Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 I spent my life racing against time, trying to save people who were running out of it. Until one moment changed everything. Quote2
Cassandra Webb[src]

Cassandra Webb is a New York City Fire Department paramedic who developed precognitive powers. With these powers, she protected Julia Cornwall, Mattie Franklin, and Anya Corazón from Ezekiel Sims as Madame Web.[1]


While in the womb, Cassandra was diagnosed with myasthenia gravis, an incurable degenerative neuromuscular disease. Her mother, Constance Webb, sought to use the healing properties of spiders found in Peru. In the final weeks of her pregnancy, her mother's security guard Ezekiel Sims betrayed her and stole her research for his own gain, and in a confrontation he shot her. Before she could die, she was found by a tribe of spider-people known as "Las Arañas". Their leader, Santiago, provided a spider to bite her mother and preserved Cassandra's life.[1]

As she grew up, Cassandra resented her mother for risking her life while she was pregnant, unbeknownst to her that her mother was trying to save her.[1]





  • Cassie likes Chinese food.[1]

See Also

Links and References

