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Robert Hanes is a well-known con artist who was involved in various scams. He was also a murderer.


Batman: Arkham Origins[]

Robert Hanes is a con artist who specializes in various scams over a long period of time. His scams usually involved inside men he pays a cut to when the scam is complete.

He encountered an Account Manager at the Gotham Merchant's Bank, named Bryan Murphy. He convinces Murphy to give him the account information for a bank client. By the time of Christmas Eve, Murphy has second thoughts on the scam and wants out, and threatens to expose the scam to either the GCPD or the bank employees. Hanes silences Murphy by shoving him off the roof into Jezebel Plaza, breaking the railing in the process.

Batman, having learned of the incident from a police scanner, arrives and deduces Hane's role in the murder from fingerprints on Murphy's suitcase which had fallen onto a ledge between the railing and the plaza. Alfred narrows down the search area ahead of time. Batman tracks Hanes to a rooftop at the Diamond District and overhears him and his gang planning their scam. Batman then subdues them. Batman interrogates Hanes on the murder and the scam, then leaves Hanes to be apprehended by the GCPD.

