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Arkham Wiki

Martin Joseph never worked a beat or done time as a Blackgate guard, but was hired as Warden of Blackgate because of his administrative abilities in finding ways to increase prison profitability with his degree in criminology. Since there are guards on the payroll of Black Mask and the Penguin, the prison has become a haven for criminals and activity. Noted that Joseph does not appear to have any criminal ties and is trying to do his job. Joseph is one of few righteous people, who are related to GCPD.


Though Joseph has a degree in criminology and spent a short time in police administration, he has never worked a beat or done time as a prison guard. He was hired because of his administrative abilities, and tasked with finding ways to increase prison profitability. There are more guards on the payroll of Black Mask and the Penguin and the prison has become a haven for criminals and activity. Joseph does not appear to have any criminal ties and he is simply trying to do the job.

Incident Reports[]

Before Arkham Origins Incident[]

Martin Joseph was the Warden at Blackgate Prison and was known to have a wife. When Dr. Harleen Quinzel deems prisoner Julian Day to be insane, Martin convinced Dr. Quinzel to redo her evaluation under the pretense that Day had manipulated her (although it was heavily implied that Joseph himself was being manipulated by Commissioner Gillian B. Loeb into having Day ruled sane and execute him to gain political points and possibly due to his friendship with Judge Harkness, who later sentenced Day to death after he was ruled insane).

Arkham Origins Incident[]

Prior to Christmas Eve, "Black Mask" blackmailed Warden Joseph into allowing him and his gang access to Blackgate Prison by threatening his family. Black Mask also tortured Joseph by burning out his left eye with a lit cigarrette. On Christmas Eve, after Black Mask and his gang had entered the prison, Joseph was nearly beaten to death by one of Black Mask's mobsters, before Batman saved him.

Before the second Blackgate Prison Riot, the Joker took Warden Joseph hostage to force Batman to fight Bane. Captain Gordon arrived, however, and shot the two henchmen who were holding Joseph hostage in non-lethal areas of their bodies, and Joseph quickly handcuffed them. Before Batman stopped Bane's heart, Joseph ordered the Joker put the gun down, but Joker decided to shoot him. However, he was saved by Gordon, who jumped in front of the bullet, and took the shot for him, but Gordon was saved because of his bulletproof vest. While Batman battled Bane, Gordon and Joseph went after the Joker, where he eventually had both Gordon and Joseph pinned down in Death Row.

After Batman defeated Bane, Joseph was found by him, and was shot by a sniper. Joseph warned Batman about the sniper, but he was suddenly attacked by Killer Croc, who was accidentally shot by the sniper, after the sniper was attacked by Gordon. Killer Croc quickly abandoned attacking Batman, and escaped. After Batman and Gordon took out some of the inmates who wished to kill Joseph, Gordon stayed with him, and said that he would make it, and Batman went after Joker, who was in the Prison Chapel.

Arkham Origins Blackgate Incident[]

During the breakout at Blackgate, Joseph was taken hostage by Joker again, and tied up to several bombs. After Batman defused the bombs, Joseph pointed him to a secret entrance to his office that was located in the Industrial Area.

Psychological Profile[]

Warden Joseph[]

Real Name: Martin Joseph

Batman's Database Profile[]

Though Joseph has a degree in criminology and spent a short time in police administration, he has never worked a beat or done time as a prison guard. He was hired because of his administrative abilities, and tasked with finding ways to increase prison profitability. While he has experienced some degree of success, it has come to a cost. The number of inmates has ballooned while maintenance expenditures have been cut, causing the facility to fall into disrepair and disrepute. There are more and more guards on the payroll of Black Mask and the Penguin and the prison has become a haven for criminals and criminal activity. It should be noted that Joseph himself does not appear to have any criminal ties. He is simply trying to do the job he was hired to do.


  • Rumored to be more concerned with the politics of his office than his responsibilities
  • A family man - no known associations with criminal elements
  • Career prison administrator who belches a lot.


  • The character design sheet lists his first name as "Tom"
  • Despite the fact that it was revealed in Arkham Origins that it was actually the Joker, who was disguised as Black Mask, who burnt out his left eye, Joseph still believed that it was the latter during the events of Arkham Origins: Blackgate. That was most likely set in place by the game developers to avoid spoilers for players who may played the handheld installment without having played Arkham Origins, as both games were released simultaneously and marketed as containing no significant plot points that would spoil the events of the other game (the Joker's reveal as Black Mask's impostor served as the turning point of Arkham Origins).