Database DevOps Software

TrustRadius Top Rated for 2024

Top Rated Products

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Liquibase is a database change management tool that extends DevOps best practices to the database, helping teams release software faster and safer by bringing the database change process into existing CI/CD automation. According to the 2021 Accelerate State of DevOps Report, elite…


DbVisualizer is a multi-database tool for developers, analysts and database administrators, providing a single interface across a wide variety of operating systems. Boasting an easy-to-use and clean interface, DbVisualizer runs on all major operating systems and supports all major…

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Liquibase is a database change management tool that extends DevOps best practices to the database, helping teams release software faster and safer by bringing the database change process into existing CI/CD automation. According to the 2021 Accelerate State of DevOps Report, elite…

Toad Database Developer Tools

Toad by Quest is a database management toolset that database developers, administrators and data analysts use to simplify workflows, create code free from defects, automate frequent or repetitive processes, and minimize risks. Editions include Toad for Oracle, which automates…


DbVisualizer is a multi-database tool for developers, analysts and database administrators, providing a single interface across a wide variety of operating systems. Boasting an easy-to-use and clean interface, DbVisualizer runs on all major operating systems and supports all major…

dbForge Studio (Edge)

dbForge Studio is provided by Devart and is a universal front-end client for database management, administration and development. Devart's GUI tool provides utilities to compare, synchronize, and back up databases (e.g. MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, etc.) with scheduling,…

Redgate SQL Toolbelt Essentials

Redgate's SQL Toolbelt Essentials includes industry-standard tools for SQL Server development & deployment, enabling users to include SQL Server databases in agile processes and enabilng developers to embed robust and scalable development practices.

dbForge SQL Tools

The dbForge SQL Tools package comprises 15 functional add-ins for SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and standalone tools. These add-ins integrate with this default IDE, enhancing the standard capabilities by adding new features and improving existing tools with additional options.…


DBeaver offers comprehensive data management tools designed to help teams explore, process, and administrate SQL, NoSQL, and cloud data sources. DBeaver is available commercially as DBeaver PRO and for free as DBeaver Community.

ApexSQL by Quest

ApexSQL is a software development company headquartered in Chapel Hill, US, and a Quest company. The company specializes in developing professional software tools for Microsoft SQL Server including tools for database auditing, recovery, change management, development, and documentation.…

Redgate Flyway

Flyway, by Redgate, automates database deployments across teams and technologies. It is a database devops solution that is used to accelerate software delivery and ensure quality code.


MssqlMerge is a diff and merge GUI tool for Microsoft SQL Server databases used to compare and sync both schema and data changes. The application has tabbed UI, there are several types of tabs responsible for particular application features and scope of tasks. The starting point…


Founded in 2012, pganalyze provides actionable insights into Postgres. Specializing in PostgreSQL database monitoring and optimization, pganalyze gives automatic insights into Postgres query plans, helps improve Postgres query performance with its Index Advisor and VACUUM Advisor,…


Aiven provides managed open source data technologies on all major clouds, providing managed cloud infrastructure so that developers can focus purely on creating applications. Meanwhile, Aiven will manage the user's cloud data infrastructure.

0 reviews

QuerySurge is a data quality solution with features for testing, validating, and analyzing Big Data lake, Data Warehouse, or BI Reports. QuerySurge automates the data validation & testing of Big Data, Data Warehouses, Data Migrations, BI reports, and ERPs.

0 reviews

Kosli is a DevOps database. It gives developers the ability to commit, diff, log, and status every change in their DevOps automation. By monitoring production systems and logging pipeline events, Kosli enables users to track and query their DevOps in a version control system. It…

Rocket Mainframe Application Testing and Debugging

A suite of products providing debugging, fault control, data manipulation, and performance management for mainframe.

Rocket MultiValue Application Development Platform

The Rocket MultiValue (MV) Application Platform combines an embedded database and development platform to offer database management with performance. The MV integrated architecture simplifies deployment and maintenance, while the fluid and natural data model reduces the need for…

KS DB Merge Tools for MySQL

KS DB Merge Tools for MySQL is a diff and merge GUI tool for MySQL and MariaDB databases. This tool can be used to compare and sync both schema and data changes. The application has tabbed UI, there are several types of tabs responsible for particular application features and scope…

SQL Delta
0 reviews

SQL Delta is a SQL database compare, sync and editing tool, offered in three flavors for working with SQL Server, Oracle and MySQL.

KS DB Merge Tools for SQLite

KS DB Merge Tools for SQLite is a diff and merge GUI tool for SQLite database files. This tool can be used to compare and sync both schema and data changes. The application has a tabbed UI, there are several types of tabs responsible for particular application features and scope…

Toad Edge
0 reviews

Toad Edge by Quest is a toolset for open source relational database environments ,presented as a lightweight desktop toolset that simplifies development and management tasks for open source databases. Toad for MySQL and PostgreSQL management makes it easier to master new database…

0 reviews

Bytebase is an open-source database DevOps tool, presented as a GitLab for managing databases throughout the application development lifecycle. It offers a web-based workspace for DBAs and Developers to collaborate and manage database changes safely and efficiently.

Aqua Data Studio

Aqua Data Studio is a multiple-platform, integrated development environment (IDE) for data. It provides benefits to a variety of data-centric roles, allowing them to manage a wide range of data sources.Aqua Data Studio provides scalable, cross-platform data management, supporting…

0 reviews

Qdrant is a vector similarity search engine and database for AI applications. Along with open-source, Qdrant is also available in the cloud. It provides a production-ready service with an API to store, search, and manage points—vectors with an additional payload Qdrant is tailored…

0 reviews

Pachyderm is for data science teams who want to operationalize the data tasks in their ML lifecycle to iterate on data more quickly and reliably. Pachyderm supports data versioning and pipelines for MLOps, and this data foundation allows data science teams to automate and scale their…

DBmaestro Database DevOps Platform

DBmaestro DevOps for Database is a platform that simplifies collaboration through database source control techniques, continuous integration, and automate script creation. This results in a faster release while automating your database which alleviates time and financial constraints…

Learn More About Database DevOps Software

What is Database DevOps?

Database DevOps software is a subcategory within the DevOps space. They allow for the DevOps cycle to be applied to databases specifically, and have feature sets that are more fine-tuned. Database DevOps products can help with automating CI/CD for databases, database version control, and detecting database drift.

Database DevOps allows for change management for databases. Many products allow for automated deployments. This automation allows for easier collaboration across teams, as well as faster delivery. Test scripts can be validated automatically prior to release, which saves time and reduces the chances that a rollback will be necessary. The version control provided by these products allow for automated rollbacks if necessary, and the detection of database drift that could indicate malware infections.

Another advantage of using a Database DevOps software is the visibility they provide into database changes through their source control features. Most Database DevOps software allow users to see what changes were made to the database (including changes to code as well as structure or content), when those changes were made and who made the changes.

Products in the Database DevOps category are used across many roles, but are especially useful for database developers and database administrators. Release managers can also benefit from Database DevOps products. Companies of all sizes use Database DevOps software, as there are open-source options suitable for smaller businesses, as well as highly customizable enterprise-grade solutions.

Database DevOps Features

Database DevOps products typically have the following features:

  • Version control
  • Source control
  • Automated deployment
  • Release management
  • Script validation
  • Schema maintenance
  • Visibility into database changes
  • Rollbacks

Database DevOps Comparison

When selecting a Database DevOps software, consider the following aspects:

Database Type: Some products in this category are only compatible with SQL or relational databases, while others are compatible with both relational and non-relational databases. Ensure that the product you’re selecting is compatible with your database.

Open Source vs. Paid Products: Some vendors, such as Liquibase and Redgate Flyway, offer both paid and open-source options. Paid options typically include more robust features and customer support. Support for free products is generally limited to community support, whereas paid products have dedicated representatives. Paid options usually have more automations available for deployment, targeted rollbacks and drift detection. Open source products may be a fit for a smaller company with a more limited budget, but likely do not have the customer support or features required for a larger or enterprise-scale business.

Pricing Model: Some products in this category are priced per environment, while others are priced per target. Targets are the number of data sources in an environment. As such, monthly rates listed on product websites are not necessarily comparable. When comparing products, consider reaching out to vendors for custom quotes to ensure you have an accurate comparison point.

Pricing Information

Pricing for Database DevOps products vary based on the features desired, the size of your database and the number of users. There are free products available with limited features and users. Products are generally offered on a monthly or annual subscription and are usually priced per user, per environment or per target (which is the number of data sources in each environment). Basic paid products start at $35-70 per month per environment or target. Vendors usually offer a free trial.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does Database DevOps software do?

Database DevOps software brings the DevOps process to databases. Through version control, automated deployments, script validation and rollbacks, these products allow for a more streamlined process with faster releases and fewer human errors.

What are the benefits of using Database DevOps software?

This category has open-source and paid products that are highly scalable, so everyone from small businesses to enterprise companies can see the benefits. These products are most beneficial to database administrators and developers, but can also be useful for release managers.

How much does Database DevOps software cost?

Smaller businesses may be able to use an open-source product for their Database DevOps needs. Larger companies or smaller companies with more complex needs should expect to pay a monthly or annual subscription starting between $35-70 per month per environment or target. Software in this category is priced usually based on the number of environments or targets (data sources within an environment).