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Gravelord Sword Dance (墓王の剣舞) is a miracle in Dark Souls.

In-Game Description

Miracle known only by the servants of the first dead, Gravelord Nito. Giant Gravelord swords jut out in vicinity.
Nito sleeps deep within the Giant Catacombs, quietly overseeing all death, and waiting for his servants to usher in the Eye of Death.


Join the Gravelord Servant covenant in the Catacombs. This miracle may only be obtained once per character, regardless of playthrough.

General Information[]

Deals magic damage for 2.5 times the equipped talisman's magic adjust. Each rank within the Gravelord Servant covenant boosts the damage multiplier of the spell by 0.1.

Gravelord Sword Dance has 40 "use" per copy. Each cast of Gravelord Sword Dance takes 20 "uses", causing 20 spikes to jut out of the ground in the general vicinity of the player, dealing high damage and knockback. If the caster is interrupted, only some of the "uses" will be utilized. Gravelord Sword Dance has a notably high starting lag, and players are immobile for the second half of casting it.

Swords will only poke out of ground locations that the player has line-of-sight to (i.e., it cannot be used to hit enemies behind walls or around corners).

Leaving the Gravelord Servant covenant does not prevent use of this miracle, but prevents gaining any rank-dependent damage bonus from the covenant.


In-Game Description

Miracle known only by the servants of the first dead, Gravelord Nito. Giant Gravelord swords jut out in vicinity.
Nito sleeps deep within the Giant Catacombs, quietly overseeing all death, and waiting for his servants to usher in the Eye of Death.

In-Game Description

最初の死者、墓王ニトの眷属のみ知る奇跡 周囲に何本もの墓王の剣を突き上げる
ニトは神々の眠る巨人墓地の最奥にあり 静かにすべての死を司り 眷属のもたらす「死の瞳」を待っている

In-Game Description

Miracle known only by the servants of Nito, the Tomb King and the first of the dead. Allows to raise several Tomb King swords from the ground.
Nito is found in the depths of the Tombs of the Giants, where the gods rest in peace, and silently administers all death, waiting for his servants to bring him the Eyes of Death.

