Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Locutus of Borg, an assimilated Human

Members of the following species have been assimilated by the Borg Collective.

By the 2370s, the Borg had assimilated thousands of species. (Star Trek: First Contact) Some species, such as the Kazon, have been deemed unworthy of assimilation. (VOY: "Drone", "Mortal Coil", "Relativity")

By name[]

Name Number assimilated Source
Axum's species At least one as of 2377 VOY: "Unimatrix Zero"
Bajorans At least one as of 2368 VOY: "Survival Instinct"
Bolians At least one as of 2373 Star Trek: First Contact
Brunali Many from the Brunali homeworld as of 2376 VOY: "Collective", "Child's Play"
Caatati Millions from the Caatati homeworld as of 2374 VOY: "Day of Honor"
Cardassians At least one as of 2374 VOY: "Infinite Regress"
El-Aurians Many from the El-Aurian homeworld in the mid-23rd century TNG: "Q Who", "I Borg"; Star Trek Generations
Farn At least two as of 2368 VOY: "Unity"
Ferengi At least one as of 2374 VOY: "Infinite Regress"
Hazari At least one as of 2374 VOY: "Think Tank"
Hirogen At least two as of 2377 VOY: "Unimatrix Zero"
Humans Hundreds or thousands as of 2373 Star Trek: First Contact
Kelemane's species At least one as of 2376 VOY: "Collective"
Kelis' species At least one as of 2377 VOY: "Unimatrix Zero"
Klingons At least six as of 2377 Star Trek: First Contact; VOY: "Infinite Regress", "Unimatrix Zero"
Krenim At least one as of 2374 VOY: "Infinite Regress"
Ktarians At least one as of the 2350s VOY: "Dark Frontier"
Medusans At least one as of 2384 PRO: "Let Sleeping Borg Lie"
"Nameless" At least one as of the 2380s PIC: "Maps and Legends"
Norcadians At least one as of 2376 VOY: "Collective"
Parein At least two as of 2368 VOY: "Unity"
Pelians At least one as of 2377 VOY: "Unimatrix Zero"
Rasiinians At least one as of 2374 VOY: "Infinite Regress"
"Reptilian aliens" At least one as of 2374
Reptohumanoids At least one as of 2374
Romulans At least twenty eight as of the 2380s VOY: "Unity", "Infinite Regress"; PIC: "The End is the Beginning"
Sakari Many from a Sakari colony as of 2373 VOY: "Blood Fever"
Sikarians At least two as of the 2380s PIC: "The Impossible Box"
"Tailheads" At least one as of 2374 VOY: "Infinite Regress"
Talaxians At least thirty nine as of 2374 VOY: "The Raven"
Tarkaleans At least twenty-two as of 2153 ENT: "Regeneration"
Terrelians At least one as of 2374 VOY: "Infinite Regress"
Varn's species At least one as of 2377 VOY: "Unimatrix Zero"
Vidiians At least one as of 2374 VOY: "Infinite Regress"
Voth At least one as of 2374
Vulcans At least one as of 2374
Wysanti At least two as of 2376 VOY: "Collective"

By designation[]

Name Number assimilated Source
Species 116 Majority of their homeworld's population in 2374 VOY: "Hope and Fear"
Species 125 At least three as of 2375 VOY: "Dark Frontier"
Species 149 At least one as of 2374 VOY: "Mortal Coil"
Species 259 At least one as of 2374 VOY: "The Gift"
Species 262 Entire population in the late-22nd century VOY: "The Omega Directive"
Species 263 Entire population prior to 2374
Species 312 At least one as of 2374 VOY: "Natural Law"
Species 571 At least two as of 2368 VOY: "Survival Instinct"
Species 6339 Over eleven billion as of 2375 VOY: "Infinite Regress"
Species 10026 392,000 (all but four survivors) on their homeworld in 2375 VOY: "Dark Frontier"


See also[]
