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Marvel Database

Quote1 It's beer o'clock, sluts! Felt gross as soon as I said that. You are all terrible influences. Quote2

When Laura Kinney was presumed dead after a reconnaissance mission into the Vault, a duplicate of Laura was created (or "resurrected") with her pre-Vault backup by the Five,[3] although with a full Adamantium skeleton because of a mistake during the ressurection process by Proteus.[4]



Not long after the establishment of the mutant nation of Krakoa, Laura Kinney (Wolverine), Armando Muñoz (Darwin), and Everett Thomas (Synch) were sent on a reconnaissance mission into the Vault.[5]

Laura Kinney (Krakoan Duplicate) (Earth-616) from X-Men Vol 5 19 001

An accidental "resurrection"

Due to the Vault's unique flow of time, the trio spent many centuries inside trying to find a way to escape, during which Laura became romantically involved with Synch. After Darwin was captured by Children of the Vault, the others broke through a force-field that stripped them of their powers and then Laura stayed behind to buy time for Synch to get out. Just before being killed by the Children, Synch managed to make telepathic contact with Charles Xavier and ensure everything he'd learned about the Vault was passed onto his resurrected form. Laura was presumed to have died and was therefore resurrected with her pre-Vault backup, without the memories of her experiences with Synch.[3] Due to Proteus' mistake, she was given a full adamantium skeleton, which she previously lacked.[4] Unbeknownst to anyone, she was now a duplicate, as the original Laura had not been killed, but captured and kept alive by the Children inside the Vault.[6]

Joining X-Men[]

During the first inaugural Hellfire Gala, both Laura and Synch were elected to join the newest X-Men lineup.[7] As members of the new team, they moved to a techno-organic Treehouse in Central Park, and it didn't take long for the team to have to protect the world from exterior threats: one by the Mind Reaver in Manhattan[8] and another by the Annihilation Wave in Kansas. This was the work of the intergalactic crime lord Cordyceps Jones, who had been running bets on who could destroy the Earth first on his casino, Gameworld.[9] With this team of X-Men, Laura also dealt with the High Evolutionary,[10] the Reavers, animal hybrids created by Doctor Stasis,[11] and a terrorist attack by M.O.D.O.K. During their time on the same team, Synch tried to approach Laura and even considered using Jean Grey's gift to show the experiences he'd had in the Vault to her, but eventually decided against it.[12]

X-Men Vol 6 1 Unknown Comic Books Exclusive Kirkham Virgin Variant

With the X-Men

On her own, Laura infiltrated the Orchis-colonized moon of Phobos to rescue what turned out to be Lady Deathstrike.[4] Also, joined by Gabby and Daken, she was able to track down Omega Wolverine, a version of their patriarch from an alternate future.[13]

Eventually the X-Men ventured to Gameworld to put an end to Cordyceps Jones' schemes.[14] During the mission, Laura was infected by his spores and was mind-controlled to fight her teammates, but the X-Men eventually prevailed and shut down Cordyceps' operations.[15] Synch eventually gave up on trying to approach Wolverine, reasoning that she had a different life than the one he knew in the Vault and that it was not fair for him to burden her with his knowledge. During the following Hellfire Gala, the X-Men roster was changed and Laura stepped down, while Synch decided to stay on the team.[16]

Strange Reunion[]

Shot with tranquilizer darts, Laura was abducted by the vampire Alex who was working for the Collector and taken into space. She was put into Collector's Museum where she was forced to fight in a fighting ring for two days until she met Boom-Boom, Jubilee, and Dazzler.[2] The women fought their way out and returned to Krakoa, but this put them in conflict with the Vampire Nation.[17]

Laura Kinney (Earth-616) and Laura Kinney (Krakoan Duplicate) (Earth-616) from X-Men Vol 6 18

Two Lauras lay up ground rules for their shared lives

While the newly called X-Terminators were still dealing with their vampire business, Laura was made aware that another version of her had been rescued from the Vault. The two women met up in Detroit and set up some rules for their now shared existence. The younger Laura forfeited her resurrection rights to the older Laura but insisted that she would keep the name "Wolverine". The older Laura agreed but warned that she wasn't looking for future socializing or even encounters between them. The older Laura then moved to the X-Men Treehouse in New York City, where she and Synch had a lot to catch up on.[18]


Being aware of the memories she didn't have, this Laura was afraid of what she left behind in the vault, but was also too scared fix it with the help of a telepath, as she didn't want to be forced to love Synch if she were to regain her memories. This internal conflict led to her having nightmares as she was at constant war with herself.[11]







See Also

Links and References


  1. ↑ Wolverine: Weapon X Files #1 states that Logan is more than 100 lbs heavier due to his adamantium skeleton. Therefore, it's logical to assume this weight doesn't include Laura's adamantium skeleton.