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Marvel Database

Charles Xavier (Earth-616) from House of X Vol 1 1 001
Professor X
Quote1 This enmity. It's unreasonable. I wasn't aware he even existed for most of his life. If anyone is to blame, it's his moth-- Quote2
Ruth Aldine (Earth-616) from X-Men Legacy Vol 2 4 001
Quote1 Then come and tell him that. If you truly believe it. Tell him that a great telepath, given to scrying for mutants the world over, had no idea--no suspicion--of his own inconvenient legacy. Tell him you simply didn't know, Professor. Because--at the moment? It reads a lot like you didn't want to. Quote2

Appearing in "Family Ties"

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Synopsis for "Family Ties"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis


• Goodbye, Warren Worthington III – A.K.A ANGEL – and hello murderous winged monster. It's up to the Legionnaires to stop his rampage and figure out what's going on.

• Good news: The mystical BLACK KNIGHT has come to their aid! Bad news: Angel's not the only mutant turning into a monster. And NIGHTCRAWLER's inner, savage beast threatens to completely take control.

• Meanwhile, in Krakoa, the BANSHEE/GHOST RIDER hybrid known as VOX IGNIS senses a disturbance within the island. Could it be a coincidence that CYPHER has suddenly fallen ill? As the hostility between LEGION and PROFESSOR X grows, the stability of the island becomes less certain.


Continuity Notes[]

See Also

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