Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Barbecue grill, 2063

A barbecue grill

A barbecue grill was a cooking apparatus that was designed to cook or barbecue food, consisting of a fuel and heat source, usually by heating charcoal, applied from below in an enclosed tank. Food was then placed inside the grill on top of a grate, and cooked until desired.

Barbecue grills have been used by Humans on Earth dating back many millenia, and were often the center of outdoor social gatherings. Considering the simplistic components and setup, they were also used by those who may not have otherwise had regular access to a warm meal prior to the social and political changes that followed first contact with the Vulcans, such as those who inhabited Earth's Sanctuary Districts or were in the process of rebuilding after World War III. (PIC: "Assimilation"; Star Trek: First Contact; VOY: "Future's End", "Unity")

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