Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Acamar III was the inhabited third planet in the Acamar system of the Beta Quadrant, and the homeworld of the Acamarians, a warp-capable humanoid species.

In 2366, the USS Enterprise-D visited the planet to enlist the aid of Sovereign Marouk to end the Gatherer raids on Federation outposts. Upon completion of this mission, the Enterprise returned the sovereign to her planet. (TNG: "The Vengeance Factor")









Background information[]

This planet's quadrant of origin is inferred based on the position of its star system as seen in the star chart appearing in the Star Trek: Discovery episode "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad".

"AWK-uh-mar" was the pronunciation for this planet's name from the script pronunciation guide.

The planet model for Acamar III was first used for Starbase 6 ("The Schizoid Man"). It was later used for Ventax II ("Devil's Due") and Krios ("The Mind's Eye").


According to the RPG sourcebook Planets of the UFP, Acamar III's native fauna includes a large flightless bird called the cralluck, a six-legged mammalian pack hunter called the gryll and a large burrowing predator called the mooshor. Plant life includes a green vegetable called parthas and a lichen called vorvoss.

Ever since the inclusion of the New Romulus (β) area in Star Trek Online, players can revisit Acamar III to mediate problems between the two groups over certain problems since their reunification. If the mediation is successful, Tal Shiar ships will arrive, revealing they were behind the problems.

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