Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Ataxian mood shifter bonding to Tendi

An Ataxian mood shifter bonding to Tendi

An Ataxian mood shifter was a cube-shaped artifact that, when held, pushed its user's existing mood to extremes and melded with their body, manifesting an "emotional armor" that physically transformed them.

In 2381, Ensign D'Vana Tendi found an Ataxian mood shifter during anomaly consolidation duty on the USS Cerritos. It responded to her frustration over the events of the day by transforming her into a giant, hostile, scorpion-like creature. Ensign Brad Boimler, aware of the mood shifter's properties, was able to depower the shifter and turn Tendi back to normal by engaging in a series of pratfalls that made her laugh. The mood shifter then separated from her on its own. (LD: "The Spy Humongous")
