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Arkham Wiki

David Shannon was an engineer for Gotham Optics, and a murder victim.


Batman: Arkham Origins[]

Sometime during Christmas Eve, David Shannon was dispatched to repair a faulty network tower at the Coventry Tower. Unfortunately for Shannon, when he was about to access the tower controls to repair them, the keycard scanning device exploded, and killed the hapless technician by throwing him across a wall into the adjoining room. The scanner had been sabotaged by John F. Baker, a low-level thug who was hired by Enigma to ensure that no one attempted to access the network tower that he sabotaged. Batman arrived at the tower to take care of the sabotaged network tower to allow the Batwing to fly over to the Bowery to uncover the location of the Penguin. Batman uncovered the murder, proceeded to solve it, and also used the codes that were included on the discarded keycard to hack into the panel via the Cryptographic Sequencer to evade the booby-trapped panel, although he wasn't able to apprehend the criminal responsible, and learned that Baker himself had been murdered at the Diamond District (presumably by Enigma, to cover his tracks).
