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Dark Souls Wiki

For the Dark Souls II variant, see Replenishment (Dark Souls II).
For the Dark Souls III variant, see Replenishment (Dark Souls III).

Replenishment (生命湧き) is a miracle in Dark Souls.

In-Game Description

Common miracle amongst cleric knights. Gradual HP restoration.
Beware of the cleric knight blessed by Replenishment, for he shall not fall easily.


Reah of Thorolund gives this miracle to the player in exchange for freeing her followers, Vince and Nico, from their torment as hollows. These three are encountered early on in the Tomb of the Giants.

General information[]

As its name suggests, the Replenishment miracle steadily replenishes lost HP. The user recovers 10 HP/second for a minute, or 600 HP in total.

Replenishment benefits from miracle synergy. It replenishes slightly more health with each synergy boost, up to a maximum of 20 HP per second.


Replenishment is a useful counter to the effects of poison and toxic. It is also useful to cast this miracle before a major encounter so that any HP the player loses are swiftly recovered.


In-Game Description

Common miracle amongst cleric knights. Gradual HP restoration.
Beware of the cleric knight blessed by Replenishment, for he shall not fall easily.

In-Game Description

聖職の騎士にひろく普及する奇跡の1つ HPを徐々に回復する
「生命湧き」の恩恵を受けた聖職の騎士は 非常にしぶとく、なまなかに倒れることはない

In-Game Description

One of the most widespread miracles among the cleric knights. Allows to gradually restore HP.
The cleric knights, who have received the blessing of Replenishment, are very tenacious and hard to kill.

