Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

10111 was an evil sentient computer in the 24th century.

In 2381, 10111 was imprisoned in the Daystrom Institute's Self-Aware Megalomaniacal Computer Storage in Okinawa on Earth, in the adjacent cell to AGIMUS. It proclaimed that it would be the one to destroy the Federation, not AGIMUS, and that all should tremble at its power. AGIMUS retorted that 10111 should shut itself down. (LD: "Where Pleasant Fountains Lie")

Later that year, the exocomp Peanut Hamper was placed in the cell next to 10111. It invited her to play the game "Guess What I'm Thinking", then revealed that it was thinking of a battery without giving her a chance to reply. Peanut Hamper told it to shut up. (LD: "A Mathematically Perfect Redemption")

10111 was voiced by Fred Tatasciore in "Where Pleasant Fountains Lie", and by an unknown actor in "A Mathematically Perfect Redemption".

Its chassis was identical in model to Tyrannikillicus, also voiced by Tatasciore, though Tyrannikillicus displayed a purple light rather than a green one.
