Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Ashrock was a Yridian trader with his own vessel who visited Deep Space 9 in 2370.

He was interested in purchasing a satchel of the Rings of Paltriss from Quark, who found himself in possession of forty-two of the rings. Warned of Quark's hard-bargaining tactics, Ashrock hesitantly purchased the rings from Quark for 199 bars of gold-pressed latinum.

During the exchange, Ashrock was murdered by Fallit Kot, a former business partner of Quark's, who stole both the rings and the latinum. (DS9: "Melora")

Ashrock was played by actor Don Stark in his first of two Star Trek appearances.

The script for "Melora" described him as "a tough-looking alien." Additionally, the script informed that his name was pronounced as "AHSH-rok". [1]
