Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

Trapped aboard a Klingon warship, Kirk fights for his life!

Log entries[]

  • Captain's Log: Stardate 8149.2.
    To uncover the secret of the undetectable Klingon fleet, Ensign Bryce and I have entered wormhole space and discovered there a Klingon station, with enough firepower to seize this sector of Federation space for themselves.

Background information[]



Canon characters listed below are linked to the main article about them. Non-canon characters are not linked, but those that recurred, appearing or being mentioned in more than one story, are defined further in DC TOS volume 1 characters.
James T. Kirk
Admiral and Enterprise CO.
Leonard McCoy
Enterprise Chief Medical Officer.
Montgomery Scott
Enterprise Chief Engineer.
Hikaru Sulu
Enterprise helmsman and first officer.
Enterprise communications officer.
Pavel Chekov
Enterprise security and weapons officer.
Enterprise science officer.
Christine Chapel
Doctor and Enterprise medical officer.

External link[]

Previous issue: Series Next issue:
#1: "The Wormhole Connection" DC TOS volume 1 #3: "Errand of War!"