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"Bane already has all he needs. He will find you. He will break you."
—Bird to Batman

Bird has no criminal record prior to his incarceration. Though records of Peña Duro were sketchy at best, they contain no mention of a "Bird" alias. His admission and incarceration paperwork appear to have been lost. Since his escape, Bird is responsible for the kinds of heinous crimes that are committed at the behest of his master.

Following the reopening of Arkham Asylum a few years later, Bird fell out of contact with Bane, who suffered great mental damage from using the prototype super-Venom, TN-1. The most likely reason being that Bird lost faith in following Bane, whose mind greatly diminished and was completely obsessed with killing Batman.

Incident Reports[]

Before Arkham Origins Incident[]

Exact details about Angel Vallelunga's life prior to escaping Peña Duro is unknown as were all records of his existence. After he was freed from the prison by Bane, Angel took the name Bird and participated in many terrorist acts and crimes at the behest of his master.

Batman: Arkham Origins Incident[]

During Batman and Bane's fight at the Royal Hotel, Bird arrived in a helicopter to extract his master. Bird is later behind several Venom shipments throughout the city. After destroying the shipments, Batman confronts him at My Alibi. After defeating Bird and a few of Bane's men, Batman left them for the GCPD.

Batman: Arkham Origins Multiplayer[]

Bird is part of Bane's Militia who fight Joker's Henchmen in a series of gang wars.

He acts as a side announcer for Bane when Bane is either active in combat or he has marked the entry door in which he will show up in.


Bird is unshakably loyal to Bane and incredibly ruthless when his master ordered him to complete a task. Despite his high ranking in Bane's army, Bird is just another expendable puppet who takes a very 'don't say, don't think' attitude and did any order that his master requested no matter how heinous. Bird is said to have been imprisoned in Peña Duro along with Bane and shared his master's cunning, brutality, and intelligence.

Psychological Profile[]


Real Name: Angel Vallelungua

GCPD Profile[]


Batman's Database Profile[]

Like Bane, Bird has no criminal record prior to his incarceration. Though records of Peña Duro are sketchy at best, they contain no mention of a "Bird" alias. His admission and incarceration paperwork appear to have been lost. Unless of course, there is a truth to the rumors, and he was born and raised inside the prison, like Bane. Since his escape, Bird has been responsible for all kinds of heinous crimes committed at the behest of his master. This is a man who will obey any order without question and lay down his life without a second thought. In short, a fanatic - and very dangerous because of it.


  • One of the many prisoners who escaped Peña Duro with Bane's help
  • Has training in knife fighting and the use of explosives
  • Unshakable loyalty to Bane
  • Basic Hand To Hand Combat Skills
  • Extensive knowledge of Gotham's underworld
  • Falconry


  • "Leave now and we will spare you."
  • "...he will stay away if he values his life."
  • "Ah. The Bat. You have come as Bane said you would. Fly down from your perch, then, so I can kill you."
  • "They call me Bird."
  • "Bane already has all he needs. He will find you. He will break you."



  • Bird's appearance and role through the story was very different from the one seen in the comics (The Knightfall Arc).
Batman: Arkham Origins
Alfred Pennyworth - Batman/Bruce Wayne - James Gordon - Barbara Gordon - Robin (Dick Grayson)
Anarky - Andrew Carter - Bane - Black Mask - Blackgate Prisoners - Bird - Calendar Man - Chucky Berks - Copperhead - Deadshot - Deathstroke - Electrocutioner - Enigma - Firefly - Ian Chase - Joker/Red Hood - Killer Croc - Mad Hatter - Mr. Freeze - Penguin - Qing Lu - Ricky "Loose Lips" Leblanc - Robert Hanes - Shiva
Other Characters
Alberto Falcone - Alex Cane - Amanda Waller - Branden - Bryan Murphy - Candy - Clarissa Rodriguez - Cyrus Pinkney - David Shannon - Ferris Boyle - Gillian B. Loeb - Harvey Bullock - Harleen Quinzel - Horace Riley - John DeMarco - John F. Baker - Kirigi - Martin Joseph - Matthew Kadai - Nate Ramo - Nora Fries - Owen Grant - Quincy Sharp - Thomas and Martha Wayne - Tiffany Ambrose - Tracey Buxton - Vicki Vale
Gotham City

Amusement Mile - Batcave - Blackgate Prison - The Bowery - Burnley - Coventry - Diamond District - Final Offer - GCPD Building - GothCorp - Gotham Merchant's Bank - Gotham Cathedral - Gotham Pioneer's Bridge - Industrial District - Jezebel Center - Lacey Towers - My Alibi - Park Row - Royal Hotel - Steel Mill - Solomon Wayne Courthouse - Wayne Manor

Bat-Signal - Batarang - Batclaw - Batmobile - Batsuit - Batwing - Character Bio - Cryptographic Sequencer - Detective Mode - Disruptor - Enigma Datapack - Explosive Gel - Freeflow Combat - Glue Grenade - Grapnel Gun - Interview Tape - Predator Mode - Remote Claw - Riddler Trophy - Smilex - TN-1 - Venom - Wayne Enterprises - WayneTech
Achievements & Trophies