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This page is a list of all armor currently known for The Witcher: Monster Slayer. Most are available through Thorstein's shop.

Image M Image F Name Effect Price
Twms armor adepts male
Twms armor adepts female
Adept's Armor A part of the starting inventory. 0
Twms armor feline male
Twms armor feline female
Feline Armor Damage from UNPARRIED hits is reduced by 15%. Twms currency gold coin3,400
Twms armor griffin male
Twms armor griffin female
Griffin Armor Each successful PARRY reflects 10% of damage back at the opponent. Twms currency gold coin6,800
Twms armor manticore male
Twms armor manticore female
Manticore Armor Actual effect: Both heavy attacks and fast attacks charge the CRITICAL HIT METER. The type of attack the opponent is vulnerable to charges the CRITICAL STRIKE METER at a higher rate.

Old effect: Automatically applies White Gull potion before each fight, increasing the effectiveness of other WITCHER POTIONS by 100%.

Twms currency gold coin6,800
Twms armor ursine male
Twms armor ursine female
Ursine Armor Decharging the CRITICAL HIT METER from receiving damage is decreased by 80%. Twms currency gold coin3,400
Twms armor wolven male
Twms armor wolven female
Wolven Armor Grants a 50% chance of dropping extra ALCHEMY INGREDIENTS for defeating monsters. Twms currency gold coin6,800
Twms armor kaer morhen male
Twms armor kaer morhen female
Kaer Morhen Armor Increases EXPERIENCE POINTS gain for killing monsters by 25%. Twms currency gold coin12,000
TWMS Hermits Armor Male
Hermit's Armor Loss of CRITICAL HIT METER charge upon taking damage is lowered by 20%. n/a[1]
Twms armor of the nameless male
Twms armor of the nameless female
Armor of the Nameless Increases damage dealt by SIGNS by 50%. n/a[2]


  1. Hermit's Armor is acquired by completing the quest Sins of our Fathers by breaking the striga's curse.
  2. Armor of the Nameless is acquired by completing timed tasks during the 1st anniversary event.