Arkham Wiki
Arkham Wiki

"What do you know of justice. Behind bars or beyond them, these people never change. As long as they live, Gotham is stained."
—Shiva to Batman

Lady Shiva was a highly trained and extremely dangerous assassin whose skills were known to be unmatched. She selected many of her targets simply to test her skills, but there were no known survivors. Shiva exploited the opportunity to implement several operations throughout Gotham City that would serve as seeds for massive plans instrumental in an insidious conspiracy to wipe Gotham clean of corruption, crime, pollution, and most of its population in the years to come..m

Under the orders of Ra's al Ghul, the mastermind and leader of the secret and worldwide organization, the League of Assassins, Shiva was put in command of a squadron of his trained soldiers, and used them to murder corrupt cops and countless criminals in order to lure Batman into a series of tests to see if he would be a worthy addition to the organization, perhaps even to serve as Ra's right-hand man and eventual successor. Manipulating the political activist, Quincy Sharp, into reopening Arkham Asylum, by using The Joker's destructive schemes for chaos and anarchy as incentive to do so, Shiva helped instigate a chain of events that would aid Ra's in assuming complete control of Gotham and, eventually, the world and wipe out countless innocent individuals in their goal of "cleansing" the world.

Incident Reports

Initiation Incident

Shiva appeared in the Challenge Map pack "Initiation" for Batman: Arkham Origins. In the last Combat Map of the game, she was an enemy in the final round: Seishinteki Kyoyo. She appeared in a cloud of smoke and attacked Bruce Wayne. She was unarmed, but functioned as a Martial Artist and an armored enemy. Counterattack opportunities for her attacks were not indicated even if the player was on the Normal difficulty. Shiva only took damage from countering her attacks or stunning her and following with a Beatdown. Defeating her ended the campaign.

In that appearance, Shiva was still a student of Kirigi and was one of his most accomplished students.

Before Arkham Origins Incident

At some point before the events of Arkham Origins, Shiva came into contact with Quincy Sharp, and was able to convince him to reopen the old Gotham mental hospital, Arkham Asylum, by claiming that in exchange, her master could help him achieve his ambitions of becoming Mayor of Gotham. Unknown to Sharp, however, Shiva was secretly manipulating him into becoming the perfect pawn for her master and Hugo Strange in a twisted plan to exterminate any and all crime and corruption in Gotham for good.

Shiva also came into contact with one of her potential business rivals: Bane, who was immediately suspicious of her. Intending to find out what Shiva's real intentions for coming to Gotham were, Bane had her abducted before she could meet with her squadron and was taken to his Underground Field Headquarters where he attempted to interrogate her. Shiva remained elusive, however, and frustrated Bane enough to try and threaten her. Shiva was not intimidated in the least, and instead decided to turn the tables on the mercenary by revealing the inside information that regarded TN-1. Angry and scared that his plans had been put into jeopardy, Bane demanded to know how she had come by this information. Shiva responded by simply telling him that her "master knew a great deal of information." Realizing who her true master was, Bane demanded to know what he was planning only for Shiva to both threaten and warn him not to interfere. Not long after this, Shiva escaped her captors and reunited with her squadron.

Arkham Origins Incident

At the beginning of the night, a 30-year old Shiva was walking down an alley when she was ambushed by a gang of Thugs. Despite being vastly outnumbered, Shiva was able to incapacitate and kill them all with ease. She was then given a mission folder from one of Black Mask's Gang. Shiva, along with Bane, Copperhead, Deathstroke, Deadshot, Electrocutioner, Killer Croc and Firefly, were hired by Black Mask to kill Batman for a reward of $50,000,000 on Christmas Eve. She was seen on the video of the drone on the Batcomputer surrounded by thugs, fought them, and was delivered an envelope of Batman, who was wanted dead by Black Mask. While taking up the hunt along with the other assassins, Shiva, knowing that "The Master" was interested in him, instead opted to test Batman's mantle; intending to pick up the reward as a consolation prize if he failed the test.

Shiva first lured Batman, by using an abandoned baby carriage and a recording of a crying baby. Shiva then instructed Batman to find and save an "Innocent Man" before he died in Burnley. Shiva used her ninjas to further test his abilities. Batman was able to save the innocent police officer, that Shiva and her ninjas had captured, and also tracked down the body of another officer that Shiva had killed due to his corruption.

While disappointed that Batman had refused to agree that Gotham needed to be purged instead of rehabilitated, Shiva instructed Batman to go to Wonder Tower in Sheldon Park to finish the test, which involved a trial of Combat between Batman, a group of League of Assassins Ninjas, and herself. With Batman surviving the trail and besting her ninjas, Shiva allowed Batman to live, withdrew herself from the hunt, and said that he was as good as her master had said. Batman attempted to take Shiva into custody, but she vanished, never to be seen again.

Cold, Cold Heart Incident

After Christmas Eve, Shiva and the rest of the League of Assassins left Gotham. Even though they had left Gotham around this time their influence still remained in the city through Quincy Sharp and Hugo Strange who were carrying out the league's orders.

Between Arkham Origins, Arkham Asylum and Arkham City Incident

Much of what follows between Arkham Origins and Arkham Asylum was left uncertain. However during this time Batman has had a run in with the league and their leader Ra's al Ghul sometime after Christmas Eve and before the reopening of Arkham Asylum.

Arkham City Incident

Though she didn't make a direct appearance, her actions were ultimately responsible for Arkham City being constructed. It is presently unknown what ultimately became of her.


A seemingly cold, calculating, and very intelligent young woman who was willing to do anything to achieve her goals, Shiva spent most of her childhood and adult life training her body and mind to the point where she had been acknowledged as the most dangerous female martial artist in the world. The fact that both Batman and Bane were noticeably weary of her, confirmed her status as a dangerous warrior who shouldn't be underestimated under any circumstances.

Because of that, Shiva had great pride in her skills, though she was in no way arrogant enough to believe herself unstoppable. Shiva nonetheless sought to test her abilities against strong opponents and often targeted people to see how much she had improved. On each occasion, Shiva won every time, and there was no record of any known survivors suggesting that she was extremely merciless. It should be noted that most of her opponents were likely criminals.

Shiva hated criminals with a passion and believed that they couldn't be redeemed, and that the few who were were exceptions. As such, whenever Shiva encountered them, she had little to no problem with killing them. One exception to this appeared to be Bane, whom Shiva appeared to have a mutual respect for, as she warned him away from interfering with her business in Gotham City.

Despite being seen as a threat by Batman and countless others, Shiva had on occasion, shown a more human side to her as she had willingly helped him on several occasions. She was also known to take apprentices whom she had cared for greatly. Among them were Nyssa Raatko, Black Canary, and even Tim Drake who would become the future Robin.

Shiva's relationship with the League of Assassins was a complicated one. While Shiva greatly cared for her apprentice and friend, Nyssa, and agreed with most of Ra's al Ghul's opinions, she became noticeably detached from the organization over the following years and eventually she chose to defect from the League completely, as shown in Arkham City when she was not present with the League.

Despite her long list of achievements, Shiva's personal life was filled with regrets. Perhaps the biggest, was Shiva's failed relationship with fellow mercenary, David Cain, and her estrangement with her daughter, Cassandra Cain. Despite Shiva believing that Cassandra would be better off without her in her life, she eventually realized later that she had made a mistake. Since then, Shiva had become determined to try to fix her mistake. It was this reason among others, that Shiva had decided to defect from the League.

Shiva was shown to be extremely manipulative as she was able to easily trick Quincy Sharp into reopening Arkham Asylum without him ever suspecting a thing.



Shiva wore a suit similar of her Arkham Origins one but lacking the belt and jacket.

Batman: Arkham Origins

In this game, Shiva had dark brown hair in a bob with light skin and a black jacket with a collar neck and goes down to her elbows and underneath it is a red and black buttoned and tied robe with a red belt below that and around her waist and she has dark long gloves that start at her elbows and dark long pants that go down to her shoes and under and lastly she has High-Calves for boots.

Psychological Profile


Real Name: Sandra Wu-San

League of Assassins

GCPD Profile

Interpol: Numerous high-profile cold case assassinations of the last 3 year have been added to this file. See attached.

Police work on all major continents has little. One line of investigation through the Hong Kong Police Force has returned two pieces of data - an allegation of the name "Shiva" and a single photograph that allegedly depicts this individual. The informant that provided this information has since gone missing. Non-verified image is included for complements. See attached.

Batman's Database Profile

Police records are thin, but indications are that Shiva is highly trained and extremely dangerous assassin. Rumor is that she selects many of her targets simply to test her skills. There are no known survivors from these encounters. The threat she represents cannot be underestimated.


  • Martial Arts Grandmaster
  • Keen Intellect
  • Indomitable Will
  • Master of Stealth
  • Weapon Master
  • Marksmanship
  • Swordsmanship
  • Tactical Analysis

Extortion File

Tape 1

  • Bane: Answer my question. Why are you here?
  • Shiva: The same as you, of course. Money, glory.
  • Bane: Don't play games with me.
  • Shiva: But you can play the cunning brute? I know of your reliance on Venom. And your desire to eliminate it.
  • Bane: How did you - ?
  • Shiva: When you've lived as long as the Master has, you can gather a great deal of knowledge.
  • Bane: You're working for him? What is he planning?
  • Shiva: You know better than question his motives.

Tape 2

  • Shiva: I am simply saying that my master shares your hatred of criminals.
  • Quincy Sharp: Listen, I'm not sure who you are, or what you want, but I don't appreciate you meddling in my business.
  • Shiva: We are hardly meddling. My master is simply offering you assistance. An opportunity you yourself say you desire.
  • Quincy Sharp: What makes him so sure he can do it?
  • Shiva: Well, it certainly will not happen over night. There are... steps we must take.
  • Quincy Sharp: Strings. I knew it.
  • Shiva: You say you want to be mayor, that you want to purge this city of criminals. Then taking this position is hardly a string.
  • Quincy Sharp: So what did you say this facility was called?
  • Shiva: Arkham Asylum.


Shiva is a boss in Batman: Arkham Origins, who can be fought at the end of one of the Most Wanted missions. At first, you fight Shiva and 3 sword-using ninjas, in which case Shiva behaves like a Martial Artist. Later when all 3 ninjas are defeated, 3 martial artists will show up, and this time around Shiva will switch to using her sword and behave like a sword-using ninja. Like martial artists, Shiva can snap out of Beatdowns and cannot be defeated with a Beatdown Finisher, and she is immune to Takedowns. In the Initiation DLC fight with Shiva, she only behaves like a martial artist, and the combat round only ends once you land enough hits to defeat her.


‎Game Over Lines:

Arkham Origins


Batman Arkham Origins - Game Over Shiva

Video showing Shiva's game over lines.

  • "You fought well. And so I grant you the favor of a quick death."
  • "I take no pleasure in your death, but, I see no other way."

Batman: Arkham Origins

  • "That's just a consolation prize in case you fail the test."
  • "Somewhere in New Gotham, an innocent man is about to die. And we both know you won't allow that. So the question is: Can you find him, Batman? Can you save him?"
  • "Because you wouldn't. He was corrupt. A murderer."
  • "What do you know of justice? Behind bars or beyond them, these people never change. As long as they live, Gotham is stained."
  • "And here I thought you might understand. Still, the test must continue. Meet me at Sheldon Park."
  • "Why did you come? Don't you have a city to save?"
  • "Yes. A lesson that seems lost on you, and many more will die if you do not learn it."
  • "I admire your passion, though you cause is flawed. Now let us fight."
  • "Strike now!"
  • "Were we wrong about you!?"
  • "You lack focus."
  • "Such a shame."
  • "Disappointing."
  • "Learn quickly, Batman."
  • "Well fought. Now, let's see how you handle this!"
  • "It is time to be tested!"
  • "You cannot hope to match me!"
  • "Do not disappoint us, Batman!"
  • "Let's test your technique."
  • "Let me show you true skill!"
  • "A lesson for you."
  • "Now pay attention."
  • "Now we'll see if you are worthy!"
  • "Earn your place, or die."
  • "The test is ended! And with it, your life!"
  • "Enough!"
  • "Skilled. Honorable. Devoted. I see now why the Master has chosen you. It seems we have both learned something today."
  • "No, you're not. But you have earned a reprieve. I hope, in time, you come to realize how wrong you are about Gotham. It is not meant to be saved. It cannot be saved - Only cleansed. And from the ashes, reborn."



  • Shiva was one of the few characters to not have a profile in Batman: Arkham Asylum along with Anarky, Bird, Copperhead, Deathstroke, Man-Bat, Solomon Grundy, Electrocutioner, Professor Pyg, Lucius Fox, Vicki Vale, Deadshot, and Nora Fries.
  • She was only referred to as "Shiva" in Batman: Arkham Origins unlike her comics character which was called "Lady Shiva". Her full name, Sandra Wu-San, was also not listed in her profile, but rather as "Unknown".
  • Though not appearing in person, Shiva's lover (and the father of her daughter Cassandra), David Cain, was listed as a potential assassin candidate, as seen in Black Mask's Office at the Steel Mill, along with Cheshire and Black Spider.
  • While it was never directly stated, one could easily come to the conclusion that Shiva's master was Ra's al Ghul, namely due to her master's fixation on Batman, and during the Extortion Data Audio Files, she approached Quincy Sharp about reopening Arkham Asylum and talked about Sharp wanting to become Mayor, which Ra's eventually did help Sharp win in order to create Arkham City. It was later revealed in the Initiation DLC that she served Grandmaster Kirigi.
  • Shiva was the only assassin listed "Defeated" rather than "Captured" after she was beaten by Batman, similar to Electrocutioner being the only assassin that was labelled "Deceased".
  • Shiva's actions (namely her manipulation of Quincy Sharp to reopen the old Arkham Asylum under the orders of Ra's al Ghul) ultimately caused the construction of Arkham City and the massive loss of life during Protocol 10.
  • Although Shiva fought both Bruce Wayne and Batman, it remained unclear whether she knew that they were the same person. Her affiliation with Ra's al Ghul and the League of Assassins, however, leaned more toward that she knew.
  • Shiva and the League of Assassins seemed to share the mentality of Ra's al Ghul and the League of Shadows in The Dark Knight Trilogy, that Gotham could not be saved, only destroyed and then reborn.
Batman: Arkham Origins
Alfred Pennyworth - Batman/Bruce Wayne - James Gordon - Barbara Gordon - Robin (Dick Grayson)
Anarky - Andrew Carter - Bane - Black Mask - Blackgate Prisoners - Bird - Calendar Man - Chucky Berks - Copperhead - Deadshot - Deathstroke - Electrocutioner - Enigma - Firefly - Ian Chase - Joker/Red Hood - Killer Croc - Mad Hatter - Mr. Freeze - Penguin - Qing Lu - Ricky "Loose Lips" Leblanc - Robert Hanes - Shiva
Other Characters
Alberto Falcone - Alex Cane - Amanda Waller - Branden - Bryan Murphy - Candy - Clarissa Rodriguez - Cyrus Pinkney - David Shannon - Ferris Boyle - Gillian B. Loeb - Harvey Bullock - Harleen Quinzel - Horace Riley - John DeMarco - John F. Baker - Kirigi - Martin Joseph - Matthew Kadai - Nate Ramo - Nora Fries - Owen Grant - Quincy Sharp - Thomas and Martha Wayne - Tiffany Ambrose - Tracey Buxton - Vicki Vale
Gotham City

Amusement Mile - Batcave - Blackgate Prison - The Bowery - Burnley - Coventry - Diamond District - Final Offer - GCPD Building - GothCorp - Gotham Merchant's Bank - Gotham Cathedral - Gotham Pioneer's Bridge - Industrial District - Jezebel Center - Lacey Towers - My Alibi - Park Row - Royal Hotel - Steel Mill - Solomon Wayne Courthouse - Wayne Manor

Bat-Signal - Batarang - Batclaw - Batmobile - Batsuit - Batwing - Character Bio - Cryptographic Sequencer - Detective Mode - Disruptor - Enigma Datapack - Explosive Gel - Freeflow Combat - Glue Grenade - Grapnel Gun - Interview Tape - Predator Mode - Remote Claw - Riddler Trophy - Smilex - TN-1 - Venom - Wayne Enterprises - WayneTech
Achievements & Trophies