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Crafting in The Witcher: Monster Slayer required an alchemy station and appropriate ingredients obtained from monsters or bought at the store. To craft an item, one needed to gather ingredients specified in a recipe, and then wait a certain amount of time. Waiting time could be shortened by paying gold (v1.1) or crystals (v1.2). The crafting system differed with the game version.

Crafting in version 1.1[]

The player was granted 1 crafting station, which had no usage limit. The game sometimes rewarded users with an additional basic crafting station. However, it had a limited number of uses. When the limit was depleted, the station was removed from inventory. The store offered a variety of crafting stations, including seasonal ones. It was possible to craft potions, oils and bombs.

Table of crafting stations available in version 1.1[]

Name Number of uses Price
A Crafting Station unlimited n/a
Basic Crafting Station 20 Twms currency gold coin300
Reinforced Crafting Station 100 Twms currency gold coin1200
Festive Crafting Station ? Twms currency gold coin300

Crafting in version 1.2[]

The use limit was replaced with the durability meter. Each fully functioning station equaled 100 points. When an item was crafted, a respective amount of points were substracted. When the meter dropped to 0, the player had an option to pay Twms currency gold coin200 to repair the basic station, or buy an additional station for Twms currency crystal100. The game allowed a maximum of 6 stations in the crafting tab. The only station available for purchase was the basic one, as the others were removed from the store. In order to craft an item, in addition to gathered ingredients, the player had to buy an appropriate base - White Gull, bear fat or linen cloth. It was possible to craft potions, oils and baits. The ability to craft bombs had been removed.

The amount of durability points needed to craft items[]

Durability points Items
5 Tawny Owl, Swallow, Falcon
10 Petri's Philter
15 Thunderbolt, Swift, all oils
150 Universal bait
200 Class-specific baits