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In The Witcher: Monster Slayer, Contracts are optional small quests which the character can undertake in exchange for gold coins.

Contracts are accessed through the contract menu in the lower right corner of the map view.

Daily Tasks[]

After the November 2021 update, 3 contracts are given a day. If a contract has not been completed, completing one the next day frees up a slot and the third (or second, etc) contract of the new day will appear again.

One contract can be changed once a day by pressing the circular-arrow reload icon in the upper right corner of the page. After this it is possible to 'delete' a contract by pressing the trashbin icon, which has the same effect as completing it would be, without rewards.

Daily Hunt[]

In addition, the first kill of a day gives a stamp shown on the Daily Hunt stamp list. One stamp can be earned a day, and collecting 5 stamps rewards a summoning scroll.

Timed Tasks[]

An additional set of themed "Timed Tasks" have been added in the November update into a tab behind the daily, which can provide additional rewards and coins if they are all completed. Occasionally, there have been bugs in claiming specific missions even though they show up as complete, and the fixes have been prompt.

It is worth noting that in the timed tasks, the phrasing "Kill <monster> while using only <something>", for example "Kill any monster from the OGROID class while using only SIGNS", means that:

  • You can do damage with signs, obviously, but also
  • You may use potions and oils, AND
  • It is also ok to cause and avoid damage as a side effect of normal or perfect parrying.

In other words, to "kill only by using signs" means you must kill without using fast or strong attacks or bombs, but all other boosters are fine. Similarly killing only with bombs allows parrying, but probably not any signs.

Inventory of Potential Daily Tasks[]

Note: After the May 2022 update, task rewards have changed (seems that they have increased). Those appearing above "Craft oils" are validated to have appeared after the update.

Name Description Reward Notes
Witcher: The Professional Kill 4 monsters while using oil 60 Use an oil and kill 4 monsters. Note that bear fat (25) and repair (30) costs of one oil mean that using this contract to kill commons is only worth 5 coins, so you may want to switch it if you have no other uses for oil.
Swordmaster Parry an opponent's attack 10 times. 60 To parry, press and hold when the red 'attack warning' lights. Accumulates over multiple fights.
Not Quite Dragons Kill 3 monsters from the draconid class. 95 For example wyverns and forktails appear during the day. See also Bestiary.
Craft oils Craft 3 basic oils. 50 Access the crafting station in your inventory. 3 basic oils require a total of 15 Powdered monster tissue (from monster kills and Alchemist's packs) and 9 Bundles of herbs (harvested from the map or from Herbalist's packs)
Use oils Use 2 basic oils. 50 An oil can be applied to the weapon in the start of the battle by selecting it into the oil slot.
Craft bombs Craft 2 basic bombs. 50 2 basic bombs will require total of 10 Powdered monster tissue, 6 Bundles of herbs, and 2 Roots (harvested from the map or from Herbalist's packs).
Throw bombs Throw 3 basic bombs. 50 Bombs can be brewn in the inventory and are used in battle selection. The battle does not need to be won for the throws to count.
Burn 'em All Kill 3 monsters vulnerable to fire. 50 The vulnerabilities of a monster can see in the Bestiary. It is not required to use a fire attack.
They're Both for Monsters Kill 3 monsters vulnerable to steel. 50 The vulnerabilities of a monster can see in the Bestiary.
Parry 5 attacks. 50 Parry an attack from a monster in combat by pressing and holding when the red attack warning sign appears above the critical hit bar.
Demonsterization Clear 1 nemeton. 50 Nemeta can only be accessed at level 10. They appear tree-like by walking around on the map.
Grumpy old creatures Kill 3 monsters from the relict class. 80 The class of a monster can be shown in the Bestiary.
Full moon rising Kill 1 werewolf. 100 A werewolf will only appear during full moon and has a one skull difficulty level. See also: Bestiary.
Wet nightmare Kill 3 monsters that usually live near water. 80 For example Water Hags. Rain helps (potentially snowing as well). See also: Bestiary.
Ghostslayer Kill 5 monsters from the specter class. 50 Wraiths are reasonably available easy monsters in the evening time. See also: Bestiary.
Cadaver-eaters Kill 3 ghouls. 80 See also: Bestiary.
Two in One Kill 5 monsters from the hybrid class. 50 For example the succubus. See also: Bestiary.
Grumpy Old Creatures Kill 5 monsters from the relict class. 50 For example the Spriggan Hound. See also: Bestiary.
Deadly Swing Kill 3 monsters with a tail. 80 For example the wererat. See also: Bestiary.
On the Path Travel a distance of at least 1 km. 50 Go for a walk.
As Strong as a Horse Perform 20 strong attacks. 50 To perform a strong attack, swipe more slowly during a fight. These do not need to be completed in a single fight.
Soaking Dead Kill 3 drowners. 80 Drowners spawn near water or during rain. See also: Bestiary.
Ogre My Dead Body Kill 5 monsters from the ogroid class. 50 For example nekkers. See also: Bestiary.
Full of Terrors Kill 1 nocturnal monster. 80 For example a vampire. See also: Bestiary.
High Noon Kill 1 noonwraith. 100 The noonwraith spawns only around midday. See also: Bestiary.
The Magician Cast signs 2 times in 1 fight. 50 Any sign will do, for example igni.
Perform 10 critical hits.
Business as Ususal Kill 10 common monsters. 50
Vertical Kill 3 monsters moving on two limbs. 50
Small but ferocious Kill 3 nekkers. 80
Out of Their Element Kill 3 elementa class monsters. 80
Consequently strong Perform 8 strong attacks in 1 fight. 50
Consequently fast Perform 8 fast attacks in 1 fight. 50
On Your Guard Parry an opponent's attacks 3 times in 1 fight. 50
Fiery Surprise Cast Igni 3 times in 1 fight. 50
Big-Game Hunting Kill 5 monsters vurnerable to strong attacks. 50
Silver Lining Kill 3 monsters vurnerable to silver. 50
Boy, Do They Suck! Kill 3 monsters from the vampire class. 80 (v1.1)
95 (v1.2)
Deadly Fast Kill 5 monsters vurnerable to fast attacks. 50
Well-oiled Craft 3 oils. 50
Quick as the Wind Perform 30 fast attacks. 50
Above the Ground Kill 3 flying monsters. 80
Pest control Kill 5 monsters from the insectoid class. 50
Brewing Craft 3 witcher potions. 60 (v1.2)