Press Releases

Intel Committee Members to Trump: Read the Torture Report

“To avoid making the mistakes of the past, it is of the utmost importance” that Executive Branch review the full 6,700-page Committee report before considering resumption of detention and interrogation activities

Jan 26 2017

Vice Chairman Warner led seven members of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence today in urging President Trump to read the classified version of the Committee’s 2014 report on the CIA detention and interrogation program...

Sen. Warner Introduces Bill to Combat Synthetic Drugs

Legislation would make it easier to prosecute the sale and distribution of “analogue” drugs, which are substantially similar to illegal drugs

Jan 25 2017

Legislation would make it easier to prosecute the sale and distribution of “analogue” drugs, which are substantially similar to illegal drugs

Warner & Kaine Sponsor Bipartisan Legislation to Permanently Repeal the Global Gag Rule

One day after President Trump reinstated the harmful executive order, 43 bipartisan Senators introduce legislation that supports women’s reproductive rights and international family planning programs

Jan 24 2017

One day after President Trump reinstated the harmful executive order, 43 bipartisan Senators introduce legislation that supports women’s reproductive rights and international family planning programs
"I believe allowing the government to negotiate prices with pharmaceutical companies under Medicare Part D – like many other countries already do – is one specific action we can take now to lower drug prices across the entire healthcare system."