Enemy Types


The following Enemies are considered Hollow:

The following Bosses and Minor Bosses are considered Hollow:

The following Characters are considered Hollow:

Equipment and effects that increases damage against Hollow enemies:
Equipment / Effect Bonus damage
Sunlight Blade 20%
Blades of Mercy 5%
Hollowslayer Greatsword 20%
Key to the Embedded 20%
Kirkhammer 5%
Pursuer's Ultra Greatsword 5%
Binded Set 20%
Pale Shade Set 20%
Pursuer's Set 20%
Blight Ring 15/20/25/30/35/40%
Vindicti Petal 20%
Boon of the Champion 10%


The following Enemies are considered Undead:

The following Bosses are considered Undead:

The following Characters are considered Undead:

Equipment and effects that increases damage against Undead enemies:
Equipment / Effect Bonus damage
Holy infusion 5%
Blessed Weapon 20%
Anri's Straight Sword 10%
Astora Greatsword 5%
Astora Straight Sword 5%
Crescent Axe 5%
Engraved Dagger 5%
Grant 30%
Lothric's Holy Sword 5%
Twin Princes' Sword 5%
Wolnir's Holy Sword 5%
Silver Knight Spear 20%
Gravekeeper Set 20%
Hallowed Knight Set 20%
Crypt Ring 15/20/25/30/35/40%
Inferi Petal 20%
Boon of the High Lord 10%


The following Enemies are considered Demon:

The following Bosses and Minor Bosses are considered Demon:

Equipment and effects that increases damage against Demon enemies:
Equipment / Effect Bonus damage
Supreme Black Flame Arc 20%
Black Knight Glaive 10%
Black Knight Greataxe 10%
Black Knight Greatsword 10%
Black Knight Sword 10%
Bone Rapier 20%
Black Knight Set 20%
Fallen Knight Set 20%
Ivory King Set 20%
Demonsbane Ring 15/20/25/30/35/40%
Combustum Petal 20%
Boon of the Demon King 10%


The following Enemies are considered Abyssal:

The following Bosses are considered Abyssal:

Equipment and effects that increases damage against Abyssal enemies:
Equipment / Effect Bonus damage
Supreme Darkmoon Blade 20%
Farron Greatsword 20%
Grant 30%
Greatsword of Artorias 20%
Nil Bow and Blade 5%
Old Wolf Curved Sword 20%
Wolf Knight's Greatsword 20%
Quicksilver Set 20%
Ringed Knight Set 20%
Hallowed Ring 15/20/25/30/35/40%
Barathrum Petal 20%


  • Bonus damage from equipment against each enemy type only affects Weapons.
  • Anti-Undead equipment/effects also prevents skeleton reassembly.

Information here is accurate for version 2.15.

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