Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Bio-neural gel packs d14

A series of bio-neural gel packs

Bio-neural circuitry was a form of computer technology that incorporated bio-neural cells to organize information.

In 2371, the Intrepid-class USS Voyager's integration of bio-neural circuitry, including a network of bio-neural gel packs, was one of its highlight features. Much of the traditional isolinear circuitry used by Starfleet was augmented or replaced by the gel packs to organize information more efficiently and speed up response time. Captain Kathryn Janeway, Lieutenant Stadi, and Zar referenced the system's novelty in descriptions of Voyager. (VOY: "Caretaker", "Relativity", "Live Fast and Prosper")

Bio-neural circuitry ran half of the critical systems aboard Voyager. It ran through every section of the ship, prompting Captain Janeway to compare it to a nervous system. It specifically interfaced with the ventilation system, and malfunctions could affect every system on the ship. (VOY: "Learning Curve", "Shattered")

Bio-neural fibers, as found in the pattern buffer relays, were part of the bio-neural circuitry. (VOY: "State of Flux")

Bio-neural technology could be affected by viruses and other infectious agents, which compromised healthy tissue of living organisms. When the bio-neural gel packs aboard Voyager were infected, The Doctor suggested inducing fever in order to fight the infection, similar to when a Human sometimes had a fever in response to infection and illness. B'Elanna Torres used an inverted warp field to superheat the vessel and kill the bacteria infecting the bio-neural circuits. As a result of this problem and Voyager's inability to procure replacement gel packs, attempts were made to replace those systems reliant on bio-neural circuitry with more conventional technology. (VOY: "Learning Curve")

The Vidiian Danara Pel was found to have a parietal lobe implant consisting of nanofibers in a complex web of bio-neural circuitry. The Doctor used the synaptic patterns stored in this circuitry to create a holographic projection of Denara. (VOY: "Lifesigns")

The Druoda's series 5 long-range tactical armor units were equipped with bio-neural circuitry. (VOY: "Warhead")

Star Trek: The USS Voyager NCC-74656 Illustrated Handbook (p. 24) suggested the evolution of The Doctor into a fully sentient being was an example of the impressive nature of the bio-neural system's capabilities, noting that holograms created by isolinear computer systems had rarely been able to achieve anything approaching sentience.

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