Press Releases

Va. & Md. Senators Introduce Legislation to Improve Metro Safety

Amendment would give Federal Transit Administration power to establish minimum safety standards on transit systems like Metro; Would also improve how Metro Board appointments are made

Jul 28 2015

The U.S. Senators from Virginia and Maryland – U.S. Sens. Warner, Mikulski, Kaine and Cardin – have introduced an amendment to the transportation bill being considered by the Senate to establish minimum safety standards for the operations of the nation’s aging transit systems and improve the way the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) board is appointed.

Senate Honors Intelligence Professionals for Service to Nation

Passes resolution designating July 26 as ‘U.S. Intelligence Professionals Day'

Jul 24 2015

The U.S. Senate is honoring the courage and sacrifice of the men and women of the U.S. intelligence community by designating July 26, 2015 as “United States Intelligence Professionals Day.”

Warner, Kaine Introduce Comprehensive LGBT Nondiscrimination Bill

The Equality Act would outlaw discrimination in the workplace, financial markets, housing, public accommodations & more

Jul 23 2015

Sens. Warner and Kaine today joined 38 of their Senate colleagues and 158 House members to introduce historic, comprehensive federal legislation to ban discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Americans.

Following Cyber Attack at OPM, Warner & Collins Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Improve Government Cybersecurity

The FISMA Reform Act would Strengthen DHS Authority to Prevent and Block Cyber Attacks on .gov Networks

Jul 22 2015

Following the recent cyber-attack at the Office of Personnel Management which compromised the personal information of at least 22 million individuals, U.S Sens. Warner, Susan Collins (R-ME), Dan Coats (R-IN), Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), all members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) and Claire McCaskill (D-MO), members of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, introduced bipartisan legislation today that strengthens the Department of Homeland Security’s authority to protect federal civilian networks.
The reauthorization of the Older Americans Act, which was co-sponsored by Sens. Warner and Kaine, provides vital programs and services for nearly 12 million low-income seniors, including nutrition programs like Meals-on-Wheels, preventive health services, transportation assistance, part-time community service and employment training, and protection from abuse and financial exploitation.

Warner Responds to GAO Report on Metro

Calls for management changes at transit agency

Jul 15 2015

"Today’s report is another stark reminder that there has been a serious failure of leadership at Metro, and that improving the system’s safety and finances will require strong management to turn the system around."

Warner on Iran Nuclear Agreement

President Obama announced deal this morning; Congress now has 60 days to review the agreement

Jul 14 2015

"I will review this agreement with the utmost attention to detail, given the incredible importance of getting an agreement of this magnitude right. Under the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, which I supported, Congress will have 60 days to analyze this agreement and carefully consider whether it substantially advances the goal of preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon."

Warner on Archuleta Resignation

President Obama has accepted resignation of Director Archuleta

Jul 10 2015

“This is the right move for the agency and all those affected by the breach. The focus now needs to be on fixing the problem and protecting those impacted."

Warner Calls for OPM Director to Step Down

Follows two data hacks exposing personal information of close to 25 million

Jul 09 2015

The technological and security failures at the Office of Personnel Management predate this director’s term, but Director Archuleta’s slow and uneven response has not inspired confidence that she is the right person to manage OPM through this crisis. It is time for her to step down, and I strongly urge the administration to choose new management with proven abilities to address a crisis of this magnitude with an appropriate sense of urgency and accountability.

Senate Approves Warner Proposals to Strengthen School Accountability & Efficiency

Bipartisan provisions accepted as amendments to the ‘Every Child Achieves Act’ education

Jul 08 2015

The Senate approved a proposal championed by U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) to help school districts better leverage limited resources by giving them access to important tools to help eliminate unnecessary administrative costs and allow more funding to go into the classroom.

Warner, Kaine Congratulate Virginia Members of the U.S. Women's National Soccer Team

After a resounding World Cup victory, Warner and Kaine sponsor resolution recognizing the achievements of the USWNT

Jul 08 2015

“We couldn’t be prouder of all the players and coaches on the U.S. Women’s National Team for bringing home our nation’s third World Cup title. Their teamwork, determination and extraordinary talent shattered records on the field in front of the largest soccer audience in American TV history. Congratulations to every member of the team who contributed to this outstanding victory.”

Provisions from Coons, Warner included in ESEA reauthorization bill

Elementary and Secondary Education Act reauthorization bill includes support for dual and concurrent enrollment and early college high schools

Jul 08 2015

The Elementary and Secondary Education reauthorization bill includes an amendment introduced by Senators Chris Coons (D-Del.) and Mark Warner (D-Va.) to improve access to dual and concurrent enrollment and early college high schools.

Warner, Kaine, Manchin, Capito Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Secure Coal Miners' Pensions & Benefits

The ‘Miners Protection Act’ ensures the promise of lifetime health care and pensions to retired miners and their families

Jul 07 2015

Sens. Warner, Kaine, Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) introduced the Miners Protection Act. This bipartisan legislation would ensure that the federal government and coal operators honor their obligation of lifetime pensions and health benefits to retired miners and their families who are facing uncertainty as a result of the financial crisis and corporate bankruptcies.

Sen. Warner Statement on Fannie & Freddie CEO Pay Raises

Blasts return to “business as usual” as executives get pay raises from $600,000 to $4,000,000

Jul 01 2015

"Taxpayers propped-up Fannie and Freddie with a nearly $190 billion bailout in 2009, and the Senate Banking Committee last year voted in support of bipartisan reforms to fundamentally restructure the federal role in mortgage finance. These extraordinary pay raises fly in the face of the legislative intent.”

Warner, Kaine Sound the Alarm on Failure to Reauthorize the Export-Import Bank

The Ex-Im Bank Supported More than 160,000 U.S. Jobs Tied to Exports Last Year

Jun 30 2015

The Export-Import Bank levels the playing field for U.S. exporters – many of them small businesses – by matching the financing that other governments provide to their exporters, and it does so at no cost to the taxpayer. In fact, over the last two decades, the Ex-Im Bank has actually helped reduce the deficit by generating nearly $7 billion more than it costs to operate.

Senate Designates June as National PTSD Awareness Month

Unanimously approves resolution to raise public awareness about PTSD and help to ensure that those suffering receive proper treatment

Jun 25 2015

Today the Senate unanimously passed a resolution, co-sponsored by U.S. Sen. Warner, designating June as National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Month in order to improve diagnosis and treatment for men and women of the Armed Forces and veterans suffering from PTSD.