Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 He was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders right before she died. Quote2
—Cassie Webb[src]

Ezekiel Sims was a mercenary hired by Constance Webb to assist her with searching for a mythical type of spider, but Sims stole the spider for his own purposes.[1]


Ezekiel Sims grew up with nothing before becoming a mercenary for hire. While researching spiders in the Amazon Jungle, Constance Webb hired Sims as protection. Immediately after finding the spider, Sims shot her and stole the spider for his own purposes.[1]

After gaining his spider powers, Sims began having dreams of his death at the head of three women: Julia Cornwall, Mattie Franklin, and Anya Corazón. Searching for them, he hired Amaria and stole technology from the National Security Agency. Once the girls were found, Sims intended to kill them but was stopped by Cassie Webb.[1]




See Also

Links and References

