How to be a better business manager from 20,000 feet

Key takeaways

  • The lessons in flying a plane can be applied to managing your business.
  • Managers, like pilots, must adhere to structure and prioritize mission-critical tasks.
  • Multi-tasking should never come at the expense of taking care of the most important tasks first.

The ability to see things from a different perspective is a valuable skill to have in life — and in business. I learned this many years ago when I had the opportunity to see my business from the unique vantage point of 20,000 feet. I had just begun flying lessons and was working on earning my pilot’s license and ratings.

Those lessons served me well; I not only walked away with a license, but also with a perspective that has helped me become a more effective business manager even today.

Managing regulations, procedures, and unexpected challenges

As anyone who has spent time learning to fly knows, piloting requires the orchestration of many tasks. Central among them is the ability to navigate rigid regulations and procedures that adhere to air traffic control systems, safety demands, and the laws of physics. It also requires the ability to focus on the most immediate and important tasks while being aware of the tasks that follow. Unexpected things can happen quickly, and breaching structure and prioritization can lead to disastrous consequences.

Not unexpectedly, my experience flying a single-engine plane in optimal weather conditions was relatively easy. However, the majority of the time I spent in training was focused on managing things out of control of the airplane — from spotting and managing system failures, to flying under instrument flight rules, to operating alongside other airplanes through the air traffic control system. Aviation axioms such as “Aviate, navigate, communicate,” which were once so foreign to me, guided me in my learning.

They also guided me in my thinking about my life outside the cockpit, particularly in my business.

Navigating business challenges

Running a business successfully is difficult. Perhaps this is not a particularly profound statement, but few will argue its veracity. Every business must operate amidst ever-changing regulatory requirements, employment guidelines, vendors, competition, employees, and customers. Businesses who disregard the norms may put themselves in peril. And although a business manager must manage many responsibilities simultaneously, they must be laser focused on prioritizing those that require the most immediate attention.

Higher level perspective

Flying a plane is a thrilling experience that provides unique opportunities to experience different viewpoints. However, you don’t really need to take flying lessons or become a pilot to heed the lessons flying can teach about effective business management. (I do, however, highly recommend it.)

More information

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