DevOps Tools

TrustRadius Top Rated for 2024

Top Rated Products

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Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

The Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (acquired by Red Hat in 2015) is a foundation for building and operating automation across an organization. The platform includes tools needed to implement enterprise-wide automation, and can automate resource provisioning, and IT environments…


GitLab DevSecOps platform enables software innovation by aiming to empower development, security, and operations teams to build better software, faster. With GitLab, teams can create, deliver, and manage code quickly and continuously instead of managing disparate tools and scripts.…

New Relic

New Relic is a SaaS-based web and mobile application performance management provider for the cloud and the datacenter. They provide code-level diagnostics for dedicated infrastructures, the cloud, or hybrid environments and real time monitoring.

Azure DevOps Services

Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS, Microsoft Visual Studio Team System) is an agile development product that is an extension of the Microsoft Visual Studio architecture. Azure DevOps includes software development, collaboration, and reporting capabilities.


Jenkins is an open source automation server. Jenkins provides hundreds of plugins to support building, deploying and automating any project. As an extensible automation server, Jenkins can be used as a simple CI server or turned into a continuous delivery hub for any project.

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Jira Software

Jira Software is a project management tool from Atlassian, featuring an interactive timeline for mapping work items, dependencies, and releases, Scrum boards for agile teams, and out-of-the-box reports and dashboards.

Atlassian Confluence

Confluence is a collaboration and content sharing platform used primarily by customers who are already using Atlassian's Jira project tracking product. The product appeals particularly to IT users.

New Relic

New Relic is a SaaS-based web and mobile application performance management provider for the cloud and the datacenter. They provide code-level diagnostics for dedicated infrastructures, the cloud, or hybrid environments and real time monitoring.


GitLab DevSecOps platform enables software innovation by aiming to empower development, security, and operations teams to build better software, faster. With GitLab, teams can create, deliver, and manage code quickly and continuously instead of managing disparate tools and scripts.…


GitHub is a platform that hosts public and private code and provides software development and collaboration tools. Features include version control, issue tracking, code review, team management, syntax highlighting, etc. Personal plans ($0-50), Organizational plans ($0-200), and…

Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

The Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (acquired by Red Hat in 2015) is a foundation for building and operating automation across an organization. The platform includes tools needed to implement enterprise-wide automation, and can automate resource provisioning, and IT environments…


Jenkins is an open source automation server. Jenkins provides hundreds of plugins to support building, deploying and automating any project. As an extensible automation server, Jenkins can be used as a simple CI server or turned into a continuous delivery hub for any project.


Pantheon is a WebOps platform where marketers and developers collaborate to drive results. The vendor states that with Pantheon, site owners maximize their capacity to update website design and functionality, responding to market trends, catering to consumer behavior, and adding…

Azure DevOps Services

Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS, Microsoft Visual Studio Team System) is an agile development product that is an extension of the Microsoft Visual Studio architecture. Azure DevOps includes software development, collaboration, and reporting capabilities.


Bitbucket from Australian-headquartered Atlassian offers source code management and version control.


Liquibase is a database change management tool that extends DevOps best practices to the database, helping teams release software faster and safer by bringing the database change process into existing CI/CD automation. According to the 2021 Accelerate State of DevOps Report, elite…

Azure DevOps Server

AzureDevOps Server (formerly Team Foundation Server, or TFS) is a test management and application lifecycle management tool, from Microsoft's Visual Studio offerings. To license Azure DevOps Server an Azure DevOps license and a Windows operating system license (e.g. Windows Server)…


Mattermost from the company of the same name in Palo Alto is a messaging, collaboration and communication platform providing high security and compliance for the businesses that need it.

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HashiCorp Terraform

Terraform from HashiCorp is a cloud infrastructure automation tool that enables users to create, change, and improve production infrastructure, and it allows infrastructure to be expressed as code. It codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team…


CircleCI is a software delivery engine from the company of the same name in San Francisco, that helps teams ship software faster, offering their platform for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD). Ultimately, the solution helps to map every source of change for software…

Octopus Deploy

Australian company Octopus Deploy offers their eponymous automated deployment and release management software that integrates with the user's preferred CI server and adds deployment & ops automation capabilities. Octopus Deploy enables developers, release managers, and operations…


Datadog is a monitoring service for IT, Dev and Ops teams who write and run applications at scale, and want to turn the massive amounts of data produced by their apps, tools and services into actionable insight.


Australian company Atlassian offers Bamboo, a continuous integration server.

Progress Chef

Chef IT infrastructure automation suites were developed by Chef Software in Seattle and acquired by Progress Software in September 2020. The Chef Enterprise Automation Stack is an integrated suite of automation technologies presented as a solution for delivering change quickly, repeatedly,…


HeadSpin is a Digital Experience AI Platform that combines a global device infrastructure, test automation, and ML-driven performance and quality of experience analytics. HeadSpin is designed to empower engineering, QA, operations, and product teams to assure optimal digital experiences…


Kubernetes is an open-source container cluster manager.

Sumo Logic

Sumo Logic is a log management offering from the San Francisco based company of the same name.


Docker Enterprise was sold to Mirantis in 2019; that product is now sold as Mirantis Kubernetes Engine. But Docker now offers a 2-product suite that includes Docker Desktop, which they present as a fast way to containerize applications on a desktop; and, Docker Hub, a service for…

Puppet Enterprise

Puppet Enteprise is an IT automation and configuration management solution that enables users to manage and automate infrastructure and complex workflows. The vendor states Puppet Enterprise combines both model‑based and task-based capabilities in a way that enables organizations…

Bitbucket Server (discontinued)

Bitbucket Server (formerly Stash) from Atlassian offered a self-hosted source code management solution. The product is no longer available for sale, and support for existing licenses will end in 2024.

Learn More About DevOps Tools

What is DevOps?

DevOps is the intersection of the development and operations teams of a technology company. Traditionally, the development and operations teams were siloed and completely independent of one another, which led to communication breakdowns that ultimately resulted in less than stellar releases and unhappy customers.

The aim of DevOps is to increase communication between these teams to improve the quality, quantity, and speed of feedback in order to provide higher quality products with smoother rollouts for the consumer. To achieve this, DevOps teams work in a loop of planning, building, testing, and deploying their applications with feedback integrated throughout the process so that improvement is continuous.

The majority of the work performed by a DevOps team will fall into one of the following five categories: Communication, CI/CD, Configuration Management, Security, and Monitoring & Alerting.

DevOps Tool Features

DevOps teams use different software for various steps of their work outlined in the section above, and many software will seek to streamline so that they can be used for more than just one aspect of the DevOps process.

Since DevOps is a collection of processes, the tools used by DevOps teams do not all have a set of common features. DevOps teams will, however need a combination of tools that allow them to perform all of the following tasks:

  • Communicate
  • Plan
  • Code
  • Build
  • Test
  • Monitor
  • Operate
  • Deploy
  • Alert

Cloud Integration

Several cloud providers, such as AWS or Azure, offer DevOps services, support, and integration with 3rd party apps. If your organization already has a cloud provider, or plans to migrate to cloud-based services, ensuring that your cloud provider and your DevOps tools are compatible is a vital step in the selection process.

For those using AWS as their cloud provider, Amazon offers a marketplace of DevOps tools that adds the convenience of paying for these services through one platform, as opposed to ensuring individual vendors are being paid separately each month.

DevOps Tools Comparison

DevOps teams use many specialized tools to operate efficiently, thus it is essential to select tools that both do their jobs well and integrate effectively with each other. When selecting DevOps tools, it is essential to consider the following:

  • Quality and ease of integration with other software: Purchasing the best tools in the world won’t help a DevOps team if those tools don’t function well together. It doesn’t serve anyone if quality feedback is collected, but there is no efficient system to distribute that feedback or if there is no streamlined way to quickly deploy changes in code.
  • Security: There are security threats everywhere in cyberspace. A good DevOps team will use and create software that minimizes security risks while actively seeking out and neutralizing potential threats.
  • Streamlining: There are a lot of DevOps software out there, and it’s easy for monthly subscriptions to several services to become costly. Consider choosing software that can streamline the process by handling multiple DevOps tasks instead of paying separately for multiple products.

Pricing Information

Pricing for DevOps tools is variable based on several factors including how many users you have and how much data you have. Most software vendors will provide a quote based on your organization's needs upon request. DevOps tools typically provide free trials, but the time investment required to try out the tools to see what works best for your team may be a considerable cost.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is DevOps?

DevOps is the intersection of the development and operations teams of a technology company. The majority of the work performed by a DevOps team will fall into one of the following five categories: Communication, CI/CD, Configuration Management, Security and Monitoring & Alerting.

What qualifies as DevOps tools?

There is no list of key features that a product has to have to qualify for the DevOps Tools category. Rather, DevOps tools are products that allow DevOps teams to effectively complete at least one step of the DevOps process.

What businesses benefit most from DevOps tools?

Technology companies looking to streamline their development and operations processes and improve communication throughout the pipeline would benefit from DevOps tools.