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Marvel Database


Warren Worthington III (Earth-616) from Age of X-Man Nextgen Vol 1 3 001
Quote1 Hello, and welcome to X-Corp. Quote2
Monet St. Croix (Earth-616) from Uncanny X Men Vol 1 404 0001
Quote1 We're Simply Superior. Quote2
X-Corporation (Earth-616) from New X-Men Vol 1 129 001

Paris offices


Shortly after revealing to the world that he was a mutant, Professor Charles Xavier organized the X-Corporation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to investigate mutants rights violation and act as an international extension of the X-Men.[2]

With Cerebra connections to monitor mutant activity, X-Corp offices were opened in many major cities around the world including Amsterdam,[2] Hong Kong,[2] Los Angeles,[3] Melbourne,[2] Mumbai,[2][4] Nairobi,[5] Salem Center,[6][7] Paris,[8] and Singapore.[5]

X-Corporation (Earth-616) from X-Treme X-Men Vol 1 33 001

Los Angeles offices

At some time, Trolls working for Stripmine were responsible for the bombings of the X-Corp headquarters in Mumbai, Singapore, and Nairobi.[5] Singapore eventually stopped being a participant in the X-Corporation.[10]


In the aftermath of M-Day, anti-mutant violence began to rise and the Paris X-Corp offices were destroyed by a car bomb. Cyclops ordered that all X-Corp branches cease activity, and the Xavier Institute began offering a refuge for all remaining mutants.[11]


With the newly founded nation of Krakoa being the wealthiest nation in the world due to their advancements in medicine, finance, and technology, the need for X-Corp to manage mutant business was acknowledged.[12] With Angel and Monet as head CXOs of the company, they handle the affairs of dealing with different human corporations throughout the world and the United Nations' laws regarding mutant innovation. The building was possibly created with the aid of Forge and Sunspot. Jumbo Carnation and Lucas Bishop were also spotted to aid X-Corp with public image and security. Sofia Mantega was in charge of marketing.

In the building was also a Krakoan Gate, which led directly to Krakoa should there be a need with meetings with Professor X. Multiple Man used his dupes to help around.[9]

M and Angel sought out several candidates to join X-Corps as well. Amongst these candidates were Neal Shaara, Sunspot, Jason Wyngarde, Selene Gallio and human researcher Sara St. John. The Fenris twins also offered their money to X-Corp, but both M and Angel declined because of the Fenris' evil past. This made them angry and called Krakoa out because not all mutants got along.[13]

The Noblesse Corporation seemed to be a worthy rival to X-Corp, and the Fenris twins joined forces with them and stole Sara away from X-Corp. They also joined forces with Jean Pierre Kol from Nobless. Together, they infiltrated and attacked the floating headquarters of X-Corp.

The villains managed to kill Multiple Man and fully destroy the headquarters. Sara and the Fenris twins escaped and were later contacted to join the villain organization Orchis.

After the destruction, Angel and M announced they plan to rebuild, alongside new CXO member Shilpa Khatri and their intent to focus on pharmaceuticals and telecom as a start.[14]

Following Orchis' attack on the mutants on Krakoa, it is unknown what became of X-Corp but most likely it got disbanded as M joined the Avengers in the fight against Orchis.[15]




See Also

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