Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) Tools

TrustRadius Top Rated for 2024

Top Rated Products

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Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

The Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (acquired by Red Hat in 2015) is a foundation for building and operating automation across an organization. The platform includes tools needed to implement enterprise-wide automation, and can automate resource provisioning, and IT environments…

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Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

The Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (acquired by Red Hat in 2015) is a foundation for building and operating automation across an organization. The platform includes tools needed to implement enterprise-wide automation, and can automate resource provisioning, and IT environments…

HashiCorp Terraform

Terraform from HashiCorp is a cloud infrastructure automation tool that enables users to create, change, and improve production infrastructure, and it allows infrastructure to be expressed as code. It codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team…

Progress Chef

Chef IT infrastructure automation suites were developed by Chef Software in Seattle and acquired by Progress Software in September 2020. The Chef Enterprise Automation Stack is an integrated suite of automation technologies presented as a solution for delivering change quickly, repeatedly,…

HashiCorp Vagrant

Vagrant is a tool designed to create and configure lightweight, reproducible, and portable development environments. It leverages a declarative configuration file which describes all software requirements, packages, operating system configuration, and users.

Puppet Enterprise

Puppet Enteprise is an IT automation and configuration management solution that enables users to manage and automate infrastructure and complex workflows. The vendor states Puppet Enterprise combines both model‑based and task-based capabilities in a way that enables organizations…

Salt Project

Built on Python, Salt is an event-driven automation tool and framework to deploy, configure, and manage complex IT systems. Salt is used to automate common infrastructure administration tasks and ensure that all the components of infrastructure are operating in a consistent desired…

Mirantis OpenStack for Kubernetes

Mirantis OpenStack for Kubernetes enables users to deploy, scale, and update bare metal private clouds on Kubernetes substrates.


Indeni aims to make it easy to manage the infrastructure of digital businesses. With Indeni Knowledge and Indeni Crowd companies can create an infrastructure that is adaptable to change. The product offers a deep set of integrations to critical devices, built-in automation, and…

HashiCorp Packer

HashiCorp Packer automates the creation of machine images, coming out of the box with support to build images for Amazon EC2, CloudStack, DigitalOcean, Docker, Google Compute Engine, Microsoft Azure, QEMU, VirtualBox, and VMware.

Azure Resource Manager

Azure Resource Manager makes it easy to manage and visualize resources for apps.

Red Hat OpenStack Platform

Red Hat OpenStack Platform is a cloud computing platform that virtualizes resources from industry-standard hardware, organizes those resources into clouds, and manages them so users can access what they need—when they need it.

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Spacelift is presented as a flexible management platform for Infrastructure as Code hosted in the cloud or on a private server, from the company of the same name headquartered in Redwood City. Designed so users can customize workflows, automate manual tasks, reduce errors, and improve…

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The oak9 platform analyzes infrastructure as code (IaC) and builds security into cloud native applications.

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Gluware provides code-free Intelligent Network Automation. Gluware Config Model Editor provides Intent-Based configuration management for large-scale enterprise networks. Users can automatically detect configuration drift and run config audits across a multi-vendor network.

Drone by Harness

Drone is a self-service Continuous Integration platform for busy development teams, now from Harness since the August 2020 acquisition. Drone integrates with multiple source code management systems, including GitHub, GitHubEnterprise, Bitbucket, and GitLab. Supplying configuration…

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AutoCloud allows DevOps teams to automatically generate secure, production-ready infrastructure as code that is customized to that business, in minutes. Once workloads are deployed, AutoCloud gives users multi-cloud visibility to ensure that every cloud resource is aligned with the…

Quali Torque
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Torque (formerly Colony), from Quali headquartered in Austin, is a SaaS platform delivering Infrastructure Automation at Scale for complex, application-centric environments on cloud technologies including AWS, Azure, and Kubernetes. It can be used to enable self-service automation…

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env0 is a collaborative remote-run workflows management platform for cloud deployments.

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Itential is an automation and orchestration solution built to support both network and cloud, that helps enterprises and service provider organizations to maintain network compliance, reduce manual operations, and simplify network management. The Itential Automation Platform is a…

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A solution to scale Terraform. Scalr is a platform used to design and implement Terraform to meet specific needs. Users can:Setup a workflow: Choose between the Terraform CLI, VCS-driven and module-based workspaces to deploy infrastructure.Authentication with provider configurations:…

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Crossplane is an open source Kubernetes add-on that transforms a cluster into a universal control plane. Crossplane enables platform teams to assemble infrastructure from multiple vendors, and expose higher level self-service APIs for application teams to consume, without having…

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Pulumi’s cloud engineering platform brings infrastructure, developer, and security teams together through a unified software engineering process that tames cloud complexity and accelerates innovation. The Pulumi platform is designed to help teams build, deploy, and manage modern…

Google Cloud Deployment Manager

Google Cloud Deployment Manager is an infrastructure deployment service.

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Harness, from the company of the same name in San Francisco, is a Continuous Delivery-as-a-Service platform designed to provide a simple, safe and secure way for engineering and DevOps teams to release applications into production. Founded in 2016, Harness uses machine learning…

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Firefly is a Cloud Asset Management solution that enables DevOps, SRE, and Cloud Platform teams to rediscover their entire cloud footprint, understand which parts of it are codified vs unmanaged, detect drifts to prevent service failures, classify assets using Policy-as-Code, and…

Learn More About Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) Tools

What are Infrastructure-as-Code Tools?

Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) tools automate the management of IT infrastructure using programming languages and automation tools. These tools help businesses manage computer data centers located in the cloud or on-premises through code. They minimize the need for manual intervention and hardware controls when deploying and configuring servers, storage, databases, and networks. These documented configurations are stored in version control systems that enforce consistency and reduce turnaround time.

IaC tools promote agility, scalability, and resilience. They facilitate DevOps and NetOps, streamlining provisioning and maintenance by creating repeatable processes. IaC tools enable more cloud-based infrastructure provisioning by eliminating the need for access to physical hardware.

These tools manage orchestration, automate workflows, and support testing. Using domain-specific programming languages, APIs, and code repositories, IaC tools build and configure computer resources.

The consistency and integrity benefits of IaC are best realized with an immutable approach to infrastructure. When infrastructure changes are required, the setup is completely replaced with a new instance (version), as opposed to the ad hoc patching of a mutable infrastructure.

IaC can take one of two approaches when setting up IT infrastructure. They can be either functional, defining what the configuration should be, or procedural, how the configuration is to be modified to meet the requirements. There are two methods of implementing IaC. ‘Push’ methods have the controlling server push the configuration to the designated system, and ‘Pull’ has the server to be configured to pull its configuration from the controlling server.

There are four major functionalities of IaC tools:

  • Infrastructure orchestration focuses on infrastructure provisioning, using the APIs of cloud providers and physical hardware to create infrastructure. These tools define virtual machines, balance loads, manage firewalls, orchestrate networks, and include dashboards for monitoring and alerts.
  • Configuration management lets developers use code to define server configurations to manage applications, OS settings, access and permissions, disk formatting, security, and job scheduling.
  • Developers use scripting tools to quickly create basic configurations.
  • Container orchestration tools create images that include the libraries and components needed to execute an application. Containers are software packages that include the components required to execute in any environment.

Infrastructure-as-Code Tool Features

IaC tools should include most or all of the following features.

  • Cloud and on-premises IT infrastructure automation
  • Infrastructure provisioning
  • Configuration management
  • Scripting tools
  • Container orchestration
  • Template-driven deployment and configuration
  • Automated workflows
  • Application deployment
  • Version Control
  • Testing support
  • Dashboards and alerts

Infrastructure-as-Code Tools Comparison

Consider the following when purchasing infrastructure-as-code tools:

  • Deployment: Where will the IaC tool be deployed? Some tools are designed to support specific cloud service providers, others offer the flexibility to be used for a variety of cloud providers as well as on-premises locations.
  • Use Case: Do you require scripting tools, configuration management tools, infrastructure or container orchestration tools, or a combination of them? Some vendors focus on certain IaC capabilities, while others offer a centralized platform for delivering IaC.
  • Implementation and Management: Deploying IaC tools requires expertise and may entail a significant learning curve. Evaluate the resources required to successfully implement your selection.

Start an Infrastructure-as-Code tools comparison here

Pricing Information

Most tools require obtaining a vendor quote for feature-driven pricing options. A few basic cloud-based offerings begin at $20 a month per user. Some IaC cloud-based tools have pricing based upon the number of handler operations and their duration. Free trials are available.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Do Infrastructure-as-Code Tools Do?

Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) tools orchestrate and configure IT infrastructure through consistent, repeatable automated processes. Cloud-based and on-premises data centers and infrastructure are managed using dedicated computer code. These tools reduce the need for manual intervention when deploying and configuring servers, storage, databases, and networks.

What are the benefits of using Infrastructure-as-Code Tools?

Key benefits of IaC tools include:

  • Cost savings
  • Accelerated IT infrastructure delivery
  • Risk mitigation - error reduction by minimizing manual intervention and by creating consistent and stable IT environments
  • Fosters more efficient, scalable, and secure IT infrastructure
  • Improved DevOps and NetOps

How much do Infrastructure-as-Code Tools cost?

Most tools require obtaining a vendor quote for feature-driven pricing options. Free trials are available.