Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Alameda NAS location

Alameda NAS on a MUNI system map, 1986

USS Enterprise (CVN-65), 1986

Enterprise and an unnamed aircraft carrier docked at Alameda NAS, 1986

The Alameda Naval Base (aka as Alameda Naval Air Station) was an United States naval base in the city of Alameda, California, in the San Francisco Metropolitan Area. This base was listed under the US Government in the Yellow Pages. In 1986, its location was labeled on a MUNI system map.

In that year, two aircraft carriers, including the USS Enterprise, were docked at this base. Later that year, Pavel Chekov and Uhura were assigned by James T. Kirk to collect high energy photons emitted by uranium in a naval ship's nuclear fission reactor. The photons would be used for recrystallizing the HMS Bounty's dilithium crystals. Upon finding a source for the photons in the main machine rooms of the Enterprise, they raided the ship at night for the photons. After a short interrogation and a futile escape attempt that ended in serious injury for Chekov, he was taken to Mercy Hospital. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)

The exterior shots were filmed at Naval Air Station North Island in Coronado, California. The unnamed carrier was the USS Constellation (CV-64). [1] [2]

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