Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Alcor IV was the inhabited fourth planet in the Alcor system. Lifeforms native to the planet included the sorrowhawk and the cyclops owl. A body of water on the planet known as the Reach was known for its distinct sound when the wind hit the sea from the southwest.

Craft talking about "having a line out" also implies aquatic life.

After the 32nd century, Alcor IV was settled by Humans who engaged in farming, fishing, and hunting, and eventually developed a unique culture. They typically did not tell others their true name. Instead, when two people fell in love, it was customary for one to give a name to the other. These Humans were unfamiliar with the concept of a Tuesday. They were known to have tattoos.

In the 43rd century, the Humans of Alcor IV engaged in a war with the V'draysh for at least ten years, which diminished their numbers. One soldier, Craft, sheltered aboard the derelict USS Discovery for some time. The ship's artificial intelligence Zora would give him a shuttlecraft, Funny Face, with which to return to Alcor IV, though it would be a long and arduous journey. (ST: "Calypso")
