Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Bersallis III was the third planet in the Bersallis system. Until 2369, this planet was home to a Federation science station.

The planet was subject to violent fire storms every seven years. The fire storms would form when solar flare radiation from the Bersallin sun reacted with high energy plasma that was present in the planet's atmosphere. Although the next fire storm was not expected until 2370, in 2369 an unusually large and fast-moving fire storm overwhelmed the outpost's defenses established for that purpose. The USS Enterprise-D was dispatched to the planet to evacuate the colonists before the fire storm destroyed the colony.

Lieutenant Commander Nella Daren led several away teams to the surface to establish a barrier using thermal deflector units, a technique she was familiar with through previous experience. The mission was ultimately successful and the 643 colonists were evacuated but eight members of the Enterprise crew were lost. (TNG: "Lessons")


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