Press Releases

"I am shocked by this senseless violence in Arizona, and my thoughts and prayers are with all of those who have been impacted by this awful event. As we learn more about the circumstances of the shooting, we should pray for the victims and their families and urge a return to civility and mutual respect for one another in our nation's politics."

House adopts Sen. Mark Warner's legislation on gov't transparency and accountability

Bipartisan bill will be signed into law by the President

Dec 21 2010

On December 21 the House passed Senator Warner’s bipartisan legislation requiring federal agencies to identify their top priorities, publicly report program results, and identify ineffective and overlapping federal programs for possible consolidation or elimination. The legislation passed the Senate last week by unanimous consent, and will now be sent to President Obama to be signed into law.
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Senate has unanimously endorsed legislation by U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) to create a nonprofit, charitable foundation to raise private funds to support the work of the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition. This new public-private partnership will allow the President’s Council to leverage private contributions to expand its focus on exercise and wellness, especially among young people, at no cost to taxpayers.

Sen. Warner calls for prompt action on U.S. deficit & debt

”Every day, week, month” of delay “limits our options, makes the choices harder”

Dec 06 2010

U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) today urged the White House and the bipartisan Congressional leadership to allow consideration of the recommendations of the bipartisan Deficit Commission despite the Commission’s inability on Friday to reach the “supermajority” consensus that would have triggered Congressional action.
A group of 14 Senators today asked the White House and the bipartisan leadership of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives to move forward to address the urgent fiscal challenges facing our nation regardless of the outcome of today’s scheduled vote by members of the bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform.

Senators Snowe, Warner Introduce Legislation to Increase Wireless Coverage

Bill would require federal buildings to install small wireless base stations to free up commercial network capacity

Dec 03 2010

U.S. Senators Olympia J. Snowe (R-Maine) and Mark R. Warner (D-VA) introduced legislation requiring the installation of small wireless base stations in all publicly accessible federal buildings in order to increase wireless coverage and free up essential commercial network capacity.

Fourteen Senators urge swift action on nation's fiscal challenges

~“Prompt action needed” regardless of today’s Commission vote~ ~American people "deserve and demand" that we "pull together" to avert crisis~

Dec 03 2010

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A group of 14 Senators today asked the White House and the bipartisan leadership of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives to move forward to address the urgent fiscal challenges facing our nation regardless of the outcome of today’s scheduled vote by members of the bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform

Senator Warner's Statement on the Fiscal Commission Package

Cites Urgency of Averting Fiscal Crisis

Dec 01 2010

U.S. Senator Mark R. Warner (D-VA), a member of the Senate’s Budget and Banking committees, released the following statement today on the debt reduction package produced by the President’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform.

Sen. Warner: "Troubled" by Pentagon's continued lack of cooperation, disclosure on JFCOM

“Unconvinced any significant analysis was conducted” prior to Aug. 9th announcement

Oct 27 2010

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Mark R. Warner today wrote Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates expressing disappointment and frustration with the Pentagon’s continued lack of transparency or cooperation on the August 9th decision to close the Virginia-based U.S. Joint Forces Command (JFCOM). Since the Aug. 9 announcement, Senator Warner has worked with congressional colleagues and state, regional, and local leaders to marshal the compelling arguments to maintain JFCOM functions in Hampton Roads, but, as today’s letter makes clear, the Pentagon has not been receptive or responsive.

“It is unprecedented for the Pentagon to issue a recommendation of this significance without providing members of Congress, the Governor, and other state and local leaders a meaningful opportunity to participate in the process,” Senator Warner said. “I remain deeply disappointed in the way this process has been handled so far, and will continue to take whatever steps are available to make sure Virginia is allowed to make its case in a meaningful way.”

The full text of the letter follows:

The Honorable Robert M. Gates
Secretary of Defense
1000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301

Dear Secretary Gates: 

Since you first revealed your recommendation to the President to close the U. S. Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM) and reduce service-support contracts as part of a series of initiatives designed to gain efficiencies in the Department of Defense (DoD), we have been troubled by the lack of transparency associated with your actions. While we commend your efforts to reduce overhead and to apply savings to force structure and modernization, the failure to consult more fully with Congress in a transparent way works against the Department’s ultimate goal of becoming more cost-conscious and efficient in providing for our nation’s defense. 

I recently received a packet of documents from your office that included various background memos on a variety of topics, many of which had little to do with the questions we asked.  There was also little new information provided, and many of our questions remain unanswered.   The few answers that were provided were largely incomplete, and none addressed our repeated requests for the memorandums, business case analysis and decision-making criteria that supported the August 9th decision.   These pre-August 9th documents are crucially important, because in last month’s USJFCOM Congressional hearings, none of the DoD witnesses could recall the Pentagon making a decision of this magnitude without an analysis being completed first.  Since you still have not released any information to support your recommendation, I remain unconvinced that any significant analysis was conducted.

As you are aware, Senator Webb and I have introduced companion legislation to the FY11 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that will halt this recommendation until our requests are satisfied.  It is important that Congress is afforded the opportunity to thoroughly review all data, analysis, and other documentation supporting the proposal, which we require in order to make critical military funding choices for the Department.  Moreover, Senator Webb has made it clear that he will place a “hold” on all civilian and flag/general officer nominations until our requests for information are answered, and I support this action.

I make these requests of you and your office with respect for the difficulty of your position and the day-to-day decisions you must make.  I also do not make these requests lightly but with the backing of the broader community that has made Virginia such a significant partner to JFCOM.  The fact that the first Commander of JFCOM, Admiral Harold Gehman, strongly opposes the disestablishment of JFCOM, saying: "The original mission of Joint Forces Command is as valid today as when it was created," is, on its own, a cause for serious concern and reason to scrutinize this recommendation.  

We urge you to allow Congress the opportunity to review the cost assessments, business case, and recommended courses of action prior to any decisions on JFCOM’s fate. The best way to accomplish this is to have a substantial face-to-face meeting between the Pentagon’s JFCOM Task Force and our team of technical experts, many of whom have spent 30 or more years in military uniform.  Moving forward, it is our hope that both the Administration and the Department of Defense will give the Virginia delegation a chance to make our case about why jointness is important to our national security.


Mark R. Warner                                                                      
United States Senator 

Calling on the President to create a foreclosure task force

Independent, nonpartisan panel would examine mortgage foreclosure processes, recommend improvements by mid-December

Oct 27 2010

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Mark R. Warner today urged the President to create an independent, nonpartisan task force to examine problems surrounding the mortgage foreclosure process.

Webb, Warner announce $148 million in public safety funds for Virginia

Federal grants help fund state, local law enforcement as well as public safety organizations

Oct 15 2010

Washington, D.C. -- U.S. Senators Jim Webb and Mark Warner today announced $148 million in federal grants to Virginia agencies, municipalities, and public safety organizations. The 296 U.S. Department of Justice grants support public safety projects across the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Sen. Webb, Warner announce grants to five Va. community health centers

$30 million to create construction, health care jobs and increase patient capacity

Oct 08 2010

U.S. Senators Jim Webb and Mark Warner today announced that Virginia has received almost $30 million in grants from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to increase capacity at five community health centers serving the uninsured and underinsured.

Sen. Warner's proposal mandating more accountability & savings across federal gov't clears committee

Co-sponsors include 2 Republicans, 2 Democrats & 1 Independent

Sep 29 2010

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner’s (D-VA) bipartisan legislation to make government work better by requiring every federal agency to set clear performance goals that can be accurately measured and publicly reported to Congress and taxpayers was approved by a key Senate committee today. The Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee passed The Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010 this morning.

U.S. Sen. Mark Warner's proposal to boost credit for small businesses adopted by Senate

Proposal is one component of package of incentives, tax breaks for small business

Sep 16 2010

Senator Warner today joined a bipartisan majority of the Senate in voting for passage of the Small Business Lending Act, legislation that includes his proposal to encourage additional credit to small businesses hurt by the credit crunch after the 2008 financial crisis. The legislation (HR 5297), which passed today 61-38, also includes several other incentives for small businesses to grow and hire new workers.

Sens. Warner, Webb announce $26 million in grants for rural broadband expansion

Grants will provide high-speed, affordable broadband and create jobs

Aug 19 2010

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Jim Webb announced today that Virginia has received a combined $26 million in federal grants for three regional projects that will expand rural broadband access, creating hundreds of jobs and providing a platform for additional economic activity and job creation. The U.S. Department of Commerce grants target rural and economically distressed areas with low rates of broadband accessibility.
The Defense Department has announced plans to shut-down one of its 10 major military commands. Defense Secretary Robert Gates wants to eliminate the Joint Forces Command, a Hampton Roads-based command which trains troops from different services to fight together.
"I can see no rational basis for dismantling JFCOM since its sole mission is to look for efficiencies and greater cost-savings by forcing more cooperation among sometimes competing military services," Senator Warner said in response to news that the Defense Department has announced plans to shut-down the Joint Forces Command, a Hampton Roads-based command which trains troops from different services to fight together.

U.S. Sen Warner: Army accepts pro-bono I-T assistance for Arlington National Cemetery from Northern Va. Technology Council

NVTC to assess I-T challenges at Arlington, digitize and protect paper records

Aug 06 2010

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Mark R. Warner announced today that the Army has accepted an offer from the Northern Virginia Technology Council to assess the information technology challenges at Arlington National Cemetery, where the continued use of paper records has been tied to the recent disclosure of misidentified and misplaced remains. In addition, NVTC members will immediately work to digitize the paper records and maps to protect these fragile records from damage or loss.