
Miracles are on of the three available Spell types in Dark Souls III, the other ones being Sorceries and Pyromancies.
Casting a miracle requires either a Spell Tool, as well as sufficient Faith.

Most miracles can be learned from the miracle trainers Irina of Carim and Karla, with some basic ones being sold by Astrologer Lillian at a higher price.

Miracle Ascension is performed by Scribe Vadan.
Dark Miracle Ascension is performed by Sinner Argith.

For more information about spells check here.

Miracle Showcase

Common Miracles

Spell Int. Fth. Slots FP Effect Type Effect Description Acquisition
Atonement Image
7 22 1 100 Buff/Self

Increases target priority to the player by 10, boosts Magic, Fire, Lightning and Dark absorptions by 50% and reduces Physical absorption by 50%. Lasts 30 seconds.
Reduces max FP by 10%.

Blessed Weapon
Blessed Weapon Image
0 40 1 100 Buff/Utility/Self

Increases Physical damage by 60, grants 20% bonus damage to Undead enemies and restores 5 HP per second for 60 seconds.
Fatigues focus, increasing FP consumption costs by 25% while active.

Bountiful Light
Bountiful Light Image
0 40 1 100 Buff/Utility/Self

Heals 600 HP over 60 seconds (10 HP/s).
Fatigues focus, increasing FP consumption costs by 30% while active.

Bountiful Sunlight
Bountiful Sunlight Image
0 50 1 150 Buff/Utility/AOE

Heals 900 HP over 60 seconds (15 HP/s).
Fatigues focus, increasing FP consumption costs by 40% while active.

Caressing Tears
Caressing Tears Image
0 20 1 100 Utility/Self

Cure all ailments for self and vicinity.

Dark Blade
Dark Blade Image
12 37 1 100 Buff/Self

Adds 60 Dark damage to main weapon and boosts Dark absorption by 10% for 60 seconds.
Fatigues focus, increasing FP consumption costs by 25% while active.

Darkmoon Blade
Darkmoon Blade Image
0 40 1 100 Buff/Self

Adds 75 Magic damage to main weapon for 60 seconds.
Fatigues focus, increasing FP consumption costs by 25% while active.

Dead Again
Dead Again Image
5 15 1 50 Offensive/AOE/Utility

Bless corpses, transforming them into traps.

Deep Protection
Deep Protection Image
7 22 1 100 Buff/Self

Boosts all damage dealt by 5% and all absorptions by 5%. Increases Poison, Toxic, Bleed, Frost and Curse resistance by +50. Increases Stamina Recovery by 10. Lasts 60 seconds.
Fatigues focus, increasing FP consumption costs by 15% while active.

Force Image
0 10 1 30 Utility/AOE

Create shockwave.

Great Heal
Great Heal Image
0 40 1 120 Utility/AOE

Restore HP for self and vicinity, healing 600 HP.
Reduces effectiveness of HP restoration sources by 10% for 15 seconds. This effect stacks.

Great Magic Barrier
Great Magic Barrier Image
0 60 1 150 Buff/Self

Increases Magic absorption by 50% for 60 seconds.

Gwynevere's Abnegation
Gwynevere's Abnegation Image
0 30 1 50 Ranged/Utility

Repels target weak foe backwards significantly.

Heal Image
0 20 1 75 Utility/AOE

Restore HP for self and vicinity, healing 300 HP.
Reduces effectiveness of HP restoration sources by 10% for 15 seconds. This effect stacks.

Heal Aid
Heal Aid Image
0 10 1 50 Utility/Self

Restore HP, healing 200 HP.
Reduces effectiveness of HP restoration sources by 10% for 15 seconds. This effect stacks.

Heavenly Relief
Heavenly Relief Image
0 30 1 100 Utility/Self

Increases max Equipment Load by 25% and reveals developer messages and summoning signs while unembered for 60 seconds.
Fatigues focus, increasing FP consumption costs by 15% while active.

Homeward Image
0 10 1 30 Utility/Self

Returns caster to last bonfire rested at, or to shrine.

Lightning Blade
Lightning Blade Image
0 40 1 100 Buff/Self

Adds 75 Lightning damage to main weapon for 60 seconds.
Fatigues focus, increasing FP consumption costs by 25% while active.

Magic Barrier
Magic Barrier Image
0 30 1 75 Buff/Self

Increases Magic absorption by 30% for 60 seconds.

Med Heal
Med Heal Image
0 30 1 100 Utility/AOE

Restore moderate HP for self and vicinity, healing 400 HP.
Reduces effectiveness of HP restoration sources by 10% for 15 seconds. This effect stacks.

Perseverance Image
0 40 1 100 Self/Buff

Boosts Armor Poise by 50% for 60 seconds.
Fatigues focus, increasing FP consumption costs by 15% while active.

Projected Heal
Projected Heal Image
0 30 1 150 Utility/Ranged/AOE

Toss a light that heals those nearby impact point, healing 300 HP.
Reduces effectiveness of HP restoration sources by 10% for 15 seconds. This effect stacks.

Pulsating Blade
Pulsating Blade Image
12 37 1 100 Self/Buff/Utility

Imbue right-hand weapon with blood, adding 30 Bleed to it for 60 seconds.
Fatigues focus, increasing FP consumption costs by 15% while active.

Replenishment Image
0 30 1 80 Buff/Utility/Self

Heals 300 HP over 60 seconds (5 HP/s).
Fatigues focus, increasing FP consumption costs by 25% while active.

Sacred Oath
Sacred Oath Image
0 60 1 150 Buff/AOE

Increases Physical and Lightning damage and all absorptions by 20% for 60 seconds, for self and those in the vicinity.
Fatigues focus, increasing FP consumption costs by 25% while active.

Soothing Sunlight
Soothing Sunlight Image
0 50 1 150 Utility/AOE

Restore high HP for self and broad area, healing 800 HP.
Reduces effectiveness of HP restoration sources by 10% for 15 seconds. This effect stacks.

Static Field
Static Field Image
0 30 1 80 Utility/AOE

Cast a lightning orb that pulls enemies to it for 5 seconds.

Tailwind Image
0 26 1 100 Buff/Utility/Self

Beckon a tailwind, increasing movement speed by 20% for 30 seconds.

Tears of Denial
Tears of Denial Image
0 40 1 150 Buff/Utility/Self

Grant one chance to endure when HP reaches 0.

Vow of Silence
Vow of Silence Image
10 30 1 100 Buff/Debuff/AOE/Utility

Prevent spells in vicinity, including one's own. Lasts for 15 seconds.

Physical Miracles

Spell Int. Fth. Slots FP Effect Type Effect Description Acquisition
Angelic Barrage
Angelic Barrage Image
0 60 2 100 Offensive/Ranged/Homing/AOE

Call forth a shower of holy spears, dealing 60 Thrust Damage per tick.

Blast Wave
Blast Wave Image
0 60 2 80 Offensive/Ranged/AOE

Compress air at range and immediately release it to cause a thunderous shockwave, dealing 300 Slash Damage.

Cyclone Blast
Cyclone Blast Image
0 30 2 100 Offensive/Ranged

Emit large wind blast, dealing 250 Slash Damage.

Divine Arrow
Divine Arrow Image
0 15 1 40 Offensive/Ranged

Fire a divine arrow, dealing 100 Thrust Damage.

Divine Pillars of Light
Divine Pillars of Light Image
0 50 1 5 Offensive/AOE

Bring down multiple pillars of light in vicinity, dealing 200 Standard Damage.

Emit Force
Emit Force Image
0 20 1 50 Offensive/Ranged/Utility/AOE

Release shockwave in front, dealing 125 (75 for reduced AoE) Strike Damage.

Gale Force
Gale Force Image
0 20 1 70 Offensive/Ranged

Emit wind projectile, dealing 175 Slash Damage.

Ghostly Assault
Ghostly Assault Image
0 50 1 80 Offensive/Ranged

Summon forth a legion of archers, dealing 30 Thrust Damage per arrow.

Halo Image
0 50 2 100 Offensive/AOE

Launch white discuses outwards from the conjurer, each bullet deals 120 Slash Damage at all three hits.

Lothric's Holy Spear
Lothric's Holy Spear Image
0 40 2 80 Offensive/Ranged

Fire piercing holy soul spear, dealing 250 Thrust Damage.

Proof of a Pact
Proof of a Pact Image
0 50 2 50 Offensive/AOE

Summon forth a ghostly knight, dealing 200 Strike Damage.

Shredding Winds
Shredding Winds Image
0 50 2 100 Offensive/AOE/Ranged

Emit stationary wind orb which deals 20 Slash Damage per tick for 5 seconds.

Slicing Wind
Slicing Wind Image
0 10 1 40 Offensive/Ranged

Emit wave of wind that slices enemies, dealing 70 Slash Damage.

Squall Image
0 10 1 40 Offensive

Emit a short burst of wind, dealing 150 Slash Damage.

Way of White Corona
Way of White Corona Image
0 10 1 30 Offensive/Ranged

White discus slices into foes and returns to conjurer, dealing 50 Slash Damage on the first hit and 50 for the rest.

Whirlwind Image
0 50 2 100 Offensive/AOE

Emit a whirlwind of tiny razor blades that continuously shred the enemies for 4 seconds, dealing 100 Slash Damage on the initial hit and 50 per tick after.

Wrath of the Gods
Wrath of the Gods Image
0 30 2 75 Offensive/Utility/AOE

Create powerfull shockwave, dealing 200 Strike Damage.

Lightning Miracles

Spell Int. Fth. Slots FP Effect Type Effect Description Acquisition
Great Lightning Spear
Great Lightning Spear Image
0 25 1 60 Offensive/Ranged

Hurl giant lightning spear, dealing 175 Lightning damage (80 for the reduced AoE). Additional 80 Lightning damage when in proximity.

Heavenly Thunder
Heavenly Thunder Image
0 60 2 120 Offensive/Ranged/Homing/AOE

Summon heavenly thunder, dealing 40 Lightning damage.

Holy Schism
Holy Schism Image
0 60 2 120 Offensive/AOE

Summon rows of upwardly thrusting ritual spears, dealing 100 Lightning damage on the first tick, and 100 on the following ones.

Lightning Arrow
Lightning Arrow Image
0 10 1 20 Offensive/Ranged

Draw lightning bow to fire lightning arrow, dealing 65 Lightning damage.

Lightning Orb
Lightning Orb Image
0 50 2 120 Offensive/Ranged/AOE/Homing

Cast a massive lightning orb which slowly moves forward for 5 seconds, dealing 20 Lightning damage per tick.

Lightning Spear
Lightning Spear Image
0 15 1 30 Offensive/Ranged

Hurls a lightning spear, dealing 110 Lightning damage (50 for the reduced AoE). Additional 50 Lightning damage when in proximity.

Lightning Stake
Lightning Stake Image
0 40 1 60 Offensive/AOE

Strike with a stake of lightning, dealing 200 Lightning damage for the stake, 100 for the first area of effect radius and another 100 for the second larger area of effect radius.

Lightning Storm
Lightning Storm Image
0 35 1 50 Offensive/AOE

Call forth furious bolts of lightning, dealing 80 Lightning damage per bullet.

Overwhelming Power
Overwhelming Power Image
0 50 1 75 Offensive/AOE

Bring down multiple pillars of blue lightning in vicinity, dealing 100 Lightning damage per tick. Lasts for 5 seconds.

Sunlight Spear
Sunlight Spear Image
0 40 2 100 Offensive/Ranged

Hurls a sunlight spear, dealing 300 (100 for reduced AoE) Lightning damage, with an additional 100 Lightning damage when thrown in close proximity.

Wrathful Barrage
Wrathful Barrage Image
0 35 1 30 Offensive/Ranged/AOE

Fire cascade of divine spears, dealing 60 Lightning damage per volley.

Wrathful Orbs
Wrathful Orbs Image
0 25 1 60 Offensive/Ranged

Release homing holy orbs, dealing 50 Lightning damage per orb on impact.

Dark Miracles

Spell Int. Fth. Slots FP Effect Type Effect Description Acquisition
Blood Corruption
Blood Corruption Image
12 37 1 50 Offensive/Ranged/AOE/Debuff

Spew blood corrupted with parasites from one's mouth, dealing 20 Dark damage and causing maggot debuff, inflicting 20 Bleed every second for 5 seconds. Consecutive attacks do not stack.
Inflicts 30 Bleed to self per cast.

Blood Crystallization
Blood Crystallization Image
7 22 1 40 Offensive/Debuff

Drench target with one's own blood and crystallize it, inflicting 150 Dark damage and 40 Bleed.
Inflicts 20 Bleed to self per cast.

Blood Orb
Blood Orb Image
15 45 1 100 Offensive/Ranged/AOE

Create an orb of your own blood which continuously emits waves of blood while moving forward for 5 seconds, dealing 75 Dark damage per hit.
Inflicts 80 Bleed to self per cast.

Blood Resonance
Blood Resonance Image
7 22 1 20 Offensive/Ranged/Debuff

Create a blood resonance within the target's body to make it burst, dealing 80 Dark damage and 8 Bleed.

Blood Sacrifice
Blood Sacrifice Image
15 45 1 80 Offensive/AOE

Sacrifice yourself to emit a deluge of your own blood, dealing 300 Dark damage.
Inflicts 50 Bleed to self per cast.

Devouring Swarm
Devouring Swarm Image
10 30 2 80 Offensive/Ranged/Homing/AOE

Summon insect massive swarm, shooting forth instect swarms to feast on foes, dealing 25 Dark damage and 10 Bleed build up per bullet.

Dorhys' Gnawing
Dorhys' Gnawing Image
7 22 2 60 Offensive/Ranged

Summon great insect swarm to feast on foes, dealing 175 Dark damage and 30 Bleed build up.

Gnaw Image
2 8 1 40 Offensive/Ranged

Summon insect swarm to feast on foes, dealing 100 Dark damage and 20 Bleed build up.

  • Sold by Karla for 10,000 Souls.
Gravelord Sword Dance
Gravelord Sword Dance Image
12 37 1 5 Offensive/AOE/Debuff

Causes gravelord swords to erupt from the ground, dealing 200 Dark damage, while inflicting 60 Toxic build up.

Lacerating Ring
Lacerating Ring Image
10 30 1 70 Offensive/AOE/Ranged/Debuff

Hurl clot of blood that bursts on impact and deals 200 Dark damage, then crystallizes around target, causing 150 damage and 30 Bleed to enemies next to it.
Inflicts 70 Bleed to self per cast.

Lifehunt Scythe
Lifehunt Scythe Image
10 30 1 70 Offensive/Utility

Steal HP of foes using an illusory scythe, dealing 250 Dark damage and absorbing 10% HP upon hitting an enemy.

Nibble Image
2 8 1 20 Offensive/Ranged

Summon instect swarm to feast on foes, dealing 50 Dark damage and 10 Bleed build up.

  • Sold by Karla for 1,000 Souls.
Vow of Agony
Vow of Agony Image
15 45 1 75 Offensive/AOE

Summon circle of agony that harms nearby foe, dealing 50 Dark damage per tick.

Information here is accurate for version 2.15.

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