Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 On 9/11, Mr. President, terrorist hijackers turned civilian airliners into weapons of mass destruction. Where mutants are concerned, that role can be played by a single individual. Like it or not, gentleman, battle line have already been drawn between mutants and humanity. Quote2
Dr. Valerie Cooper

Appearing in "Intifada (Part 1): This is the Way the World Ends"

Featured Characters:

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  • Sage's Motorcycle (First appearance)

Synopsis for "Intifada (Part 1): This is the Way the World Ends"

Marie's family is killed on a road trip by mutants; Gambit and Storm infiltrate a briefing on the dangers of mutants that Val Cooper is holding for the President and world leaders; Bishop and Sage combat a mutant gone out of control; Later the two hook up with a still powerless Rogue and meet Sam at a Lila Cheney concert; Marie crashes the concert with bombs strapped to her chest.


  • Dr Cooper's briefing covers the riot at Xavier's from New X-Men #135138.
  • The President thinks he's recognized Storm, then expands it mentioning that he loved her in "that last Bond flick." Storm's disguise with the short hair makes her look like actress Halle Berry, who had starred in the James Bond movie Die Another Day (2002), released the year before this comic was published (2003). At that point, Berry had also portrayed Storm in the film X-Men (2000), making it a recursive reference.
    • In another reference to that film, Rogue decorates her home with posters of movies starring Anna Paquin - who had portrayed Rogue in the film X-Men (2000).

See Also

Links and References

