Dark Souls Wiki
Dark Souls Wiki

Users of the Dark Souls Wiki who are granted special abilities to help in different portions of the Wiki are considered Staff members. They are members of these groups:

  • Administrators
  • Bureaucrats
  • Content Moderators
  • Chat Moderators
  • Discussions Moderators
  • Bots


Administrators are users who are able to delete pages, block unruly users, and settle editing disputes between users. Administrators have vast editing knowledge and will be able to help users who are trying to start editing. The following users are Administrators:


Bureaucrats are users who have the ability to modify the rights of users on the Wiki and promote or demote them accordingly. The following users are Bureaucrats:

Content Moderators

Content Moderators are users who are able to delete, protect, rename and rollback pages. They have extensive experience with editing and will be able to help users who are trying to start editing.

Chat Moderators

Chat Moderators are users who are able to kick and ban users from chat, and are expected to uphold and follow the chat rules at all times. The following users are Chat Moderators:

Discussions Moderators

Discussions Moderators are users who are able to perform multiple different actions related to communication between users. They monitor the Chat, Forums and user Message Walls, and uphold the Code of Conduct in these places. The following users are Discussions Moderators:


Bots are accounts on Wikia that are controlled by the Wiki's staff. They perform automated edits, allowing them to perform mass edits in short period of time. This Wiki currently has no bots.
