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Glue grenade

The Glue Grenade in Arkham Origins.

The Glue Grenade is an adhesive grenade that is created and used by Batman. The grenade was a compound that was found at the Steel Mill, and it was a projectile that detonated glue on enemies which they were stuck in.

Incident Reports[]

Arkham Origins Incident[]

"What's this!? Bat spit!?"
—Firefly, caught in the glue

While he explored the Steel Mill, Batman stumbled upon a chemical compound that served as the binding agent that he needed to complete the first Glue Grenade prototype. After he retrieved the newly developed weapon, Batman used it to great effectiveness throughout the rest of the incident.

Cold, Cold Heart Incident[]

According to Alfred, the compound was unstable and faulty, and all of the remaining adhesive turned to dust shortly after the Christmas Eve Incident. Therefore, it was not available to Batman for the first Mr. Freeze Incident.

Arkham Origins: Blackgate[]

Batman attempted to salvage the Glue Formula by making a special variety of his Explosive Gel that was laced with the Glue Formula. The concept was to temporarily jam gears and doors long enough for him to pass through. While it served him well inside Blackgate Prison, Batman opted not to use it or the Gel Launcher for the remainder of his journey as more and more doors became electronic, he no longer saw a need for the costly formula and scrapped it.


Batman: Arkham Origins[]

The Glue Grenade served three functions throughout the game:

  1. It served as a crowd control weapon that incapacitated enemies or groups of enemies for a short period of time. It was especially used on Firefly to restrain his effectiveness during his battle.
  2. It blocked off steam from broken pipes and opened paths that were otherwise cut off.
  3. It created a raft in water that Batman stood on while he pulled himself around with the Batclaw.



Batman obtaining the Glue Grenade from his workbench in the Batcave.


  • The Glue Grenade operated the same way as the Freeze Blast in Batman: Arkham City.
  • The fact that the Glue Grenade compound had turned to dust the day after it was made was an indication of why the gadget was not used later in Batman's career, as it was likely too costly to justify manufacturing more and the fact that it turned to dust 24 hours after it was made.
  • Purchasing a certain upgrade took away from its functionality: The player could not use it as a landmine that covered the whole enemy. It instead only glued their feet, and left their hands still moving. Even though it still had the ability to trap multiple enemies, most likely only one would step on the mine. As the mine could not be used the same way as the grenade could (tapping R2 to cover whole enemy, holding R2 to glue their legs) the player could not use the default mine anymore. Both grenades could still be used, however.