Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Christopher Pike with radiation burns

A ruptured baffle plate injured Fleet Captain Christopher Pike in 2266

A baffle plate or isolation plate was a component of warp cores, damage to which could be potentially catastrophic.

In 2266, Charlie Evans used his psychokinetic powers to remove the baffle plate on the survey vessel Antares, whose captain was attempting to warn the USS Enterprise of the danger that Charlie posed. Removing the baffle plate caused a warp core breach, destroying the ship with all hands lost. According to Charlie, "the plate was already warped on the shield of their energy pile," and regardless of his intentional removal of said plate, "It would've blown up anyway." (TOS: "Charlie X")

During the same year, Fleet Captain Pike suffered severe radiation poisoning, and a number of cadets were killed, when exposed to delta rays on board a Class J training vessel due to a ruptured baffle plate. (TOS: "The Menagerie, Part I")

Jaheel's ship nearly experienced a collapse in its fuel cells in 2369 during an attempt to forcibly remove the ship from Deep Space 9's mooring clamps. Jaheel's actions caused his ship's isolation plate to buckle and the main power core to rupture, threatening a possible collapse of the internal fuel cells. (DS9: "Babel")

The baffle plate was among the items removed from the SS Santa Maria after it had crash landed on Orellius Minor in 2360. (DS9: "Paradise")

See also[]

  • Emergency baffle

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