Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Grub Brunch

Grub brunch on Ferenginar

Brunch was a light meal between breakfast and lunch.

In 2381, Captain Carol Freeman had brunch with K'ranch aboard the USS Cerritos, where they had mimosas. (LD: "The Least Dangerous Game")

Later that year, Madame G invited D'Vana Tendi to brunch as she departed Slit Throat with Beckett Mariner and T'Lyn. Tendi agreed, but confided in her friends that she had no intention of following through. (LD: "Something Borrowed, Something Green")

Brunch on Ferenginar often contained tube grubs and yogurt. While she was assigned to travel guide duty to the planet in 2381, Beckett Mariner met Quimp for brunch, where she ordered hard alcohol. (LD: "Parth Ferengi's Heart Place")

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