

Services financiers

Paris, Île-de-France 34 476 abonnés

À propos

Accuracy is a wholly independent international consulting firm providing advice to company management and shareholders for their strategic or critical decisions, notably in transactions, disputes and crises. Accuracy’s strength is to connect strategy, facts and figures. Our teams are international and multicultural, combining various skills to provide bespoke services to our clients. We recruit our consultants from the best. Accuracy is present in 13 countries in Europe, North America, Asia, Middle East and Africa and leads engagements all over the world.

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Services financiers
Taille de l’entreprise
501-1 000 employés
Siège social
Paris, Île-de-France
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
Transaction Support & Advisory, Corporate Recovery Services, Forensics, Litigation & Arbitration, Economics & Business Analysis, Valuation & Fairness Opinion, Blockchain et Advanced Analytics


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    34 476  abonnés

    [#AccuracyEcoPodcast] « Redonner du sens aux mouvements du monde » 🎙️ De retour des Rencontres Economiques d’Aix #reaix, dont Accuracy était partenaire, Hervé Goulletquer, senior economic adviser, et David Chollet, associé chez Accuracy, passent en revue dans ce nouvel épisode de notre #EcoPodcast les principales problématiques soulevées lors du grand rendez-vous provençal des décideurs. Le fil rouge de la manifestation, dont l’intitulé était : « Relier les mondes » ? Donner un nouveau sens à un monde en profonde transformation. Et lui apporter un peu plus de stabilité. Les institutions internationales - ONU, OMC, FMI et Banque mondiale - sont affaiblies et de plus en plus concurrencées par le modèle alternatif chinois. Dès lors, comment réinventer l’organisation « washingtonienne » et redonner sens et vigueur au multilatéralisme mis à mal ? Ce qui soulève la question du commerce mondial et de son évolution. Va-t-il perdre en dynamique ? Plus largement, comment réorganiser les chaînes de valeur, et à quelle fin ? S’est aussi posée à Aix la question du rôle de l’Etat. Plus que jamais, de nouvelles régulations sont à l’ordre du jour. Il s’agit d’un enjeu de gouvernance ou de politique industrielle et d’innovation, mais aussi de justice sociale et de protection des libertés individuelles. Sans oublier le problème lancinant de la dette publique. Ce faisant, à la lumière des débats qui ont eu lieu à Aix sous le signe de l’ESG, nos deux observateurs reviennent pour finir sur les mutations de notre modèle actuel de croissance et sur la remise en cause grandissante de la régulation néolibérale des dernières décennies. Découvrez cet épisode 7 de la saison 3 👉

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    34 476  abonnés

    🎙️ On the occasion of the 2024 Rencontres Économiques d’Aix-en-Provence #reaix, organised by Le Cercle des économistes, our Senior VP of Sustainability, Sophie Chassat, delves into the role of companies in a fragmented society during her panel “Companies, from individualism to general interest”. She highlighted the importance of creating new business models aligned with the #generalinterest, drawing inspiration from shareholder foundations, which are widespread among Northern Europe. Discover her insights in the video below ⬇️

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    34 476  abonnés

    What are the new Dutch government's priorities for energy and the fight against climate change? Bianca van Zijderveld, Senior Manager at Accuracy, examines the new program as the cabinet led by Prime Minister Dick Schoof takes office. In terms of energy, the new administration has announced several changes in direction, notably reducing the emphasis on renewable energies compared to the ambitions of the previous government. Instead, they are placing significant emphasis on nuclear power to achieve goals of decarbonisation and energy independence. This approach could involve the construction of up to four new nuclear power plants and substantial investment in small modular reactors (SMRs). Is this a direction that will pay off? Time will tell. Link to the full article in the comment section below 👇

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    Kicking off today, Accuracy's experts will be participating in the Rencontres Economiques d’Aix-en-Provence #REAix, organised by Le Cercle des économistes. Follow Sophie Chassat's roundtable "Companies, from individualism to general interest" tomorrow, 6 July, with this link ➡ Accuracy is a proud partner of Le Cercle des économistes. Stay tuned for our key takeaways after the event! #REAix2024

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    34 476  abonnés

    📣 Accuracy will be participating in the Rencontres économiques d’Aix-en-Provence (REAix) on 5-6 July, 2024! Organised by Le Cercle des économistes, #REAix is Europe's leading economic forum that brings together over 360 high-level personalities from all backgrounds to debate major economic, political and social issues. 🎙️ On 6 July, our Senior Vice President Sustainability Sophie Chassat will be taking part in the roundtable "Companies, from individualism to general interest", alongside Brucker Céline, Pierre Ferracci, Maya Noël, Stéphane Dedeyan, Francois Hommeril, Nathalie Chusseau and Vincent Giret.     Can companies evolve into champions of the common good at a time of increasing social and political dislocation? What steps are needed for them to adopt sustainable models that benefit both society and their bottom line? Sophie will share insights on navigating the intricate landscape of corporate innovation and impact. More about the programme here 👉   Accuracy is a proud partner of Le Cercle des économistes. #REAIX2024

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    📢 We are delighted to announce the appointment of Roland Drapatz as a partner in the Frankfurt office for Strategy and Business Performance. Roland has more than 13 years of professional experience in strategic advisory services, specialising in carve-outs, value creation and business performance. He also has extensive experience of using modern analytical and AI technologies to drive change. With a strong commitment to the German market and serving clients in complex and difficult situations around the world, Roland will be a great element to our Frankfurt office, expanding the office’s Strategy & Business Performance offering and adding transformational sustainability, digital and AI capabilities to it. Welcome Roland Drapatz!

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    🤖 In order to function, generative AI needs not only an ocean of #data, but also extremely complex microchips and machines. Our 10th edition of #AccuracyTalksStraight, devoted to generative #AI, takes a behind-the-scenes look at this captivating world. In an article on the hidden aspects of the technology, our partner Jean Barrere and manager Helena JAVITTE invite you to dive into its invisible infrastructure – a world whose stars are ASLM, Nvidia and TSMC and which pits the GAFAMs against each other in a competition of technological, capital-intensive and geopolitical stakes. Link to the full article in the comment section below 👇

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    📢 Accuracy is excited to announce that nine of its experts have been featured in the Who's Who Legal – Construction 2024 report by Lexology. Huge congratulations to Stuart Appelbe, Vasudev Bhagavatula, Laura Cózar, Giovanni Foti, Tayo Okunade, Chris Rudland, Alasdair Snadden, Hervé de Trogoff, and Samuel Widdowson! Who’s Who Legal - #Construction provides in-depth analysis of the world’s elite construction lawyers and experts, as well as Future Leaders in the field. Our experts have been selected for their outstanding expertise and impressive work on #disputes and #claims arising from both quantum and delay issues on major projects. For more information ➡

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    📣 Accuracy will be participating in the Rencontres économiques d’Aix-en-Provence (REAix) on 5-6 July, 2024! Organised by Le Cercle des économistes, #REAix is Europe's leading economic forum that brings together over 360 high-level personalities from all backgrounds to debate major economic, political and social issues. 🎙️ On 6 July, our Senior Vice President Sustainability Sophie Chassat will be taking part in the roundtable "Companies, from individualism to general interest", alongside Brucker Céline, Pierre Ferracci, Maya Noël, Stéphane Dedeyan, Francois Hommeril, Nathalie Chusseau and Vincent Giret.     Can companies evolve into champions of the common good at a time of increasing social and political dislocation? What steps are needed for them to adopt sustainable models that benefit both society and their bottom line? Sophie will share insights on navigating the intricate landscape of corporate innovation and impact. More about the programme here 👉   Accuracy is a proud partner of Le Cercle des économistes. #REAIX2024

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    34 476  abonnés

    💡 Did you know? Long-term interest rates have been on a downward trend since ... the Renaissance. This surprising fact was highlighted by Kenneth Rogoff, a leading American economist, in his article "Long-Run Trends in Long-Maturity Real Rates". Why does the latest issue of our monthly #EconomicBrief take this "ancient" fact as its starting point? Not for the pleasure of making economic history, but to illustrate just how counter-intuitive certain economic phenomena can be. Particularly at a time like the present, when an increasing number of unforeseen events (health crises, armed conflicts, etc.) are thwarting even the most well-founded and common-sense forecasts. In this publication, our senior economic adviser Hervé Goulletquer examines the way #economic cycles are represented, the difficulties of combating certain preconceived ideas... but also the art of breaking with certain established doctrines, as illustrated by the protectionist measures adopted by the Biden administration with regard to China. Read more here 👉

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    🤖 When it comes to value creation, is the rapid rise of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) reshuffling the deck? Right now, it is difficult to assess all the #economicimpacts that will result from the widespread use of #AI. And there is a risk of overestimating the productivity gains to be made, as well as the extent to which business models will be called into question. In the 10th edition of #AccuracyTalksStraight devoted to GAI, our senior economic adviser Hervé Goulletquer explains why. Find out more here ➡

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