Dark Souls Wiki
Dark Souls Wiki
For other uses, see Talismans (Dark Souls III).

Talismans are casting tools in Dark Souls used for casting miracles.


Talismans are equipped as weapons and can be used on either the right or left weapon slots. Using the weak attack or block button (depending on which hand the talisman is equipped) will cast the selected miracle. The right-handed and left-handed strong attacks produces a fast, but weak attack. All talismans will inflict Strike damage when used as a melee weapon. Although talismans have damage reduction values, they cannot block.

Each talisman has a magic adjustment stat that determines the power of the miracles cast with the talisman. Magic adjustment affects the damage of miracles that deal direct damage, the damage added to weapons by weapon augmentation miracles, and the health restored by healing miracles. For most talismans, magic adjustments scales with the caster's faith. Exceptions are the Thorolund Talisman, which has static magic adjustment, and Velka's Talisman, which has magic adjustment that scales with intelligence instead of faith.


Talisman Magic Adjust Attack Values Stat Requirements
Damage Reduction Parameter Bonus
Physical Damage Magic Damage Fire Damage Lightning Damage Critical Strength Dexterity Intelligence Faith
Physical Reduction Magic Reduction Fire Reduction Lightning Reduction Stability
Tali Canvas Talisman
Canvas Talisman
122-220 14 – – – 100 4 – – 14
26% 8% 20% 20% 16 – – – A
Tali Darkmoon Talisman
Darkmoon Talisman
100-240 14 – – – 100 4 – – 24
26% 8% 20% 20% 16 – – – A
Tali Ivory Talisman
Ivory Talisman
102-235 14 – – – 100 4 – – 16
26% 8% 20% 20% 16 – – – A
Tali Sunlight Talisman
Sunlight Talisman
100-235 14 – – – 100 4 – – 14
26% 8% 20% 20% 16 – – – A
Tali Talisman
112-200 14 – – – 100 4 – – 10
26% 8% 20% 20% 16 – – – B
Tali Thorolund Talisman
Thorolund Talisman
165 14 – – – 100 4 – – 10
26% 8% 20% 20% 16 – – – C
Tali Velkas Talisman
Velka's Talisman
127-210 14 – – – 100 4 – 16 –
26% 8% 20% 20% 16 – – A –

Talisman Maximum Magic Adjust Physical Damage Magic Damage Fire Damage Lightning Damage Critical Strength Dexterity Intelligence Faith Durability Weight
Canvas Talisman 220 14 0– 0– 0– 100 0– 0– 0– 5A 50 0.3
Darkmoon Talisman 240 14 0– 0– 0– 100 0– 0– 0– 5A 50 0.3
Ivory Talisman 235 14 0– 0– 0– 100 0– 0– 0– 5A 50 0.3
Sunlight Talisman 235 14 0– 0– 0– 100 0– 0– 0– 5A 50 0.3
Talisman 200 14 0– 0– 0– 100 0– 0– 0– 4B 50 0.3
Thorolund Talisman 165 14 0– 0– 0– 100 0– 0– 0– 3C 50 0.3
Velka's Talisman 210 14 0– 0– 0– 100 0– 0– 5A 0– 50 0.3
