemed like enough."
      • Captain Benjamin Sisko
  • Endagered
    • Game Play: This card plays in the main area. When the opponent on the player's right begins a mission attempt, the player may lose 5 points and destroy this event to draw three extra dilemmas and spend three extra in total cost on dilemmas. Card number 4R49. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "Tell them to stop or I'll kill everyone in this room, starting with you."
      • Lt. Cmdr. Data while inhabited by the Ux-Mal
  • Far-Seeing Eyes
    • Game Play: To play this event, the player must command three Romulan affiliation personnel. This card plays in the main area. At the start of each of the player's turns, they may lose 5 points and destroy this event to examine their opponent's deck and remove two non-ship cards from the game. He or she shuffles and replaces his or her deck. Card number 4R51. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "A vessel of some kind is decloaking. ... It's a Romulan warbird."
      • Elim Garak
  • Field Studies
    • Game Play: To play this event, the player must command three Federation affiliation personnel at a space mission belonging to the player. The player loses 5 points to reveal the top two cards of an opponent's dilemma pile. Place face up beneath that mission any dilemmas that could be faced there. Replace the remaining cards in any order. Destroy this event. Card number 4R52. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "Your parents. ... They spent their career studying the Borg. They tracked a cube at close range for what, two years?"
  • I Don't Like to Lose
    • Game Play: This card plays in the main area. When the player is about to draw dilemmas, they may discard a card from hand to subtract up to three dilemmas from the number of dilemmas they may draw and add that same number to the total cost they may spend on dilemmas. Card number 3R44. This card was from the "Call to Arms" expansion pack.
    • "I reprogrammed the simulation so it was possible to rescue the ship. ... Got a commendation for original thinking."
      • Admiral James T. Kirk
  • Machinations
    • Game Play: This event plays in the main area. When the player has drawn dilemmas, they may remove this event and those dilemmas from the game to search their dilemma pile and choose a dilemma for their opponent's personnel to face that costs no more than the number of dilemmas removed. Then, they shuffle and replace their dilemma pile face down. Card number 2R49. This card was from the "Energize" expansion pack.
    • "We didn't plan to involve the Humans or the Vulcans... not yet."
  • Running a Tight Ship
    • Game Play: This event plays in the main area. When the player attempts a space mission using a ship with its Matching Commander aboard, subtract one from the number of dilemmas their opponent may draw and one from the total cost he or she may spend on dilemmas. Card number 1R71. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "I won't allow fear to undermine this crew's sense of purpose... even if that fear is justified."
      • Captain Kathryn Janeway
  • Storage Compartment
    • Game Play: This card plays in the main area. When the player has chosen dilemmas, they may place one unused planet dilemma or space dilemma on this event instead of beneath the dilemma pile. When the player has drawn dilemmas, they may take any dilemmas from this event and add them to those drawn. Card number 4R74. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "1,771,561"'
  • The Manheim Effect
    • Game Play: This event plays in the main area. When the player is about to draw dilemmas, they may destroy this event to take an overcome dilemma they own from an opponent's completed mission and place it on top of the player's dilemma pile. Card number 3R62. This card was from the "Call to Arms" expansion pack.
    • "Sensors show nothing, sir, but it appears a moment in time repeated itself exactly. For everyone."
      • Lt. Cmdr. Data
  • The Perfect Tool
    • Game Play. This event plays in the main area. During each of the player's Play and Draw Cards segments, they may spend 1 additional counter for each personnel they command but do not own. Card number 4R76. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "Welcome, Mister La Forge. We've waited a long time to meet you. ... You are going to be of great help to us."


  • Brainwashing
    • Game Play: To play this interrupt, the player must command three Romulan affiliation personnel. During the "Execute Orders" phase of the player's turn, the player may lose 5 points to reveal an opponent's hand. The player then chooses a personnel that they do not command and place him or her on their headquarters mission. The player now commands that personnel. Card number 4R86. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "... La Forge was conditioned by the Romulans – a process referred to historically, and somewhat inaccurately, as brainwashing."
      • Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • Escape
    • Game Play: When any number of the player's personnel facing a dilemma are about to be killed or placed in an opponent's brig, discard a random card from hand to prevent that. Thos personnel are stopped (no longer able to move for the rest of the turn) instead. Card number 1R122. This card was from the premiere "Second Edition" pack.
    • Jean-Luc Picard's log entry on the mission to Kolarus III included a notice to the Starfleet Corp of Engineers, commending the members of the Argo design team.
  • Knowledge and Experience
    • Game Play: To play this interrupt, the player must command three Borg affiliation personnel. When a personnel that the player commands but does not own is facing a dilemma, they lose 5 points to prevent and overcome that dilemma. Card number 4R89. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "We're no longer just fighting the Borg, we're fighting the life experience they've stolen from Captain Picard. Now, how the hell do we defeat an enemy that knows us better than we know ourselves?"
      • Captain William T. Riker
  • Outlining the Stakes
    • Game Play: To play this interrupt, the player must command three Romulan affiliation personnel. When the player is checking to see if their personnel can meet a mission's requirements, lose 5 points to subtract a skill from those requirements. Card number 4R94. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "Vice Proconsul M'ret of the Imperial Senate. ... His defection will be a profound blow to Romulus."
  • Secret Conspiracy
    • Game Play: When a player's opponent is about to complete a mission, if the player's Romulan affiliation personnel with the skill of Intelligence is at that mission, add that personnel's skills (except Intelligence) to the mission's requirements. This effect lasts until the end of that opponent's turn. Card number 1R137. This card was from the premiere "Second Edition" pack.
    • "... if the Duras are being aided by the Romulans, it becomes very much our concern."
      • Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • The Rite of Emergence
    • Game Play: When the player's Host personnel is attempting a mission, discard two random cards from hand to make him or her gain Treachery and a skill of the player's choice until the end of this turn. Card number 4R98. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "I wish you'd stop being afraid of me. It's not like we're strangers. That worm in your belly used to be mine."



  • Bareil Antos, Esteemed Vedek
    • Game Play: Each of the player's other Bajoran affiliation personnel present increases their Integrity by 1 (or by 2 while facing a dilemma). This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 1R208. This card was from the premiere "Second Edition" pack.
    • "I began my service at the monastery as the gardener... Unfortunately, the Prophets did not allow me that peaceful life."
      • Vedek Bareil Antos
  • Benjamin Sisko, The Emissary of the Prophets
    • Game Play: When the player plays another non-Treachery Bajoran at this mission, the player may discard a card from hand to draw a card. This may be done only once each turn. Card number 1R209. This card was from the premiere "Second Edition" pack.
    • "The Sisko is of Bajor, but he will find no rest there."
  • Borum, Selfless Hero
    • Game Play: The player may exchange this personnel with a Bajoran affiliation personnel who has the Leadership skill who is in the player's discard pile and then remove this personnel from the game. This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 2R104. This card was from the "Energize" expansion pack.
    • "Get Li to Bajor. Four of us will stay behind, hold them off until you reach your ship."
      • Borum
  • Krim, Thoughtful Tactician
    • Game Play: The player may lose 5 points and stop this personnel to name a dilemma. They then choose an opponent to take each copy of that dilemma from his or her dilemma pile, place them beneath the player's completed mission, then shuffle and replace his or her dilemma pile face down. Card number 4R104. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.


  • Borg Queen, Guardian of the Hive
    • Game Play: While this personnel is facing a dilemma, the player may replace their Drone present with a Drone from the discard pile. Place the replaced Drone in his or her owner's discard pile. This may be done only once each dilemma. Card number 3R123. This card was from the "Call to Arms" expansion pack.
    • "You wish to ensure the well-being of your 'collective.' I can appreciate that."
      • Borg Queen


  • Damar, Useful Adjutant
    • Game Play: While this personnel is attempting a mission and an opponent is about to draw dilemmas, the player may discard a card from hand to subtract one from the number the opponent can draw. This may be done only once each turn. Card number 3R141. This card was from the "Call to Arms" expansion pack.
    • "The last mines have been neutralized."
  • Dukat, Liberator and Protector
    • Game Play: When this personnel uses a skill to complete a mission, each of the player's opponents discard the top three cards of his or her deck. This may be done only once each turn. This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 3R143. This card was from the "Call to Arms" expansion pack.
    • "A true victory is to make your enemy see they were wrong to oppose you in the first place. To force them to acknowledge your greatness."


  • Bashir Founder, Nefarious Saboteur
    • Game Play: When this card is played as an Infiltration card, if this personnel is present with an opponent's personnel, the player may draw a card. Card number 3R150. This card was from the "Call to Arms" expansion pack.
    • "I can only imagine what my replacement is up to on the station."
  • Founder Architect
    • Game Play: While this personnel is attempting a mission, his attributes are increased by 1 for each event in each player's main area (limit to an increase of 5). This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 4R126. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "... what you can control can't hurt you. So, many years ago, we set ourselves the task of imposing order on a chaotic universe."
  • Remata'Klan, Unit Leader
    • Game Play: When this personnel is an eligible target for a random selection, the player may exclude another Dominion affiliation personnel from that selection. This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 3R166. This card was from the "Call to Arms" expansion pack.
    • "You may discipline me, but only I discipline the men. That is the order of things."
  • Weyoun, Loyal Subject of the Dominion
    • Game Play: When this personnel uses a skill to complete a mission, the player may draw a card. This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 3R171. This card was from the "Call to Arms" expansion pack.
    • "Now that I've done something for you, perhaps there's something you'd consent to do for me."
      • Weyoun


  • Guinan, Listener
    • Game Play: When this card is played, each player scores 5 points. Card number 4R138. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "My name is Guinan. I tend bar, and I listen."
      • Guinan
  • Jake Sisko, Temporal Anchor
    • Game Play: Place this personnel in his owner's discard pile to download a Federation affiliation, Deep Space 9 resident. Card number 2R122. This card was from the "Energize" expansion pack.
    • "To my father, who's coming home..."
      • Jake Sisko
  • Michael Eddington, Traitor to Starfleet
    • Game Play: Return this personnel to his owner's hand to return an opponent's personnel with Leadership present to his or her owner's hand. This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 3R177. This card was from the "Call to Arms" expansion pack.
    • "I'm afraid I need to take command of the station for the next few hours."
      • Lt. Cmdr. Michael Eddinton


  • Quark, Resistance Informant
    • Game Play: When this card is played, the player discards a card from hand. When this personnel is facing a dilemma, he may gain a skill from your personnel with Dissident present until the end of that dilemma. This may be done only once each turn. This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 3R182. This card was from the "Call to Arms" expansion pack.
    • "I want the Federation back. I want to sell root beer again."
      • Quark, somewhat intoxicated from drinking Kanar with Damar.


  • William T. Riker, Exchange Officer
    • Game Play: While this personnel is facing a dilemma, the player may discard a card from hand to make this personnel gain a skill from the player's Klingon present until the end of that mission attempt. Card number 4R155. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "I have been assigned to serve this ship and to obey your orders and I will do exactly that."
      • Commander William T. Riker


  • Crosis, Fanatical Lieutenant
    • Game Play: For each event that the player commands beyond the number of events an opponent commands, this personnel increases his attributes by one (limit to an increase of 6). Card number 4R157. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "I was like you once, without... feeling. But the One helped me. He can help you too."
      • Crosis
  • Data, Loyal Brother
    • Game Play: At the start of each of the player's turns, they must discard an event from hand or stop this personnel. This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 4R158. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "In a quest such as ours, sacrifices have to be made. It is regrettable. But the greater good must be served."
      • Lt. Cmdr. Data
  • Kamala, The Perfect Mate
    • Game Play: This personnel gains one skill from another personnel present. She keeps this skill until the start of the player's next turn. This may be done only once each turn. This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 1R332. This card was from the premiere "Second Edition" set.
    • "... I'm an empathic metamorph... with the ability to sense what a potential mate wants... and then to become that for him."
      • Kamala
  • Lore, The One
    • Game Play: While this personnel is facing a dilemma, he cannot be stopped. Card number 4R161. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "When I stumbbed on their ship, they were lost, disoriented – they had no idea how to function as individuals."
      • Lore
  • Roga Danar, Decorated Subhadar
    • Game Play: When this personnel is about to be placed in a brig, place him on top of his owner's deck instead. Card number 2R157. This card was from the "Energize" expansion pack.
    • "My improved reflexes have allowed me to kill eighty-four times. And my improved memory lets me remember each of those eighty-four faces. Can you understand how that feels?"
      • Subhadar Roga Danar
  • Vash, Treasure Hunter
    • Game Play: When this card is played, the player may place a card from their discard pile on the bottom of their deck, then draw a card (or, if Jean-Luc Picard is at this mission, draw two cards instead). This card is First Edition compatible. Card number 1R352. This card was from the premiere "Second Edition" set.
    • "We're going to make a wonderful team."
      • Vash


  • B'Etor, Romulan Conspirator
    • Game Play: When this personnel is about to be stopped by a dilemma, the player may unstop a stopped Romulan affiliation personnel present. That personnel joins this mission attempt. Card number 4R156. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "We don't want you to judge us by your experience with our brother."
      • B'Etor
  • Koval, Chairman of the Tal Shiar
    • Game Play: While an opponent commands more headquarters mission than the player, this personnel cannot be stopped by dilemmas. Card number 4R168. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "Now we'll have our private talk."
      • Chairman Koval
  • Lursa, Romulan Conspirator
    • Game Play: When the player's other Romulan affiliation personnel present is about to be stopped by a dilemma, this personnel may gain one of his or her skills until the end of that mission attempt. This can be done only once each turn. Card number 4R169. This card was from the "Necessary Evil" expansion pack.
    • "If you rule against us and we are victorious in a war against Gowron... it would mean the end of the alliance with the Federation."
      • Lursa


Type and Affiliation Title Rarity Card # Original Expansion
Dilemma Aftermath Premium 6P1 New Card
Dilemma Biochemical Hyperacceleration Rare 4R7 Necessary Evil
Dilemma Broken Captive Rare 4R9 Necessary Evil
Dilemma Counterinsurgency Program Rare 4R11 Necessary Evil
Dilemma Dignitaries and Witnesses Premium 6P2 New Card
Dilemma Eye to Eye Premium 6P3 New Card
Dilemma Face to Face Rare 2R9 Energize
Dilemma Final Adventure Premium 6P4 New Card
Dilemma Full Security Alert Premium 6P5 New Card
Dilemma Gomtuu Shock Wave Rare 3R12 Call to Arms
Dilemma Hard Time Premium 6P6 New Card
Dilemma Head to Head Rare 2R11 Energize
Dilemma Helpless Premium 6P7 New Card
Dilemma In Training Rare 4R18 Necessary Evil
Dilemma Kelvan Show of Force Rare 1R32 Second Edition
Dilemma Maglock Rare 1R35 Second Edition
Dilemma Mr. Tricorder Premium 6P8 New Card
Dilemma Overwhelmed Rare 3R19 Call to Arms
Dilemma Personal Duty Rare 1R42 Second Edition
Dilemma Shipboard Fire Premium 6P9 New Card
Dilemma Talosian Trial Rare 4R25 Necessary Evil
Dilemma The Dreamer and the Dream Rare 4R27 Necessary Evil
Dilemma The Three Vipers Premium 6P10 New Card
Dilemma Tsiolkovsky Infection Rare 4R28 Necessary Evil
Dilemma Unknown Microorganism Premium 6P11 New Card
Dilemma Urgency Premium 6P12 New Card
Dilemma Whisper in the Dark Rare 4R30 Necessary Evil
Dilemma Worn-Out Welcome Premium 6P13 New Card
Equipment The Sword of Kahless Rare 4R34 Necessary Evil
Event Adapted to Service Us Premium 6P14 New Card
Event At What Cost? Rare 4R40 Necessary Evil
Event Biogenic Weapon Premium 6P15 New Card
Event Bustling with Activity Premium 6P16 New Card
Event Changed History Premium 6P17 New Card
Event Complications Rare 2R36 Energize
Event Confessions in the Pale Moonlight Rare 2R37 Energize
Event Disadvantage Into Advantage Premium 6P18 New Card
Event Distant Exploration Premium 6P19 New Card
Event Endangered Rare 4R49 Necessary Evil
Event Far-Seeing Eyes Rare 4R51 Necessary Evil
Event Field Studies Rare 4R52 Necessary Evil
Event Foresight Premium 6P21 New Card
Event Friction Premium 6P20 New Card
Event Guidance of the Council Premium 6P22 New Card
Event High Command "Motivation" Premium 6P23 New Card
Event I Don't Like to Lose Rare 3R44 Call to Arms
Event Interstellar Treaty Premium 6P24 New Card
Event Invocation of Kosst Amojan Premium 6P25 New Card
Event Machinations Rare 2R49 Energize
Event Maquis Raid Premium 6P26 New Card
Event Ohhhh! Nothing Happened! Premium 6P27 New Card
Event Quintessence Premium 6P28 New Card
Event Running a Tight Ship Rare 4R71 Necessary Evil
Event Stalling for Time Premium 6P29 New Card
Event Stealth Mission Premium 6P30 New Card
Event Storage Compartment Rare 4R74 Necessary Evil
Event The Manheim Effect Rare 3R62 Call to Arms
Event The New Resistance Premium 6P31 New Card
Event The Perfect Tool Rare 4R78 Necessary Evil
Event Tribunal Sentencing Premium 6P32 New Card
Interrupt Brainwashing Rare 4R86 Necessary Evil
Interrupt Change of Heart Premium 6P33 New Card
Interrupt Dark Secrets Premium 6P34 New Card
Interrupt Escape Rare 1R127 Second Edition
Interrupt I Need A Little Counseling Premium 6P35 New Card
Interrupt Knowledge and Experience Rare 4R89 Necessary Evil
Interrupt No Harm Done Premium 6P36 New Card
Interrupt Outlining the Stakes Rare 4R94 Necessary Evil
Interrupt Secret Conspiracy Rare 1R137 Second Edition
Interrupt Shri-tal Premium 6P37 New Card
Interrupt Strength for Our Struggle Premium 6P38 New Card
Interrupt The Rite of Emergence Rare 4R98 Necessary Evil
Interrupt Transwarp Conduit Premium 6P39 New Card
Personnel – Bajoran Bareil Antos, Esteemed Vedek Rare 1R208 Second Edition
Personnel – Bajoran Benjamin Sisko, The Emissary of the Prophets Rare 1R209 Second Edition
Personnel – Bajoran Borum, Selfless Hero Rare 2R104 Energize
Personnel – Bajoran Krim, Thoughtful Tactician Rare 4R104 Necessary Evil
Personnel – Bajoran Odo, Curzon Odo Premium 6P40 New Card
Personnel – Bajoran Yarka, Harbinger of the Prophets Premium 6P41 New Card
Personnel – Borg Annexation Drone Premium 6P42 New Card
Personnel – Borg Borg Queen, Guardian of the Hive Rare 3R123 Call to Arms
Personnel – Borg Locutus, Voice of the Borg Rare 3R132 Call to Arms
Personnel – Borg Requisitions Drone Premium 6P43 New Card
Personnel – Cardassian Damar, Useful Adjutant Rare 3R141 Call to Arms
Personnel – Cardassian Dukat, Liberator and Protector Rare 3R143 Call to Arms
Personnel – Cardassian Enabran Tain, "Retired" Spymaster Premium 6P44 New Card
Personnel – Cardassian Goran Premium 6P45 New Card
Personnel – Dominion Bashir Founder, Nefarious Saboteur Rare 3R150 Call to Arms
Personnel – Dominion Founder Architect Rare 4R126 Necessary Evil
Personnel – Dominion Gelnon, Aloof Tactician Premium 6P46 New Card
Personnel – Dominion Ixtana'Rax, Honored Elder Premium 6P47 New Card
Personnel – Dominion Lamat'Ukan, Resourceful Third Premium 6P48 New Card
Personnel – Dominion Remata'Klan, Unit Leader Rare 3R166 Call to Arms
Personnel – Dominion Weyoun, Loyal Subject of the Dominion Rare 3R171 Call to Arms
Personnel – Federation Guinan, Listener Rare 4R138 Necessary Evil
Personnel – Federation Jake Sisko, Temporal Anchor Rare 2R122 Energize
Personnel – Federation Jean-Luc Picard, Vintner Premium 6P49 New Card
Personnel – Federation Kira Nerys, Starfleet Emissary Premium 6P50 New Card
Personnel – Federation Michael Eddington, Traitor to Starfleet Rare 3R177 Call to Arms
Personnel – Federation Santos, Squad Leader Premium 6P51 New Card
Personnel – Federation Shankar, Maquis Soldier Premium 6P52 New Card
Personnel – Federation William T. Riker, Wistful Admiral Premium 6P53 New Card
Personnel – Ferengi Quark, Resistance Informant Rare 3R182 Call to Arms
Personnel – Klingon Alexander Rozhenko, K'mtar Premium 6P54 New Card
Personnel – Klingon William T. Riker, Exchange Officer Rare 4R155 Necessary Evil
Personnel – Klingon Worf, Son of Mogh Premium 6P55 New Card
Personnel – Non-Aligned Crosis, Fanatical Lieutenant Rare 4R157 Necessary Evil
Personnel – Non-Aligned Data, Loyal Brother Rare 4R158 Necessary Evil
Personnel – Non-Aligned Jean-Luc Picard, Galen Premium 6P56 New Card
Personnel – Non-Aligned Kamala, The Perfect Mate Rare 1R332 Second Edition
Personnel – Non-Aligned Lore, The One Rare 4R161 Necessary Evil
Personnel – Non-Aligned Roga Danar, Decorated Subhadar Rare 2R157 Energize
Personnel – Non-Aligned Vash, Treasure Hunter Rare 1R352 Second Edition
Personnel – Non-Aligned Vina, Orion Slave Girl Premium 6P57 New Card
Personnel – Romulan B'Etor, Romulan Conspirator Rare 4R165 Necessary Evil
Personnel – Romulan Deanna Troi, Major Rakal Premium 6P58 New Card
Personnel – Romulan Koval, Chairman of the Tal Shiar Rare 4R168 Necessary Evil
Personnel – Romulan Lursa, Romulan Conspirator Rare 4R169 Necessary Evil
Personnel – Romulan Mendak, Duplicitous Admiral Premium 6P59 New Card
Ship – Dominion Dominion Battleship Premium 6P60 New Card
Ship – Federation USS Defiant, Repurposed Warship Premium 6P61 New Card