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Environmental Sustainability

Even though 92 percent of consumers aspire to live sustainably, only 16 percent are actively changing behaviors. As marketers, we must drive changes in consumer behavior and within our organizations to positively impact our planet, communities, and other stakeholders.

In this section, you will find tools to drive your strategy, no matter where you are on your sustainability journey, to drive environmentally sustainable business practices in alignment with business growth.

Join Ad Net Zero in the Industry Drive to Reduce Carbon Impact

Marketers across the globe are looking to measure and align on carbon emissions and their reduction. To ensure a consistent framework, Ad Net Zero is leading the industry to reduce the carbon impact of developing, producing, and running advertising to real net zero. The Ad Net Zero Action Plan includes:

    1. Get your house in order: Advertising Business Operations
    2. Reduce Emissions from Advertising Production
    3. Reduce Emissions from Media Planning & Buying
    4. Reduce Advertising Emissions Through Awards and From Events
    5. Harness Advertising's Power To Support Consumer Behaviour Change

You can learn more about the initiative through the Ad Net Zero report.

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Take the Next Step

Contact the Sustainability Collective team at sustainability@ana.net to learn more about how you can get involved.

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