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A timed task in The Witcher: Monster Slayer is a set of contracts, which the player must complete within a week in order to obtain the main prize. An inventory of timed tasks is listed below.

Wild wererat[]

Main reward: Bait (5), crafting station, Twms currency gold coin500

Task Reward
Kill 30 WILD WERERATS Range scroll (3)
Gather 50 CURSED REMAINS by killing WILD WERERATS. Swift (5)
Kill 5 WILD WERERATS in 30 min. Moon Dust
Gather 50 CURSED REMAINS by killing WILD WERERATS. Swift (5)
Kill a WILD WERERAT without performing MELEE ATTACKS. Summoning scroll
Kill a WILD WERERAT in less than 30 s without dealing KINETIC damage. Basic bomb (2)
Kill a WILD WERERAT while performing at least 5 PERFECT PARRIES. Grapeshot


Main reward: Bait (5), crafting station, Twms currency gold coin500

Task Reward
Kill 50 monsters from the OGROID class. Moon Dust (3)
Gather 100 OGROID REMAINS. Relic oil (5)
Craft 10 OGROID OILS. Grapeshot
Kill any 3 NEKKERS after performing at least 5 PERFECT PARRIES. Swallow (5)
Kill any CYCLOPS in less than 30 s. Petri's Philter (3)
Kill any TROLL using only BOMBS. Tawny owl (5)
Kill any monster from the OGROID class while using only SIGNS. Summoning scroll


Main reward: Bait (5), crafting station, Twms currency gold coin500

Task Reward
Kill 3 STINGERS. Dancing Star (3)
Kill monsters from the CURSED class without dealing any STEEL or FIRE damage. Blizzard (5)
Gather 50 VAMPIRE REMAINS. Petri's Philter (5)
Craft 10 CURSED OILS. Wolverine (3)
Kill a STINGER while using a POTION an OIL, a BOMB and a SIGN. Range scroll
Kill a STINGER without dealing any KINETIC or FIRE damage. Summoning scroll (2)


Main reward: Bait (5), crafting station, Twms currency gold coin500

Task Reward
Kill 3 LESHENS. Dancing Star (3)
Kill 3 LESHEN HOUNDS. Elemental oil (5)
Gather 50 ELEMENTAL REMAINS. Swift (5)
Craft 10 RELICT OILS. Squall (3)
Kill a LESHEN without dealing any FIRE damage. Grapeshot (2)
Kill a LESHEN HOUND less than 30 without dealing any KINETIC damage. Experience scroll (2)
Kill a LESHEN without performing any MELEE ATTACK. Summoning scroll (1)

Midinváerne event[]

Main reward: Incandescent Heart, festive crafting station, Twms currency gold coin300

Task Reward
Kill 5 ICE ELEMENTA. Summoning scroll (2)
Kill 50 monsters of the ELEMENTAL class. Wolverine (5)
Gather 50 HYBRID REMAINS. Elemental oil (7)
Kill 10 monsters of the ELEMENTAL class while using ELEMENTAL OIL. Snowball (5)
Kill 20 monsters of the ELEMENTAL class while using SNOWBALLS. Gingerbread
Kill an ICE ELEMENTAL in less than 30 s without using SIGNS. Poppy cake
Kill an ICE ELEMENTAL without performing any MELEE ATTACKS. Hot chocolate

Ice ogroids[]

Main reward: Bait (2), festive crafting station (3), Twms currency gold coin500

Task Reward
Kill 5 ICE GIANTS. Dancing Star (2)
Kill 5 ICE TROLLS. Blizzard (5)
Kill 10 monsters from the OGROID class while using OGROID OIL. Snowball (5)
Kill 3 ICE GIANTS or ICE TROLLS while using SNOWBALLS. Hot chocolate
Kill an ICE GIANT or an ICE TROLL in less than 30 s using only MELEE ATTACKS. Poppy cake (2)
Kill an ICE GIANT using BOMBS. Gingerbread (2)
Kill an ICE TROLL without dealing any KINETIC damage. Summoning scroll

Wererat warrior[]

Main reward: Bait (3), crafting station, Twms currency gold coin300

Task Reward
Kill 30 WERERAT WARRIORS. Range scroll (2)
Gather 30 cursed remains by killing WERERAT WARRRIORS. Swift (3)
Kill 30 WERERAT WARRIORS in 30 min. Moon Dust
Kill 10 WERERAT WARRIORS using CURSED OIL. Summoning scroll
kill WERERAT WARRIOR in less than 10 s whiteout dealing KINETIC damage. Basic bomb
Kill a WERERAT WARRIOR by performing at least 3 PERFECT PARRIES. Grapeshot

Kikimore warrior[]

Main reward: Bait (3), crafting station, Twms currency gold coin300

Task Reward
Kill 15 KIKIMORE WARRIORS. Experience scroll
Kill a KIKIMORE WARRIOR in less than 15 s. Basic bomb
Kill a KIKIMORE WARRIOR using only BOMBS. Relict oil
Kill 3 KIKIMORE WARRIORS without dealing any KINETIC or FIRE damage. Wolverine (3)
Gather 50 units of POWDERED MONSTER TISSUE. Range scroll (2)
Craft 10 INSECTOID OILS. Basic bomb (2)

Vizimian archespore[]

Main reward: Bait (3), crafting station, Twms currency gold coin300

Task Reward
Kill 15 VIZIMIAN ARCHESPORES. Experience scroll
Kill monsters from the CURSED class without dealing any SILVER or FIRE damage. Cursed oil (3)
Gather 50 units of POWDERED MONSTER TISSUE. Swallow (4)
Craft 10 CURSED OILS. Moon Dust
Kill 3 VIZIMIAN ARCHESPORES after using a POTION, an OIL, a BOMB, and a SIGN. Lesser summoning scroll
Kill a VIZIMIAN ARCHESPORE in less than 20 s without dealing any FIRE damage. Wolverine (3)


Main reward: Bait (3), crafting station, Twms currency gold coin300

Task Reward
Kill 50 ARACHASAE. Ingredients scroll (2)
Kill 10 ARACHASAE while using INSECTOID OIL. Tawny owl (5)
Kill 2 COMMON ARACHASAE using only SIGNS. Dancing Star
Kill a HERMIT ARACHASAE using only BOMBS. Blizzard (3)
Kill 2 ROYAL ARACHASAE without performing any MELEE ATTACKS. Wolverine (3)
Kill 2 VENOMOUS ARACHASAE without dealing any FIRE damage. Range scroll
Gather 50 units of POWDERED MONSTER TISSUE. Experience scroll


Main reward: Bait (3), crafting station, Twms currency gold coin500

Task Reward
Kill 15 CALIDI. Range scroll (2)
Kill 10 monsters from the SPECTER class while using SPECTER OIL. Swift (3)
Kill a CALIDUS after performing at least 5 PERFECT PARRIES. Wolverine (3)
Kill 3 CALIDI without using any BOMBS or SIGNS. Grapeshot
Kill a CALIDUS without performing any MELEE ATTACKS. Experience scroll
Gather 50 units of POWDERED MONSTER TISSUE. Specter oil (3)

Season of love - Succubi[]

Main reward: Bait (3), crafting station, Twms currency gold coin500

Task Reward
Kill any 50 SUCCUBI. Experience scroll (2)
Kill 15 NIGHT SUCCUBI. Perfume (2)
Kill any 5 SUCCUBI in 30 min. Chocolates (3)
Kill any SUCCUBI in less than 15 s without dealing any KINETIC damage. Love note (2)
Defeat 3 NIGHT SUCCUBI after performing at least 4 PERFECT CRITICALS. Summoning scroll
Kill a NIGHT SUCCUBUS using only SIGNS. Grapeshot
Gather 50 units of POWDERED MONSTER TISSUE. Tawny owl (3)


Main reward: Bait (3), crafting station, Twms currency gold coin500

Task Reward
Kill 5 D'AO. Experience scroll
Kill 20 monsters from the ELEMENTAL class. Dimeritium bomb (2)
Gather 50 units of POWDERED MONSTER TISSUE. Summoning scroll
Kill 10 monsters from the ELEMENTAL class while using ELEMENTAL OIL. Swift (2)
Kill a D'AO without using any BOMBS. Swallow (2)
Kill a D'AO without performing any MELEE ATTACKS. Blizzard (2)
Kill a D'AO after performing at least 3 PERFECT PARRIES and 3 PERFECT CRITICALS. Dimeritium bomb


Main reward: Bait (3), crafting station, Twms currency gold coin500

Task Reward
Kill any 50 WYVENRS. Experience scroll
Kill 5 COPPER WYVERNS. Wolverine (5)
Kill 10 WYVERNS while using DRACONID OIL. Swift (3)
Kill a ROYAL WYVERN in less than 30 s without dealing FIRE damage. Basic bomb (2)
Kill a ROYLAL WYVERN while using only SIGNS. Draconid oil (2)
Kill a ROYLAL WYVERN while using only MELEE ATTACKS. Petri's Philter (3)
Gather 50 units of POWDERED MONSTER TISSUE. Summoning scroll

Wererat gatherer[]

Main reward: Bait (3), crafting station, Twms currency gold coin500

Task Reward
Kill 15 WERERAT GATHERERS. Range scroll (2)
Gather 50 CURSED REMAINS by killing WERERATS. Swift (3)
Kill 3 WERERAT GATHERERS in 30 min. Moon Dust
Kill 10 WERERAT GATHERERS while using CURSED OIL. Summoning scroll
Kill a WERERAT GATHERER in less than 30 s without dealing any KINETIC damage. Basic bomb
Kill a WERERAT GATHERER after performing at least 5 PERFECT PARRIES. Grapeshot


Main reward: Bait (3), crafting station, Twms currency gold coin300

Task Reward
Kill an ANCIENT LESHEN. Experience scroll
Kill a TORMENTED. Summoning scroll
Kill a TARRY CHORT. Range scroll (2)
Kill a DUNG SHAELMAAR. Ingredients scroll
Kill any LEGENDARY monster from the RELICT class without dealing any FIRE or KINETIC damage. Grapeshot (2)
Kill any LEGENDARY monster from the RELICT class without dealing any MELEE ATTACKS. Swallow (5)
Kill 3 LEGENDARY monsters from the RELICT class after performing at least SPERFECT PARRIES. Moon Dust (2)

Dark knight[]

Main reward: Bait (3), crafting station, Twms currency gold coin500

Task Reward
Kill 30 DARK KNIGHTS. Range scroll
Kill 10 monsters from the SPECTER class while using SPECTER OIL. Swift (3)
Kill 5 DARK KNIGHTS after performing at least 3 PERFECT PARRIES. Wolverine (3)
Kill a DARK KNIGHT in less than 15 s without using any BOMBS or SIGNS. Grapeshot
Kill a DARK KNIGHT without performing any MELEE ATTACKS. Experience scroll
Gather 50 units of POWDERED MONSTER TISSUE. Specter oil


Main reward: Bait (3), crafting station, Twms currency gold coin500

Task Reward
Kill 5 D'JINN. Experience scroll
Kill 20 monsters from the ELEMENTAL class. Dimeritium bomb (2)
Gather 50 units of POWDERED MONSTER TISSUE. Summoning scroll
Kill 10 monsters from the ELEMENTAL class while using ELEMENTAL OIL. Swift (2)
Kill a D'JINN without using BOMBS. Swallow (2)
Kill a D'JINN without performing any MELEE ATTACKS. Blizzard (2)
Kill a D'JINN after performing at least 3 PERFECT PARRIES. Dimeritium bomb

Headless Nobleman[]

Main reward: Bait (3), crafting station, Twms currency gold coin500

Task Reward
Kill 15 HEADLESS NOBLEMEN. Experience scroll
Kill 5 monsters from the SPECTER class without dealing any SILVER damage. Cat (3)
Gather 50 units of POWDERED MONSTER TISSUE. Lesser summoning scroll (2)
Craft 10 SPECTER OILS. Moon Dust
Kill 3 HEADLESS NOBLEMEN after using a POTION, an OIL, a BOMB, and a SIGN. Wolverine (3)
Kill a HEADLESS NOBLEMAN without using any BOMBS or SIGNS. Swallow (3)
Kill 3 HEADLESS NOBLEMEN after performing at least 3 PERFECT PARRIES. Specter oil (2)


Main reward: Bait (3), crafting station, Twms currency gold coin300

Task Reward
Kill 50 monsters from the NECROPHAGE class. Experience scroll
Kill 30 GRAVE HAGS. Basic bomb (2)
Kill 15 BURIERS. Necrophage oil (2)
Kill 3 GRAVE HAGS. Summoning scroll
Kill 5 GRAVE HAGS in 30 min. Moon Dust
Kill a BURIER in less than 30 s without dealing any KINETIC damage. Wolverine (3)
Kill a GRAVE HAG without using any SIGNS. Lesser summoning scroll


Main reward: Moon Dust (6), Experience scroll (2), Twms currency crystal85

Task Reward
Kill 5 EKHIDNAS. Twms currency gold coin200
Kill 20 monsters from the HYBRID class. Hybrid bait (2)
Gather 50 units of POWDERED MONSTER TISSUE. Hybrid oil (2)
Kill 10 monsters from the HYBRID class while using HYBRID OIL. Wolverine (2)
Kill an EKHIDNA without using SIGNS. Range scroll
Kill an EKHIDNA after performing at least 3 PERFECT PARRIES and at least 3 PERFECT CRITICAL HITS. Basic bomb (4)


Main reward: Moon Dust (6), Experience scroll (2), Twms currency crystal85

Task Reward
Kill 15 RUSSET FUNGOIDS. Twms currency gold coin200
Craft 5 HYBRID OILS. Hybrid bait (2)
Gather 50 units of POWDERED MONSTER TISSUE. Hybrid oil (2)
Kill a RUSSET FUNGOID without performing MELEE ATTACKS. Squall (2)
Kill a RUSSET FUNGOID without dealing any KINETIC or FIRE damage. Range scroll
Kill a RUSSET FUNGOID after performing at least 3 PERFECT PARRIES and 3 PERFECT CRITICAL HITS. Dancing Star (4)


Main reward: Dancing Star (6), Experience scroll (2), Twms currency crystal85

Task Reward
Kill any 50 CHORTS. Twms currency gold coin200
Kill a TARRY CHORT without using BOMBS. Ogroid oil (2)
Gather 50 units of POWDERED MONSTER TISSUE. Tawny owl (2)
Kill a CHORT without using SIGNS. Range scroll
Kill a TARRY CHORT after performing at least 3 PERFECT PARRIES and at least 3 PERFECT CRITICAL .HITS Basic bomb (4)

Runic gargoyle[]

Main reward: Moon Dust (6), Experience scroll (2), Twms currency crystal85

Task Reward
Kill 15 RUNIC GARGOYLES. Twms currency gold coin200
Gather 50 BUNDLES OF HERBS. Elementa bait (2)
Kill 10 monsters from the ELEMENTAL class while using ELEMENTAL OIL. Tawny owl (2)
Kill 3 RUNIC GARGOYLES without using any BOMBS or SIGNS. Range scroll
Kill a RUNIC GARGOYLE after performing at least 3 PERFECT PARRIES. Grapeshot (4)

Cursed legendaries[]

Main reward: Dancing Star (6), Experience scroll (2), Twms currency crystal85

Task Reward
Kill 3 WHITE STRIGAS. Twms currency gold coin200
Gather 50 units of POWDERED MONSTER TISSUE. Cursed one bait (2)
Kill 3 THUNDSTERS. Elemental oil (2)
Kill 3 LEGENDARY monsters from the CURSED class without dealing any FIRE damage. Petri's Philter (2)
Kill 2 LEGENDARY monsters from the CURSED class without using SIGNS. Range scroll
Kill 2 LEGENDARY monsters from the CURSED class after performing at least 3 PERFECT PARRIES and 3 PERFECT CRITICAL HITS. Basic bomb (4)


Main reward: Dancing Star (6), Experience scroll (2), Twms currency crystal85

Task Reward
Kill 20 ADUMBRAL BRUKOLAKS. Twms currency gold coin300
Kill 30 monsters from the VAMPIRE class. Insectoid oil
Kill 30 monsters from the INSECTOID class. Dancing Star (3)
Gather 25 INSECTOID REMAINS. Vampire oil
Craft 5 VAMPIRE OILS. Swift (2)
Kill 5 VAMPIRES without performing any MELEE ATTACKS. Range scroll
Kill 3 ADUMBRAL BRUKOLAKS without using SIGNS. Moon Dust (3)


Main reward: Moon Dust (6), Experience scroll (2), Twms currency crystal85

Task Reward
Kill 30 COMMON WEREMOLES. Twms currency gold coin300
Gather 50 units of POWDERED MONSTER TISSUE. Hybrid oil
Kill 35 monsters from the CURSED ONES class while using CURSED OIL. Blizzard
Kill 5 COMMON WEREMOLES without using SIGNS. Basic bomb (3)
Kill 3 COMMON WEREMOLES without using any BOMBS or SIGNS. Cat
Kill 3 COMMON WEREMOLES after performing at least 2 PERFECT PARRIES and 2 PERFECT CRITICAL HITS in each of these fights. Moon Dust (3)
It's the full moon. Kill 10 WEREWOLVES. Range scroll

Nekker Bonecrusher[]

Main reward: Moon Dust (6), Experience scroll (2), Twms currency crystal85

Task Reward
Kill 15 NEKKER BONECRUSHERS. Twms currency gold coin200
Gather 30 OGROID REMAINS by killing NEKKERS. Tawny owl (7)
Kill any 2 NEKKERS without using SIGNS. Dancing Star (3)
Kill 3 NEKKER BONECRUSHERS without using any BOMBS or SIGNS. Blizzard (5)
Kill a NEKKER BONECRUSHER after performing at least 3 PERFECT PARRIES. Range scroll (3)


Main reward: Grapeshot (6), Experience scroll (1), Twms currency crystal85

Task Reward
Kill any 25 HARPIES. Twms currency gold coin300
Kill 35 monsters from the HYBRID class. Swift (2)
Gather 30 HYBRID REMAINS. Hybrid oil
Kill 2 ERYNIAS while using HYBRID OIL. Grapeshot (3)
Kill 10 monsters from the HYBRID class without using BOMBS. Swallow (2)
Kill 5 GREEN HARPIES without using SIGNS. Ingredients scroll
Kill 2 ERYNIAS without performing any MELEE ATTACKS. Thunderbolt

1st Anniversary event[]

Main reward: Experience scroll (1), Armor of the Nameless, Twms currency crystal85

Task Reward
Kill 30 RARE monsters from the CURSED ONES class without dealing any SILVER or FIRE damage. Twms currency gold coin300
Kill 25 monsters from the DRACONID class without using SIGNS. Dancing Star (5)
Kill 5 LEGENDARY monsters from the ELEMENTAL class while using ELEMENTAL OIL. Moon Dust (5)
Kill any 25 RARE monsters from the INSECTOID class without dealing any KINETIC or FIRE damage. Range scroll (2)
Kill any 50 COMMON monsters from the INSECTOID class without using SIGNS. Elemental oil (2)
Kill 5 RARE monsters from the SPECTER class after using a POTION, an OIL, a BOMB and a SIGN. Petri's Philter (3)
Kill 15 monsters from the NECROPHAGE class without performing any MELEE ATTACKS. Thunderbolt (3)
Kill 8 monsters from the OGROID class in 30 min. Specter oil (2)
Gather 35 RELICT REMAINS. Blizzard (3)
Kill 3 LEGENDARY VAMPIRES after performing at least 2 PERFECT PARRIES and 1 PERFECT CRITICAL HIT in each of these fights. Ingredients scroll (2)


Main reward: Dancing Star (8), Experience scroll, Twms currency crystal110

Task Reward
Kill 50 COMMON FUNGOIDS. Twms currency gold coin300
Kill 15 RARE monsters from the OGROID class. Ingredients scroll (2)
Gather 30 OGROID REMAINS. Hybrid oil
Craft 5 HYBRID OILS. Dancing Star (3)
Kill 5 RUSSET FUNGOIDS while using HYBRID OIL. Swift
Kill 5 FUNGOIDS without dealing any STEEL or FIRE damage. Ogroid oil
Kill 3 RUSSET FUNGOIDS without using SIGNS. Moon Dust (3)

Liliaceous Archespore[]

Main reward: Grapeshot (8), Range scroll, Twms currency crystal50

Task Reward
Kill 15 LILIACEOUS ARCHESPORES. Twms currency gold coin300
Kill 5 monsters from the CURSED class without dealing any SILVER or FIRE damage. Thunderbolt
Gather 50 units of POWDERED MONSTER TISSUE. Hybrid oil (2)
Craft 5 CURSED OILS. Swallow (2)
Kill 3 LILIACEOUS ARCHESPORES after using a POTION, an OIL, a BOMB, and a SIGN. Basic bomb (3)
Kill a LILIACEOUS ARCHESPORE in less than 20 s without dealing any FIRE damage. Swift (2)

First Lammas Task - Bloody Fields[]

Main reward: Moon Dust (6), Experience scroll, Twms currency crystal85

Task Reward
Kill 5 BLOODY FIELDS. Twms currency gold coin300
Kill 10 monsters from the SPECTER class while using SPECTER OIL. Thunderbolt (3)
Kill 3 BLOODY FIELDS without performing any MELEE ATTACKS. Blizzard (3)
Kill 3 BLOODY FIELDS after performing at least 3 PERFECT PARRIES and 3 PERFECT CRITICAL HITS in each of these fights. Hybrid oil (2)

Second Lammas Task - Sylvans[]

Main reward: Dancing Star (8), Range scroll (1), Twms currency crystal110

Task Reward
Kill a HARROWER - a monster that appears during Lammas. Twms currency gold coin300
Kill a MULCHER - a monster that appears during Lammas. Relict oil (3)
Kill 3 regular SYLVANS without using any bombs. Grapeshot (4)
Kill 3 monsters from the relict class after performing at least 3 PERFECT PARRIES. Petri's Philter (2)

Third Lammas Task - Scareman[]

Main reward: Experience scroll, Khopesh, Twms currency crystal85

Task Reward
Kill 50 SCAREMAN. ?
Gather 35 POWDERED MONSTER TISSUE from ELEMENTAL class monsters. Elemental oil (3)
Kill 10 SCAREMEN without using any SIGNS. ?
? ?

Forth Lammas Task - Swarm Mother[]

Main reward: Dancing Star (6), Experience scroll, Twms currency crystal85

Task Reward
Kill 2 SWARM MOTHERS. Twms currency gold coin300
Kill 35 monsters from the VAMPIRE class without using SIGNS. Hybrid oil (3)
Kill a SWARM MOTHER while using a POTION, an OIL, a BOMB, and a SIGN. Blizzard (2)
Kill a SWARM MOTHER after performing at least 5 PERFECT PARRIES. Dancing Star (5)


Main reward: Dancing Star (8), Range scroll, 110 crystal

Task Reward
Kill any 25 FORKTAILS. Twms currency gold coin300
Gather 50 BUNDLES OF HERBS. Draconid oil
Kill any 15 FORKTAILS while using DRACONID OIL. Dancing Star (3)
Kill 5 BLUE FORKTAILS in less than 20 s without dealing any KINETIC damage. Range scroll
Kill any 5 FORKTAILS without using SIGNS. Thunderbolt
Kill 4 BLUE FORKTAILS while using only MELEE ATTACKS. Ingredients scroll (2)
Gather 50 units of POWDERED MONSTER TISSUE. Swallow (3)

Greater Gernichora[]

Main reward: Moondust (8), Range scroll, Twms currency crystal110

Task Reward
Kill 2 GREATER GERNICHORAS. Twms currency gold coin300
Kill 50 monsters from the RELICT class. Relict oil
Kill 25 monsters from the ELEMENTAL class while using ELEMENTAL OIL. Squall (2)
Craft 5 RELICT OILS. Elemental oil
Kill 3 GREATER GERNICHORAS after using a POTION, an OIL, a BOMB, and a SIGN. Moon Dust (3)
Kill 2 LEGENDARY monsters from the RELICT class without performing any MELEE ATTACKS. Grapeshot (7)
Kill a GREATER GERNICHORA after performing at least 3 PERFECT PARRIES. Range scroll


Main reward: Grapeshot (8), Range scroll, Twms currency crystal110

Task Reward
Kill 30 monsters from the SPECTER class. Twms currency gold coin300
Gather 50 BUNDLES OF HERBS. Specter oil
Kill 15 RARE monsters from the SPECTER class while using SPECTER OIL. Thunderbolt
Kill 25 COMMON monsters from the SPECTER class without using any SIGNS. Range scroll
Gather 50 units of POWDERED MONSTER TISSUE. Swift (2)
Kill 5 VOICELESS without using any MELEE attacks. Blizzard (2)
Kill 3 PENITENTS after performing at least 2 PERFECT PARRIES and 2 PERFECT CRITICAL HITS during one fight. Dancing Star (3)


Main reward: Dancing Star (8), Range scroll, Twms currency crystal110

Task Reward
Kill 30 HIVERS. Twms currency gold coin300
Kill 25 monsters from the VAMPIRE class. Swallow (2)
Gather 30 VAMPIRE REMAINS. Hybrid oil
Craft 5 CURSED OILS. Vampire oil
Kill 5 HIVERS without using SIGNS. Ingredients scroll (2)
Kill 5 HIVERS without dealing any STEEL or FIRE damage. Swift (2)
Kill 5 HIVERS in 30 min. Moon Dust (3)


Main reward: Moon Dust (8), Range scroll, Twms currency crystal110

Task Reward
Kill 10 LIHOS. Twms currency gold coin200
Kill 25 monsters from the ELEMENTAL class while using ELEMENTAL OIL. Thunderbolt (2)
Craft 5 RELICT OILS. Relict oil
Gather 50 BUNDLES OF HERBS. Elemental oil
Kill 3 LIHOS without using SIGNS. Ingredients scroll (2)
Kill a LIHO after performing at least 3 PERFECT PARRIES. Grapeshot (3)


Main reward: Grapeshot (8), Range scroll, Twms currency crystal110

Task Reward
Kill 35 ECHINOPSAE. Twms currency gold coin300
Kill 35 monsters from the HYBRID class. Swift (3)
Gather 30 HYBRID REMAINS. Thunderbolt (3)
Kill 25 monsters from the ELEMENTAL class while using ELEMENTAL OIL. Hybrid oil (2)
Kill 5 monsters from the ELEMENTAL class after using CHESTNUT. Elemental oil (2)
Kill 3 ECHINOPSAE without using SIGNS. Chestnut (4)
Kill 5 ECHINOPSAE without performing any MELEE ATTACKS. Ingredients scroll (2)


Main reward: Moon Dust (8), Range scroll, Twms currency crystal110

Task Reward
Kill 30 ENDREGAS. Twms currency gold coin300
Kill 25 monsters from the SPECTER class while using SPECTER OIL. Thunderbolt (2)
Gather 50 BUNDLES OF HERBS. Specter oil
Craft 5 INSECTOID OILS. Grapeshot (3)
Kill 5 ENDREGA DRONES without using SIGNS. Range scroll
Kill an ENDREGA WARRIOR without dealing any STEEL or FIRE damage. Blizzard
Kill 3 ENDREGA CHARGERS after performing at least 3 PERFECT PARRIES and 1 PERFECT CRITICAL HIT in each of these fights. Ingredients scroll (2)