Want to own a dog or cat? Here’s how much it could cost you

Scroll through Instagram for five minutes and you’re bound to find no shortage of adorable dog and cat videos.

Dogs and cats are the best. They’re your best friend after a hard day at work, your couch buddy when you want to relax, and even a conversation starter when out in public. Some even see pets as a test-run for children.

The benefits of owning a pet are many. But still, owning one isn’t cheap. Here’s a rundown of the average annual expenses of owning a dog or cat.

How much does a dog cost?

Generally speaking, it’s more expensive to own a dog than a cat. The cost of buying or adopting a dog can vary drastically. Once you know what type of dog you want, research different breeders or adoption centers to find out how much it’ll cost you to bring your furry friend home.

Once you have your dog, here’s a sample of the yearly expenses to expect:

Surgical vet visits=$474; Routine vet=$257; Food=$235; Treats=$72; Kennel boarding=$322; Vitamins=$58; Grooming=$84; Toys=$47; Total=$1,549 per year

Source: 2017-2018 American Pet Products Association National Pet Owners Survey

How much does a cat cost?

Cats, on the other hand, tend to be more affordable than dogs. Still, the annual expenses are nothing to scoff at:

Surgical vet visits=$245; Routine vet=$182; Food=$235; Treats=$56; Kennel boarding=$164; Vitamins=$46; Grooming=$30; Toys=$30; Total=$988 per year

Source: 2017-2018 American Pet Products Association National Pet Owners Survey

What to remember

These days, young adults are taking longer to get married and buy a house, so owning a dog or cat can be one of the first milestones of your adulthood. Just make sure now’s the right time to own a pet.

Can you afford the yearly expense of owning a dog or cat? Does your apartment complex allow pets? Do you have enough space to accommodate it? Who will take care of it while you’re at work?

These are important questions to answer before you go forward with owning a dog or cat. If, for example, you’re in a crammed apartment or on a limited budget, consider waiting a year or two before you welcome a dog or cat into your life.

More information

Are you ready to own a dog or cat? Learn how you can fit the expense into your budget by getting a Citizens Checkup at your nearest Citizens branch.

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