Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)
Antarian cider

A bottle of Antarian cider

Antarian cider was a beverage favored by Chakotay, made by the Antarians, and originating from the Delta Quadrant.

In 2377, Chakotay obtained several bottles of the cider, and kept them hidden aboard USS Voyager in Cargo Bay 2, explaining that it wasn't "the replicated stuff." When he was discovered hiding the last couple bottles by Icheb, Chakotay asked him to keep it a secret from Neelix. Icheb advised him to keep the rest in the Borg parts container, as Neelix found it to be "too creepy" to inventory.

In an alternate timeline in which Voyager was shattered into 37 different time frames, an Icheb of 17 years into the future told Chakotay he had never told Neelix where he had hidden the cider. (VOY: "Shattered")
